Sister Wives lawsuit a partial win for polygamists


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
'Sister Wives' case: Judge strikes down part of Utah polygamy law -

The link is pretty basic, but it includes a link to the court opinion. The pertient info that the ban on polygamy was upheld, but the ban on multi partner relationships was overturned. The opinion is interesting. First, it notes the County Attorney and State didn't really respond, which strikes me as curious.

Secondly, and more importantly imo, the polygammy ban was allowed to stand mainly on historical grounds, which strikes me as bogus considering emerging judical views of same sex marriag. Thirdly, and imo even more bogus, is the court found no "rational relationship" between a legit govt function and a ban on mulitple partner cohabitation ... or Sister Wives setups.

Having lived for for years near sister wive setups in Western Wyo, these relationships entail under age girls being coerced; under age males "run off" so as to reduce competition for females; and the pursuit of higher education being diminished. However, if the govt cannot, or will not, prove the rational relationship between the law and deterring the societal harm, then the law should fall.
I dont see the problem with it or why anyone else would have a problem with it. Now if it involved people against their will or underage then that is a problem but if all parties are adults leave 'em alone
I dont see the problem with it or why anyone else would have a problem with it. Now if it involved people against their will or underage then that is a problem but if all parties are adults leave 'em alone

I agree. I believe its possible to show it has negative impact upon children in ways that non-mult partner relationships do not. The gay marriage ban fell largely because statistically, you can't find a reason to ban it. But, if it can't be shown for mult party, then it should be ok.
I dont see the problem with it or why anyone else would have a problem with it. Now if it involved people against their will or underage then that is a problem but if all parties are adults leave 'em alone

The problem with polygamy is it offends the progressive that think their culture is inherently better than that of the wogs who marry more than one person.
I dont see the problem with it or why anyone else would have a problem with it. Now if it involved people against their will or underage then that is a problem but if all parties are adults leave 'em alone

The problem with polygamy is it offends the progressive that think their culture is inherently better than that of the wogs who marry more than one person.

So your problem with Polygamy is that liberals are offended by it huh?
'Sister Wives' case: Judge strikes down part of Utah polygamy law -

The link is pretty basic, but it includes a link to the court opinion. The pertient info that the ban on polygamy was upheld, but the ban on multi partner relationships was overturned. The opinion is interesting. First, it notes the County Attorney and State didn't really respond, which strikes me as curious.

Secondly, and more importantly imo, the polygammy ban was allowed to stand mainly on historical grounds, which strikes me as bogus considering emerging judical views of same sex marriag. Thirdly, and imo even more bogus, is the court found no "rational relationship" between a legit govt function and a ban on mulitple partner cohabitation ... or Sister Wives setups.

Having lived for for years near sister wive setups in Western Wyo, these relationships entail under age girls being coerced; under age males "run off" so as to reduce competition for females; and the pursuit of higher education being diminished. However, if the govt cannot, or will not, prove the rational relationship between the law and deterring the societal harm, then the law should fall.

It is for the reasons you state that polygamy should be banned. A rational reason can be given. Harm can be proven. As you said, polygamy too often leads to underaged brides and the oppression of women.

The court ruling basically says you can shag as many chicks under one roof as you like. You just can't marry them all.
'Sister Wives' case: Judge strikes down part of Utah polygamy law -

The link is pretty basic, but it includes a link to the court opinion. The pertient info that the ban on polygamy was upheld, but the ban on multi partner relationships was overturned. The opinion is interesting. First, it notes the County Attorney and State didn't really respond, which strikes me as curious.

Secondly, and more importantly imo, the polygammy ban was allowed to stand mainly on historical grounds, which strikes me as bogus considering emerging judical views of same sex marriag. Thirdly, and imo even more bogus, is the court found no "rational relationship" between a legit govt function and a ban on mulitple partner cohabitation ... or Sister Wives setups.

Having lived for for years near sister wive setups in Western Wyo, these relationships entail under age girls being coerced; under age males "run off" so as to reduce competition for females; and the pursuit of higher education being diminished. However, if the govt cannot, or will not, prove the rational relationship between the law and deterring the societal harm, then the law should fall.

Eyeah..that decision is not going to last.

One only has to look to Europe, where they did tolerate that nonsense for a while to understand why.

It basically comes down to government benefits and the expense.
Interesting that no one who said this would never happen is here to explain why it is.

