Sins of the Catholic Church (Summary)


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
It is being reported that a state-wide grand jury in Pennsylvania will shortly release a report detailing 50 (or so) years of abuse of children by Priests, Brothers, and other persons affiliated with the Catholic Church in Pennsylvania.

In summary, there is what the Church did wrong:

First, it decided that priests must be celibate men.

Second, in developing its training protocols for the education and preparation of priests, they unwittingly created a vocation/career/lifestyle that was attractive to homosexuals and child molesters.

Third, they adopted a "circle the wagons" philosophy of dealing with complaints of child molestation. In other words, keep it quiet; keep the civil authorities out of it.

Fourth, they chose to believe their own "stuff." That is to say, when a priest was credibly accused of this activity, that priest was obliged to make a complete Confession to another priest or bishop, which process mandates a sincere promise to "sin no more." Since the Catholic hierarchy believes in the enormous power of sanctifying grace, in their minds the Confession and "good Act of Contrition" solved the problem for that particular priest. The priests were accordingly give a new assignment and would, it was presumed, start a new ministry, free of this sin. In other words, they failed to recognize how persistent this behavior is, once it has first manifested itself.

Fifth, the Church failed to recognize the seriousness of the harm done to the victims. The kids had no physical damage, appeared to be healthy, they were offered free counseling for as long as they wanted it, and in their minds (the pastor and bishop) the problem was resolved.

All of these decisions were either wrong or eminently questionable, but much of it is normal institutional behavior. Circle the wagons? The Boy Scouts, the Boys Club of America, the YMCA, and other similar organizations behaved in exactly the same way as the Church did in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Public Schools did the same. Hell, FAMILIES dealt with them the same way, "Well, everyone knows you don't get caught alone with Uncle Charlie!" Do you think a RELATiVE was going to be reported to the police? Not on your life.

Society has come a long way and the Church has come a long way - kicking and screaming for much of it. One hopes that there are protections in place that will prevent this sort of thing from now on.

And BTW, I went through 12 years of Catholic education, never saw any of this, nor do I know anyone who saw any of it. It came as a surprise to me.
It is being reported that a state-wide grand jury in Pennsylvania will shortly release a report detailing 50 (or so) years of abuse of children by Priests, Brothers, and other persons affiliated with the Catholic Church in Pennsylvania.

In summary, there is what the Church did wrong:

First, it decided that priests must be celibate men.

Second, in developing its training protocols for the education and preparation of priests, they unwittingly created a vocation/career/lifestyle that was attractive to homosexuals and child molesters.

Third, they adopted a "circle the wagons" philosophy of dealing with complaints of child molestation. In other words, keep it quiet; keep the civil authorities out of it.

Fourth, they chose to believe their own "stuff." That is to say, when a priest was credibly accused of this activity, that priest was obliged to make a complete Confession to another priest or bishop, which process mandates a sincere promise to "sin no more." Since the Catholic hierarchy believes in the enormous power of sanctifying grace, in their minds the Confession and "good Act of Contrition" solved the problem for that particular priest. The priests were accordingly give a new assignment and would, it was presumed, start a new ministry, free of this sin. In other words, they failed to recognize how persistent this behavior is, once it has first manifested itself.

Fifth, the Church failed to recognize the seriousness of the harm done to the victims. The kids had no physical damage, appeared to be healthy, they were offered free counseling for as long as they wanted it, and in their minds (the pastor and bishop) the problem was resolved.

All of these decisions were either wrong or eminently questionable, but much of it is normal institutional behavior. Circle the wagons? The Boy Scouts, the Boys Club of America, the YMCA, and other similar organizations behaved in exactly the same way as the Church did in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Public Schools did the same. Hell, FAMILIES dealt with them the same way, "Well, everyone knows you don't get caught alone with Uncle Charlie!" Do you think a RELATiVE was going to be reported to the police? Not on your life.

Society has come a long way and the Church has come a long way - kicking and screaming for much of it. One hopes that there are protections in place that will prevent this sort of thing from now on.

And BTW, I went through 12 years of Catholic education, never saw any of this, nor do I know anyone who saw any of it. It came as a surprise to me.
Circling the wagons is the standard (typical) institutional, family AND individual reaction when faced with any crisis, internal and external. It's almost always the first knee jerk reaction.
It is being reported that a state-wide grand jury in Pennsylvania will shortly release a report detailing 50 (or so) years of abuse of children by Priests, Brothers, and other persons affiliated with the Catholic Church in Pennsylvania.

In summary, there is what the Church did wrong:

First, it decided that priests must be celibate men.

Second, in developing its training protocols for the education and preparation of priests, they unwittingly created a vocation/career/lifestyle that was attractive to homosexuals and child molesters.

Third, they adopted a "circle the wagons" philosophy of dealing with complaints of child molestation. In other words, keep it quiet; keep the civil authorities out of it.

Fourth, they chose to believe their own "stuff." That is to say, when a priest was credibly accused of this activity, that priest was obliged to make a complete Confession to another priest or bishop, which process mandates a sincere promise to "sin no more." Since the Catholic hierarchy believes in the enormous power of sanctifying grace, in their minds the Confession and "good Act of Contrition" solved the problem for that particular priest. The priests were accordingly give a new assignment and would, it was presumed, start a new ministry, free of this sin. In other words, they failed to recognize how persistent this behavior is, once it has first manifested itself.

