Single moms are breeding criminals

He is speaking facts. You all want your sex fest and abortion freedom and birth control fine. You have it and still single mothers end up raising criminals.

We are no longer cave people. A moral code is necessary for a civilization to thrive.
But YOUR Ancestors Misty,did they have a Moral Code,and what Moral Code are you referring to ????????? Some people think that some Americans are definitely CAVE MENTALITY who have NO MORAL CODE......You should take a look in the mirror sometime,not you personally but some in your
just sayin, by the way my Mom was widowed at 28 with six children,but we had much LOVE and Affection although quite poor by todays standards,but she embude all her children with disipline and a sense of humour and fairness........We have all done very well indeed,I personally am worth over $6 million but started with $10 but money is only part of the motivation as my staff and family will attest to.


Stop making assumptions about folk you know nothing about....because it not only shows how ignorant YOU AND OTHERS ARE....but proves YOUR STUPID.

You need putting in your place and I'm just the man to do it because I can and will.

Anyway what ever makes someone like you to make comment on other people.

If I was standing in front of YOU Misty, I would tell you to take that silver spoon out of your ASS and SHOVE IT IN YOUR bigot. Theliq always a winner because he's always right
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What about the FATHERS of these children? Why don't the rw's or the pubs or the bags have anything to say about fathers?

Easy answer. They have already lost most of the women vote. They can't piss off the men voters to.
Oh, so, when you said single moms should be ashamed, you were speaking in a clinical sense. Even though you didn't define it or even mention it. Nice attempt at a backtrack there.

But lets re-cap, shall we.

A woman is not married. She gets pregnant. If she ends the pregnancy she is a "baby killer" and if she has the baby she should be "ashamed" because she is "breeding criminals."

Same outcome. You want women to only have sex when they are married and want children. Not any other time.

You have me confused with someone who opposes birth control. I want women to have children only when they are married and can afford to raise a child. Anyone who opposes that is a lunatic or a scumbag.
He is speaking facts. You all want your sex fest and abortion freedom and birth control fine. You have it and still single mothers end up raising criminals.

We are no longer cave people. A moral code is necessary for a civilization to thrive.

I'd be willing to be dollars to donuts that among the various BANKSTERS whose CRIMES (that were legal) destroyed our economy? very few who were raised by single moms.

The very idea that single moms raise more criminals than duel parents families does is probably specious.

It's a proven fact, moron. By definition, a legal activity is not a crime. 70% of the inmates in the state penitentiary are the children of "single moms."
I quick scanned this post and I can see another winner for the Rethugs.

Maybe the Teapartie will take it up.

"Stop all welfare funding to single women because they are breeding criminals."

That right there is a winner for sure. Rush will go at it full throat. FOX will post the facts and do little pieces on blacks in prison with single moms, to prove the point. Because all Rethugs know that only blacks are on welfare and that only black women have children out side of marriage. (except for my white trash nephew that has two children by two white women. One of which has four total children by four different men.) And welfare is definitely flowing to these white women. Get it stopped. These women could be raising future criminals.

Yep they can ride this issue all the way to the WH. Go for it please.
Santorum: Single Moms Are "Breeding More Criminals" | Mother Jones

GAWD - this little scum just can't help himself. Never mind that this position is just plain stupid. He tells a couple of huge whoppers but that's par for the R's. But, notice that he actually blames women for stepping up, for taking responsibility for their children while the dead beat dads are celebrated in the repub congress.

What about the FATHERS of these children? Why don't the rw's or the pubs or the bags have anything to say about fathers?

Is it because, like Rush, they don't really understand that it takes two to make a pregnancy? Or is it because, like Rush, rw's believe children should go hungry?

Sanatorium the Peeping Tom needs to put the blame where it belongs and that is squarely on the men to dump the woman AND their children.

He, and we should be celebrating AND HELPING the courageous women who, against all odds, against every effort of the damn pubs to crush them, still stay with their kids, still struggle to put a roof over their heads and meals on the table.

Single Moms Breeding More Criminals. I can't think of a better argument for abortion and/or welfare. What is Santorum's point?
He is speaking facts. You all want your sex fest and abortion freedom and birth control fine. You have it and still single mothers end up raising criminals.

We are no longer cave people. A moral code is necessary for a civilization to thrive.

I'd be willing to be dollars to donuts that among the various BANKSTERS whose CRIMES (that were legal) destroyed our economy? very few who were raised by single moms.

The very idea that single moms raise more criminals than duel parents families does is probably specious.

It's a proven fact, moron. By definition, a legal activity is not a crime. 70% of the inmates in the state penitentiary are the children of "single moms."

