Smash and Grab in Oakbrook Center Illinois

You're fucking nuts. :laughing0301:

Hardly anyone ever burns crosses in someone's yard. What kind of a twisted fantasy world do you live in?
Democrats stopped burning crosses in yards to reduce their carbon footprints, the hate and racism remains.
Just like white folks shouldn't either, oh that's right you don't mind white folks committing crimes.

No, I do mind white folks committing crimes as well. Otherwise I wouldn't need to carry a concealed handgun when I leave the house. But just so you know, it isn't white folks who are gunning each other down and shooting children in Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, New Orleans, Memphis, Birmingham, Detroit, Dayton, Baton Rouge, Kansas City, Memphis, Cleveland, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Little Rock, Shreveport, Newark, Oakland, Milwaukee, Dallas, Houston, Pittsburgh, and other cities.

Those are your cousins, bro, not mine. Maybe you should spend less time thinking about "whitey" being your Boogie Man and do something about about your real problem.
True, but the folks who have the mindset of the sheet wearers today are Republicans, conservatives, right wingers, etc.
Not hardly, those folks traded their white sheets for antifa black masks. They even helped black folks burn down their own neighborhoods. Oddly the left cheered them on.
No, I do mind white folks committing crimes as well. Otherwise I wouldn't need to carry a concealed handgun when I leave the house. But just so you know, it isn't white folks who are gunning each other down and shooting children in Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, New Orleans, Memphis, Birmingham, Detroit, Dayton, Baton Rouge, Kansas City, Memphis, Cleveland, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Little Rock, Shreveport, Newark, Oakland, Milwaukee, Dallas, Houston, Pittsburgh, and other cities.
How is that since 88% of whites who are murdered are murder by another white person.
Those are your cousins, bro, not mine. Maybe you should spend less time thinking about "whitey" being your Boogie Man and do something about about your real problem.
Last I checked my cousins hadn't gunned down or murdered anyone. When was the last time you pulled that gun you carry everyday?
They became Republicans and started wearing suits and ties, black robes and police and sheriff uniforms
Not likely. Do you recall the Jeff Sessions confirmation? All sorts of Democrats showed up in Klan clothes. Probably the biggest Klan rally DC had in decades. Those are your friends and allies.
How is that since 88% of whites who are murdered are murder by another white person.

Last I checked my cousins hadn't gunned down or murdered anyone. When was the last time you pulled that gun you carry everyday?

Ok I get it. Obviously you don't really give a crap about the high crime and wholesale slaughter in your neighborhoods. That's pretty obvious, seeing how you keep re-electing the same Democrats who foster the kind of environment that allows that to happen.

If you don't care, then why should I give a shit?. You're on your own, dog. It's your problem, not mine.
Ok I get it. Obviously you don't really give a crap about the high crime and wholesale slaughter in your neighborhoods.
I care as much as you do abuot the white on white crime in your communities.
That's pretty obvious, seeing how you keep re-electing the same Democrats who foster the kind of environment that allows that to happen.
Yea it would really change if we started electing all these kind hearted republicans who care about black folks so much.
If you don't care, then why should I give a shit?. You're on your own, dog. It's your problem, not mine.
You have never cared, you right wing, racist just try and use it as a political football.
I care as much as you do abuot the white on white crime in your communities.

Yea it would really change if we started electing all these kind hearted republicans who care about black folks so much.

You have never cared, you right wing, racist just try and use it as a political football.

So you're happy with Democrat-ran shitholes where Black folks are shot, robbed, and murdered every day? Are you a masochist or something?

Oh wait.....

If it weren't for that, you couldn't moan "Oh poor old me!" all day and blame whitey for your problems, could you?

You know how it works with conservative racist, if a black person in California commits a crime it is the fault of black folks in North Carolina as well.
I guess they finally found out about the weekly BFM (black folk meeting) where all the black folks get together at the first of each week, and decide who and where every black crime will be committed in the coming week.
So you're happy with Democrat-ran shitholes where Black folks are shot, robbed, and murdered every day? Are you a masochist or something?
Are you happy when someone white murders another white person? What a dumb ass question.
Oh wait.....

If it weren't for that, you couldn't moan "Oh poor old me!" all day and blame whitey for your problems, could you?

Yea because whitey has never been responsible for black folks problems. Idiot.

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