Smollett's folly.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The fact that Jussie Smollett walked is something every American should ponder very slowly and very closely. There is little doubt that Smollett tried to incite a race war against Trump supporters and the evidence against him is extensive and unassailable. There is video, there are witnesses and there is political interference.

The seriousness of what Smollett tried to do cannot be overstated; MAGA hats, threatening letters and paid collaborators were Smollett’s tools of the trade in a failed false flag attack that could have resulted in bloodshed on the streets of Chicago.

To understand Smollett’s motives we have to go back to 2016 when the American people, in a mass repudiation of politics as usual, elected Donald Trump to the presidency. Trump’s election was essentially a broadside into the established and corrupted power structure of the United States.

Worthless Republicans were content to allow the dismantling of democracy and the destruction of American healthcare because they continued getting rich from it. The Democrats were riding high with the expectation that Hillary Clinton would wear the crown. Trump wiped the slate clean in one night and the people took the country back. This created an emergency situation among the elites.

Smollett no doubt saw himself as a subtle, clever, celebrity Timothy McVeigh avenging a wrong that needed to be made right. Of course he was not planning to get his hands dirty; he was just going to rile the emotions of phony victims like himself and then step back and let the bedlam ensue.

Trump’s demise was not in the cards so Smollett threw a wrench into gears and stood by like an innocent bystander suffering the injuries of the flying shrapnel. But he got caught before the odious action he intended got underway.

Powerful people made phone calls and Smollett, even in the face of his red-handed guilt, stubbornly professes his snow white innocence. The whole incident is Kabuki Theater at its best. People just scratch their heads and wonder what happened to American justice.

Smollett’s folly is just one more trump card for Trump. A landslide is in the offing and Smollett will figure prominently in the victory. As usual it’s all about the money and propaganda factories like the Southern Poverty Law Center are running out of “actual” racists so concocted racism is on the table.

Real people just don’t hate each other like they used to.
The same people who got him out of trouble are likely the same people who thought the whole thing up in the first place. They just got busted this time.
Two things that really jump out.

First, the made-up crime itself is another "boy-who-cried-wolf" story, that highlights the danger of what this incident could have sparked, and the dangers of immediately believing the "victim", instead of allowing an investigation go forward first.

Second, it's a case-study of the incredible unfairness of our justice system, and what a person of privilege can get away with.
They had to get Smollett of the front pages because it was killing their racism narrative. But it may backfire if the feds go after them.
The fact that Jussie Smollett walked is something every American should ponder very slowly and very closely. There is little doubt that Smollett tried to incite a race war against Trump supporters and the evidence against him is extensive and unassailable. There is video, there are witnesses and there is political interference.

I never heard of Jussie Smollett until very recently, and now that you say this and I review the story, I see a lot of parallels between this clown and the Hillary Clinton case! Here is a woman with overwhelming evidence against her for many things from many different directions, yet somehow every investigation into her always somehow leads to a dead end with no charges filed. Yet it is the democrats who constantly cry foul and corruption.
To understand Smollett’s motives we have to go back to 2016

No we don't. He is your run of the mill racist black Democrat.
No need to dig to see the obvious.

The real crime is the government corruption that allowed him to skate. THAT should piss off every red blooded American
The fact that Jussie Smollett walked is something every American should ponder very slowly and very closely. There is little doubt that Smollett tried to incite a race war against Trump supporters and the evidence against him is extensive and unassailable. There is video, there are witnesses and there is political interference.

The seriousness of what Smollett tried to do cannot be overstated; MAGA hats, threatening letters and paid collaborators were Smollett’s tools of the trade in a failed false flag attack that could have resulted in bloodshed on the streets of Chicago.

To understand Smollett’s motives we have to go back to 2016 when the American people, in a mass repudiation of politics as usual, elected Donald Trump to the presidency. Trump’s election was essentially a broadside into the established and corrupted power structure of the United States.

Worthless Republicans were content to allow the dismantling of democracy and the destruction of American healthcare because they continued getting rich from it. The Democrats were riding high with the expectation that Hillary Clinton would wear the crown. Trump wiped the slate clean in one night and the people took the country back. This created an emergency situation among the elites.

Smollett no doubt saw himself as a subtle, clever, celebrity Timothy McVeigh avenging a wrong that needed to be made right. Of course he was not planning to get his hands dirty; he was just going to rile the emotions of phony victims like himself and then step back and let the bedlam ensue.

Trump’s demise was not in the cards so Smollett threw a wrench into gears and stood by like an innocent bystander suffering the injuries of the flying shrapnel. But he got caught before the odious action he intended got underway.

Powerful people made phone calls and Smollett, even in the face of his red-handed guilt, stubbornly professes his snow white innocence. The whole incident is Kabuki Theater at its best. People just scratch their heads and wonder what happened to American justice.

Smollett’s folly is just one more trump card for Trump. A landslide is in the offing and Smollett will figure prominently in the victory. As usual it’s all about the money and propaganda factories like the Southern Poverty Law Center are running out of “actual” racists so concocted racism is on the table.

Real people just don’t hate each other like they used to.
Just goes to prove that justice in the USA is not blind or impartial...and it sure as shit isn't fair.

Totalitarianism isn't coming, its here.
I never heard of Jussie Smollett until very recently, and now that you say this and I review the story, I see a lot of parallels between this clown and the Hillary Clinton case! Here is a woman with overwhelming evidence against her for many things from many different directions, yet somehow every investigation into her always somehow leads to a dead end with no charges filed. Yet it is the democrats who constantly cry foul and corruption.
...and that is meant quite literally.


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