Snake Bites Man Taking Out The Garbage. Gets Billed $89,000 For 18hr Hospital Stay


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I'll tell you what, I will be extra careful when I go near the canal in my back yard since it's full of cottonmouths. I don't want to wind up being bit and faced with what this guy faced.

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A cottonmouth is one of the few snakes in the US that will show aggression more often than not. They are not to be trifled with.
I shoot em all the time, especially when they come out during the spring. One bit my Chesapeake Bay Retriever duck dog 5 years ago. Lucky for me the vet was a few blocks away from where I live and he saved her.
This story should be used in ObamaCare ads. It perfectly illustrates how a young person can get hit with an astronomical medical bill.

This was an excellent article:

Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us |
January 29, 2014
RUSH: Democrat Party has, for decades, made people think that without health insurance you may as well be without oxygen. And they've done a great job politically in convincing people they can't do without that. They've got people living in perpetual fear of getting sick. Getting sick now equals potential bankruptcy, losing everything. And I don't mean that as just a half-baked description. When you fear that you might lose everything no matter how much or little it is, that is one of the most frightening things that can happen to you. And the Democrat Party has convinced people that not having health insurance puts them dangerously close to the reality that simply getting sick, which is something you can't avoid, everybody's gonna get sick, everybody's gonna die, everybody's gonna get something someday. You can't avoid that. And the Democrats have made people think that when it happens to you, if you don't have insurance, you will go bankrupt. You will lose everything. And, as a result, it is the most important personal thing.

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