Fifth, the Church failed to recognize the seriousness of the harm done to the victims. The kids had no physical damage, appeared to be healthy, they were offered free counseling for as long as they wanted it, and in their minds (the pastor and bishop) the problem was resolved.

All of these decisions were either wrong or eminently questionable, but much of it is normal institutional behavior. Circle the wagons? The Boy Scouts, the Boys Club of America, the YMCA, and other similar organizations behaved in exactly the same way as the Church did in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Public Schools did the same. Hell, FAMILIES dealt with them the same way, "Well, everyone knows you don't get caught alone with Uncle Charlie!" Do you think a RELATiVE was going to be reported to the police? Not on your life.

Society has come a long way and the Church has come a long way - kicking and screaming for much of it. One hopes that there are protections in place that will prevent this sort of thing from now on.

And BTW, I went through 12 years of Catholic education, never saw any of this, nor do I know anyone who saw any of it. It came as a surprise to me.
It was Jesus's fault for not knocking up Mary and being single.
Jesus was not single. He was married to Mary, sister of Lazarus.

Read the Bible.
Jesus was not single. He was married to Mary, sister of Lazarus.

Read the Bible.
the bible was written so long ago, it cannot be authenticated as more recent material can
..not only did the priests molest/rape children-etc, the Catholic hierarchy tried to hide it
It is being reported that a state-wide grand jury in Pennsylvania will shortly release a report detailing 50 (or so) years of abuse of children by Priests, Brothers, and other persons affiliated with the Catholic Church in Pennsylvania.

In summary, there is what the Church did wrong:

First, it decided that priests must be celibate men.

A very good decision. This made for example a priestly caste impossible.

Second, in developing its training protocols for the education and preparation of priests, they unwittingly created a vocation/career/lifestyle that was attractive to homosexuals and child molesters.

What a nonsense. You know nothing about the real problems of the world. The most pedophiles (as well in absolute numbers and relative numbers) are married men. Other men than priests, who live as singles, are 25-36 times more dangerous.

Third, they adopted a "circle the wagons" philosophy of dealing with complaints of child molestation. In other words, keep it quiet; keep the civil authorities out of it.

Nonsense too.

Fourth, they chose to believe their own "stuff." That is to say, when a priest was credibly accused of this activity, that priest was obliged to make a complete Confession to another priest or bishop, which process mandates a sincere promise to "sin no more." Since the Catholic hierarchy believes in the enormous power of sanctifying grace, in their minds the Confession and "good Act of Contrition" solved the problem for that particular priest. The priests were accordingly give a new assignment and would, it was presumed, start a new ministry, free of this sin. In other words, they failed to recognize how persistent this behavior is, once it has first manifested itself.


Fifth, the Church failed to recognize the seriousness of the harm done to the victims. The kids had no physical damage, appeared to be healthy, they were offered free counseling for as long as they wanted it, and in their minds (the pastor and bishop) the problem was resolved.

All of these decisions were either wrong or eminently questionable, but much of it is normal institutional behavior. Circle the wagons? The Boy Scouts, the Boys Club of America, the YMCA, and other similar organizations behaved in exactly the same way as the Church did in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Public Schools did the same. Hell, FAMILIES dealt with them the same way, "Well, everyone knows you don't get caught alone with Uncle Charlie!" Do you think a RELATiVE was going to be reported to the police? Not on your life.

Society has come a long way and the Church has come a long way - kicking and screaming for much of it. One hopes that there are protections in place that will prevent this sort of thing from now on.

And BTW, I went through 12 years of Catholic education, never saw any of this, nor do I know anyone who saw any of it. It came as a surprise to me.

What came as a surprise to you? If a priest made something wrong, specially if it had to do with sexuality, then it was written here normally in the newspapers.

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^ he jealous of me.
I'm not the one who wrote:

View attachment 189413

What exactly would I have to be jealous about, Taz?
My agnosticism. Just watch, it rankles you so much that you're going to deny over and over that I'm agnostic.
That's a bold prediction considering that has been my position for some time now. Because agnostics always insult the faith of others by referring to their cum shots, amirite?


2123 "Many . . . of our contemporaries either do not at all perceive, or explicitly reject, this intimate and vital bond of man to God. Atheism must therefore be regarded as one of the most serious problems of our time."58

2124 The name "atheism" covers many very different phenomena. One common form is the practical materialism which restricts its needs and aspirations to space and time. Atheistic humanism falsely considers man to be "an end to himself, and the sole maker, with supreme control, of his own history."59 Another form of contemporary atheism looks for the liberation of man through economic and social liberation. "It holds that religion, of its very nature, thwarts such emancipation by raising man's hopes in a future life, thus both deceiving him and discouraging him from working for a better form of life on earth."60

2125 Since it rejects or denies the existence of God, atheism is a sin against the virtue of religion.61 The imputability of this offense can be significantly diminished in virtue of the intentions and the circumstances. "Believers can have more than a little to do with the rise of atheism. To the extent that they are careless about their instruction in the faith, or present its teaching falsely, or even fail in their religious, moral, or social life, they must be said to conceal rather than to reveal the true nature of God and of religion."62

2126 Atheism is often based on a false conception of human autonomy, exaggerated to the point of refusing any dependence on God.63 Yet, "to acknowledge God is in no way to oppose the dignity of man, since such dignity is grounded and brought to perfection in God. . . . "64 "For the Church knows full well that her message is in harmony with the most secret desires of the human heart."65
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