France tolerated this for a while because they were feeling guilty about their colonialist past in Africa.

Then they had men come to France, settle down, start a family, make a little money, go back to their home country and buy wives.

It started to get very expensive and I think they finally outlawed it. But it was a mess.
The court ruling basically says you can shag as many chicks under one roof as you like. You just can't marry them all.

Which is why I find the ruling inconsistant. It's lawful for a man to be completely irresponsible and immoral with multiple partners, but it's illegal for him to actually take care of them and call them his wives?
I dont see the problem with it or why anyone else would have a problem with it. Now if it involved people against their will or underage then that is a problem but if all parties are adults leave 'em alone

The problem with polygamy is it offends the progressive that think their culture is inherently better than that of the wogs who marry more than one person.

So your problem with Polygamy is that liberals are offended by it huh?

I always have a problem when idiots use the government to impose their religious beliefs on others.
'Sister Wives' case: Judge strikes down part of Utah polygamy law -

The link is pretty basic, but it includes a link to the court opinion. The pertient info that the ban on polygamy was upheld, but the ban on multi partner relationships was overturned. The opinion is interesting. First, it notes the County Attorney and State didn't really respond, which strikes me as curious.

Secondly, and more importantly imo, the polygammy ban was allowed to stand mainly on historical grounds, which strikes me as bogus considering emerging judical views of same sex marriag. Thirdly, and imo even more bogus, is the court found no "rational relationship" between a legit govt function and a ban on mulitple partner cohabitation ... or Sister Wives setups.

Having lived for for years near sister wive setups in Western Wyo, these relationships entail under age girls being coerced; under age males "run off" so as to reduce competition for females; and the pursuit of higher education being diminished. However, if the govt cannot, or will not, prove the rational relationship between the law and deterring the societal harm, then the law should fall.

It is for the reasons you state that polygamy should be banned. A rational reason can be given. Harm can be proven. As you said, polygamy too often leads to underaged brides and the oppression of women.

The court ruling basically says you can shag as many chicks under one roof as you like. You just can't marry them all.

Yet the law was struck down, interesting.

By the way, harm is only demonstrated if polygamy is in a manner that would be considered to be discrimination under current law. If women can have as many husbands as men can have wives there is absolutely no evidence that it is harmful.
'Sister Wives' case: Judge strikes down part of Utah polygamy law -

The link is pretty basic, but it includes a link to the court opinion. The pertient info that the ban on polygamy was upheld, but the ban on multi partner relationships was overturned. The opinion is interesting. First, it notes the County Attorney and State didn't really respond, which strikes me as curious.

Secondly, and more importantly imo, the polygammy ban was allowed to stand mainly on historical grounds, which strikes me as bogus considering emerging judical views of same sex marriag. Thirdly, and imo even more bogus, is the court found no "rational relationship" between a legit govt function and a ban on mulitple partner cohabitation ... or Sister Wives setups.

Having lived for for years near sister wive setups in Western Wyo, these relationships entail under age girls being coerced; under age males "run off" so as to reduce competition for females; and the pursuit of higher education being diminished. However, if the govt cannot, or will not, prove the rational relationship between the law and deterring the societal harm, then the law should fall.

Eyeah..that decision is not going to last.

One only has to look to Europe, where they did tolerate that nonsense for a while to understand why.

It basically comes down to government benefits and the expense.

I bet it does. I also bet that, if you actually read the decision, you would agree with the judge.
Interesting that no one who said this would never happen is here to explain why it is.

France tolerated this for a while because they were feeling guilty about their colonialist past in Africa.

Then they had men come to France, settle down, start a family, make a little money, go back to their home country and buy wives.

It started to get very expensive and I think they finally outlawed it. But it was a mess.

The elite of France "tolerated" the wogs using polygamous marraige, and you think that somehow invalidates my argument?
The court ruling basically says you can shag as many chicks under one roof as you like. You just can't marry them all.

Which is why I find the ruling inconsistant. It's lawful for a man to be completely irresponsible and immoral with multiple partners, but it's illegal for him to actually take care of them and call them his wives?

That is not what it is saying.

The decision actually prevents the state from making it illegal to have sex with another woman and think of it as marriage, even if they aren't trying to say the state calls it marriage. Nothing even remotely inconsistent about it.

The law, on the other hand, is inconsistent.

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