Slavery Still Exists. Where’s Black Lives Matter?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Slavery Still Exists. Where’s Black Lives Matter?
Leftist hypocrisy revealed once again.

6 Jul 2020 ~~ By Robert Spencer
It is, or ought to be, clear to everyone by now that Black Lives Matter is not a genuine movement for racial justice and a more equitable society, but a Marxist organization using real, exaggerated, and imagined racial injustice to try to destroy the United States. Anyone who is still in doubt about this should consider the fact that some blacks are still enslaved today, and Black Lives Matter never has and never will say a word about it, because that organization doesn’t really care about black lives.
If they did actually care about the lives of black people, Black Lives Matter would today be drawing international attention to statements made recently by the Mauritanian anti-slavery activist Maryam Bint Al-Sheikh of the Initiative for the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement (IRA). According to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Maryam Bint Al-Sheikh stated in a June 18 interview: “Unfortunately, there is still slavery in Mauritania. More than 20% of people in Mauritania suffer from slavery – a situation where a person owns another person and does whatever he wants with him at any given moment. This situation exists here in Mauritania, unfortunately.”
Muhammad owned slaves: “Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah’s Apostle was on a journey and he had a black slave called Anjasha, and he was driving the camels (very fast, and there were women riding on those camels). Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Waihaka (May Allah be merciful to you), O Anjasha! Drive slowly (the camels) with the glass vessels (women)!’” (Bukhari 8.73.182) There is no mention of Muhammad’s freeing Anjasha.
Muhammad is the “excellent example” (Qur’an 33:21) for Muslims. That’s why there has never been an Islamic abolitionist movement. And because Islam is the religion that the Left never dares to criticize, you’ll never hear about this from Black Lives Matter.

Islam continues to condon and practice slavery. But the left has made their common cause with Islam to bring down the USA.
BLM isn't interested in Black American lives or slavery in Africa. They aren't interested in anyone's life Black or White. They are interested in power - first, last, and always. Their leaders have all ready admitted that they are trained Marxist Socialist Communists.
Slavery has existed from the dawn of man...
Slavery exists all over the Middle East and most of Africa today, it exists in the form of people trafficking across Europe, it exists similarly across Indonesia and everywhere else. The ONLY countries that have banned slavery are western style democracies and we are in the minority.
The organisation we rely on to try to eradicate it around the world is the UN and it has FAILED miserably for over 70 years to encourage one single country to ban slavery. It encourages people trafficking openly, it wants millions of Africans to abandon their homes and be trafficked to the west.
Marxist Socialist Communists have completely taken over our educational system and now teach revised versions of their ideas of Mathematics, English, American History, and Civics.
Current history texts are so distorted that many children - including some incredibly ignorant American politicians - believe America invented slavery! Slavery was not just America's original sin. It was mankind's original sin. George Washington is no more in need of shaming than is the prophet Mohammed, or generations of Turkish Sultans.
The purpose of education should be to enlighten and to seek truth. Not to further ideology - through any distortion possible - That is the achievement of far Left agendas.
Slavery Still Exists. Where’s Black Lives Matter?
Leftist hypocrisy revealed once again.

6 Jul 2020 ~~ By Robert Spencer
It is, or ought to be, clear to everyone by now that Black Lives Matter is not a genuine movement for racial justice and a more equitable society, but a Marxist organization using real, exaggerated, and imagined racial injustice to try to destroy the United States. Anyone who is still in doubt about this should consider the fact that some blacks are still enslaved today, and Black Lives Matter never has and never will say a word about it, because that organization doesn’t really care about black lives.
If they did actually care about the lives of black people, Black Lives Matter would today be drawing international attention to statements made recently by the Mauritanian anti-slavery activist Maryam Bint Al-Sheikh of the Initiative for the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement (IRA). According to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Maryam Bint Al-Sheikh stated in a June 18 interview: “Unfortunately, there is still slavery in Mauritania. More than 20% of people in Mauritania suffer from slavery – a situation where a person owns another person and does whatever he wants with him at any given moment. This situation exists here in Mauritania, unfortunately.”
Muhammad owned slaves: “Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah’s Apostle was on a journey and he had a black slave called Anjasha, and he was driving the camels (very fast, and there were women riding on those camels). Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Waihaka (May Allah be merciful to you), O Anjasha! Drive slowly (the camels) with the glass vessels (women)!’” (Bukhari 8.73.182) There is no mention of Muhammad’s freeing Anjasha.
Muhammad is the “excellent example” (Qur’an 33:21) for Muslims. That’s why there has never been an Islamic abolitionist movement. And because Islam is the religion that the Left never dares to criticize, you’ll never hear about this from Black Lives Matter.

Islam continues to condon and practice slavery. But the left has made their common cause with Islam to bring down the USA.
BLM isn't interested in Black American lives or slavery in Africa. They aren't interested in anyone's life Black or White. They are interested in power - first, last, and always. Their leaders have all ready admitted that they are trained Marxist Socialist Communists.
Slavery has existed from the dawn of man...
Slavery exists all over the Middle East and most of Africa today, it exists in the form of people trafficking across Europe, it exists similarly across Indonesia and everywhere else. The ONLY countries that have banned slavery are western style democracies and we are in the minority.
The organisation we rely on to try to eradicate it around the world is the UN and it has FAILED miserably for over 70 years to encourage one single country to ban slavery. It encourages people trafficking openly, it wants millions of Africans to abandon their homes and be trafficked to the west.
Marxist Socialist Communists have completely taken over our educational system and now teach revised versions of their ideas of Mathematics, English, American History, and Civics.
Current history texts are so distorted that many children - including some incredibly ignorant American politicians - believe America invented slavery! Slavery was not just America's original sin. It was mankind's original sin. George Washington is no more in need of shaming than is the prophet Mohammed, or generations of Turkish Sultans.
The purpose of education should be to enlighten and to seek truth. Not to further ideology - through any distortion possible - That is the achievement of far Left agendas.

Not only did America NOT invent slavery, it was never legalized by the American government. Until 1783, what is now the United States was under the control of Great Britain. When the Constitution was ratified, over half the states had already abolished slavery (being the first in that era of history to outlaw it.) Under the Constitution, the slavers were given ten years to get out of the slave business as no future slaves could be admitted into the United States after 1808. Slavery was a states rights issue.

Having said that, I just did some research and the BLM folks are telling their people which businesses to boycott while another site list those corporations that have donated to the BLM. Many of the corporations that donated big bucks to the BLM are on the BLM's boycott list. So, those Marxists are taking the money of greedy corporations and basically kicking them in the ass for being idiots.

These are the brands giving money to the Black Lives Matter Movement

Places like Walmart and Home Depot have given to the BLM AND are being boycotted by the BLM folks. What a freaking power trip!
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