Something must be wrong with the connection. Your link did not show up.
Don't know if any of you rethugs saw some of the latest census data.

Among the poorer people, 50% of children are being born outside of marriage.

I think Rethugs should get behing forced steralization for poor women.

You like that idea Bri? Make it reversable in case they get married.
As soon as the fathers of these children are identified they will be made to be responsible. The problem is identifying who the baby daddy is. The men have been convinced since their own childhood that they have a right to have sex. They resent being made responsible. They are merely exercising their freedom. The women have a right to have sex with as many men as they want to. They have no clue themselves which guy it was out of all those bodies, that impregnated them.

What the children of these women get is never a father, they get a series of transitory boyfriends that may last anywhere from a couple of hours to a few weeks. Instead of being a parent, Mom is out there looking for the next boyfriend. This may take a lot of bedroom interviews. The children get no guidance, lack a parent of any kind. They have no stability because the men come and go regularly. There is no such thing even resembling a family. That so many become criminals isn't surprising.
Don't know if any of you rethugs saw some of the latest census data.

Among the poorer people, 50% of children are being born outside of marriage.

I think Rethugs should get behing forced steralization for poor women.

You like that idea Bri? Make it reversable in case they get married.

That's a democrat issue. Johnh Holdren and Cass Sunstein both want forced sterilization.
I quick scanned this post and I can see another winner for the Rethugs.

Maybe the Teapartie will take it up.

"Stop all welfare funding to single women because they are breeding criminals."

That right there is a winner for sure. Rush will go at it full throat. FOX will post the facts and do little pieces on blacks in prison with single moms, to prove the point. Because all Rethugs know that only blacks are on welfare and that only black women have children out side of marriage. (except for my white trash nephew that has two children by two white women. One of which has four total children by four different men.) And welfare is definitely flowing to these white women. Get it stopped. These women could be raising future criminals.

Yep they can ride this issue all the way to the WH. Go for it please.

So you think we should encourage women to have illegitimate children? Is that really what you're saying?
Santorum: Single Moms Are "Breeding More Criminals" | Mother Jones

GAWD - this little scum just can't help himself. Never mind that this position is just plain stupid. He tells a couple of huge whoppers but that's par for the R's. But, notice that he actually blames women for stepping up, for taking responsibility for their children while the dead beat dads are celebrated in the repub congress.

What about the FATHERS of these children? Why don't the rw's or the pubs or the bags have anything to say about fathers?

Is it because, like Rush, they don't really understand that it takes two to make a pregnancy? Or is it because, like Rush, rw's believe children should go hungry?

Sanatorium the Peeping Tom needs to put the blame where it belongs and that is squarely on the men to dump the woman AND their children.

He, and we should be celebrating AND HELPING the courageous women who, against all odds, against every effort of the damn pubs to crush them, still stay with their kids, still struggle to put a roof over their heads and meals on the table.

Santorum belongs in a Sanitarium.
What about the FATHERS of these children? Why don't the rw's or the pubs or the bags have anything to say about fathers?

The whole point of talking about single women having children is that they should be married if they are going to have children.

Then every person who has a problem with single women having children should fully support making contraception as readily available as possible.

If the point is being attempted that the children of single mothers disproportionately end up in the criminal justice system,

at a great cost to society,

then it makes perfect sense to promote lower cost preventative measures, such as easy, cheap access to contraception.

Not to mention abortion.
My father was killed when I was 2. I was raised by a single mother. I am not a criminal.

Santorum is a dumb fuck.
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I'm willing to fix the problem? What do you suggest be done? Shoot them? Arrest them? Involuntarily sterilize them? Take their kids away involuntarily?

I don't have a problem...and most kids in single parent homes are making it....and sure don't need "holier than thou" losers such as yourself calling their lives "shitty" as you hint at some pretty scary stuff for being an American....assuming you are.

Maybe stop calling 16 year olds who get knocked up for da welfa "heroes."

Squeaky Fromm made a choice, Shortbus; making a choice is not heroic.
I'm willing to fix the problem? What do you suggest be done? Shoot them? Arrest them? Involuntarily sterilize them? Take their kids away involuntarily?

I don't have a problem...and most kids in single parent homes are making it....and sure don't need "holier than thou" losers such as yourself calling their lives "shitty" as you hint at some pretty scary stuff for being an American....assuming you are.

Maybe stop calling 16 year olds who get knocked up for da welfa "heroes."

Squeaky Fromm made a choice, Shortbus; making a choice is not heroic.

I'm beginning to suspect you keep calling me Shortbus because it is what you know....intimately.

Oh well, to each their own. Back to your little boxes, eh?

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