Snowflakes react to Trump's inauguration speech. Terrified over Trump's wow to put an end...


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
To Radical Islamic terrorism.


We knew they were pro terrorism, but most at least have the common decency to keep their mouth's shut.

She must have forgot that she wasn't in her echo chamber... and got spanked again and again. Rest of the story: Writer rips Trump's vow to end 'radical Islamic terrorism'
He;s hard at work today doing just that, and will be for a long time.

He is fundamentally transforming the United States back to normal.
To Radical Islamic terrorism.


We knew they were pro terrorism, but most at least have the common decency to keep their mouth's shut.

She must have forgot that she wasn't in her echo chamber... and got spanked again and again. Rest of the story: Writer rips Trump's vow to end 'radical Islamic terrorism'

She'd look good in an orange jumpsuit in Gitmo.

Alternatively drop her from altitude into ISIS territory, I'm sure those ISIS warriors who she worships will have her Culturally Enriched in every orifice of her body within no time

To Radical Islamic terrorism.


We knew they were pro terrorism, but most at least have the common decency to keep their mouth's shut.

She must have forgot that she wasn't in her echo chamber... and got spanked again and again. Rest of the story: Writer rips Trump's vow to end 'radical Islamic terrorism'

President Trump, God Emperor of The Universe should sign an official order declaring that The West is at war with Islamic Terrorism.

That way POS like this Laurie Penny can be charged with supporting the enemy, giving aid and comfort to the enemy and Treason.

This would be in all Western nations, charge anyone who makes these statements with supporting the enemy, giving aid and comfort to the enemy and Treason, that includes anyone in the MSM.
The left is on complete breakdown mode. They can't handle Trump's inauguration speech. It had nothing wrong with it and people loved it, they just have to invent a bunch of faults.
Man you guys are thick . Did you notice "Islamic" was in quotes . Because that's what the real cheer was about . Racist righties hate of anything Islam/Muslim . If trump let off the terror " part they would've cheered just as Loud.
The left is on complete breakdown mode. They can't handle Trump's inauguration speech. It had nothing wrong with it and people loved it, they just have to invent a bunch of faults.
You loved it, other than that it was terrible, and full of shyte, just like everything Trump says. When are you going to learn that all he does is lie to you

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