Skirt NAZI! No Skirts For You!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 20, 2010
North Coast, USA
Administration of school in Pocking, Bavaria sends letter to parents in order to prevent 'misunderstandings'
A German high school banned revealing cloths and miniskirts this week, fearing the refugees residing in an adjacent shelter.
Fearing Syrian refugees, German school bans miniskirts

Since Muslim immigrants tend to gang rape whiter girls, the German government has decided to ban miniskirts.

Are mandatory chastity belts next?
Sick people... Merkel's Germany.....and the girls bring roses to the Islamic men who raped them....roses!

Rape us some more you Sharia Law's all our fault!

I am beginning to think that liberal Europe deserves all the shit and then some.
Administration of school in Pocking, Bavaria sends letter to parents in order to prevent 'misunderstandings'
A German high school banned revealing cloths and miniskirts this week, fearing the refugees residing in an adjacent shelter.
Fearing Syrian refugees, German school bans miniskirts

Since Muslim immigrants tend to gang rape whiter girls, the German government has decided to ban miniskirts.

Are mandatory chastity belts next?
Maybe the men will start fighting back now :)
What will it take for Merkel to see the danger?

A German beheaded on the street??
They should send Merkel in the converted gym wearing a mini skirt that'll send these godless savages running home.
What will it take for Merkel to see the danger?

A German beheaded on the street??
I don't think that would faze her. She was on the news today berating the rest of Europe for not welcoming as many migrants as Germany has. People hissed and booed as she was entering the meeting, she just smirked. Strange inscrutable loon.

Doctors in Germany, psychiatrists.... are saying that Merkel is insane.

That woman is sick in her head.
What will it take for Merkel to see the danger?

A German beheaded on the street??
I don't think that would faze her. She was on the news today berating the rest of Europe for not welcoming as many migrants as Germany has. People hissed and booed as she was entering the meeting, she just smirked. Strange inscrutable loon.

Doctors in Germany, psychiatrists.... are saying that Merkel is insane.

That woman is sick in her head.
She is not the only one
What??? How women dress invites rape in Germany???

Where are the feminists opposing this???

Oh...I forgot...feminists are only outraged when it is politically convenient.
Good for Germany... :thup:

High school girls shouldn't be wearing miniskirts to school. ... :cool:

Sunni Man, you're an evil man working for an evil religion. Does it ever occur to you that your Mohammed prophet was a spokesman for Satan and not God?

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