Small Business being Promoted in this election eh ?


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
Well I got a few questions to ask, and that is if politicians want to support and promote small business in America, then what happened to the small Farmers in America from the past, and why weren't they supported and encouraged to keep going if so important to America as is being touted now ?????

I remember back when I was living in a small rural community, it was filled with many farmers who had their little farms along side of the bigger farms, and the town was filled with the smell of farming in the air always, and it had tractors and combines making their ways to the fields in order to get the job done and/or farmers tending to their livestock and etc. little to no un-employment, and no crime other than a few kids acting up in a small way.

I remember how we use to process the products brought in from the fields for each farmer, and I remember how one farmers peanuts would be so much more beautiful than another farmers peanuts, and how the man who grew them and took care of them was a small farmer in his late 60's or early seventies as it were, but he knew how to grow a beautiful peanut that's for sure. There was only him and his son, along with a few workers at this farm that apeared to have a total of maybe 100 acres involved.

So what happened in America to these communities, places and farms that gave independence to those who had run them for so many years in America ? Now all I see in these communties is dependency gone through the roof, no jobs, broken down buildings and trashly looking homes and properties, along with broken down vehicles on blocks in the yards, clothes lines strung all over the place, uncut grass, broken down infrastucture with a few scattered original families from the good times still making it somehow there. Un-employment is also a major problem with crime being reported almost nightly in the area now.

Was it that "Corporate Farms" and politicians began fazing them out, buying them out, regulating them out, reposessing them and their equipment and so on and so forth, so what happened, and was it all being done by design? Now I ask this next question also, what is the difference in small farmers and small business operators in this nation, who are going up against wal-mart, amazon and etc. ? Hasn't it been the same results for them as it was these farmers back in the day, and if so, then can the politicans actually make good on their big promises to level the playing fields again, and to begin supporting small businesses in America again or is it all just a pack of lies that is being slung out there for the Americans to nibble on for thier votes ?:confused:
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I like you come from a farming community in Iowa.. but that was 50 years ago!

In 1790 the Total population of USA was 3,929,214 and Farmers made up about 90% of labor force

In 2007 Total people involved in farming 2,204,792 of 308 million or 0.7% of population
USDA ERS - State Fact Sheets: agriculture income population food education employment unemployment federal funds farms top commodities exports financial indicators poverty food security farm income Rural Nonmetro Urban Metropolitan America USDA organ

That means in 1790 1 farmer feed 1.1 people.
2007 one farmer fed 140 people!

Where else would such productive be possible?

Think about Obama's idol Mao...
The Great Leap ended in catastrophe, resulting in tens of millions of excess deaths.[3] Estimates of the death toll range from 18 million[4] to 45 million,[5] with estimates by demographic specialists ranging from 18 million to 32.5 million.[4] Historian Frank Dikötter asserts that "coercion, terror, and systematic violence were the very foundation of the Great Leap Forward" and it "motivated one of the most deadly mass killings of human history."[6]
That means in 1790 1 farmer feed 1.1 people.
2007 one farmer fed 140 people! Where else would such productive be possible?

One farmer could only feed 1.1 people in 1790 ? A small decent size garden can feed 25 famlies, where as nothing has changed in the amount a plant can yield from 1790 to 2012, other than how much is being planted from the seeds for many different varieties in which gives the desired result of the planter/sower in size of, and this for his desired yield, and in variety of for his desired impact, intake and distribution.

2007 One farmer fed 140 people, uh what size farm are we talking about ?

No matter, the point I am making is what happened to our farmers and our independence in America, and so goes the small businesses out the window just the same if we don't understand it all before it is to late.

We can throw all kinds of zingers and whitslers around or about in these debates, but do the people really understand what is going on in all of this or not ?:eusa_eh:

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