Since he owned it...President Trump Has Rescued The Federal Workers!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
President Trump does the right things and cares for people but the DemonRATS so-called leaders are heartless scums only interested in selfish gains. Will the morons who vote for them recognize any of this reality? Nope....too fucking stupid to look at reality! ^ | Jaqnuary 25, 2019


For the last four weeks, the Democrats held furloughed federal workers hostage to their political agenda. On Friday, President Trump rescued them by ending the government shutdown.

The President has now given Congress three weeks to reach a deal to fund border security or he will declare a state of emergency at the border. Thanks to President Trump’s bold leadership, the state of emergency faced by federal employees is finally over. Of course, don’t expect the Democrats and their media allies to give him any credit.

Since the first day of the government shutdown, the Democrat Party relentlessly used federal workers as political pawns, refusing to negotiate with President Trump on a border security compromise that would have ended the government shutdown.

It is important to remember that when President Trump met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer earlier this month, Pelosi announced that she isn’t interested in finding common ground on immigration, ensuring that the suffering of federal workers would continue for weeks.

The Democrats’ strategy was simple: keep the government closed for as long as possible while accusing President Trump of abandoning furloughed employees. Sadly for the victims of the shutdown, however, the Democrats were never really interested in easing the pain of the border security impasse.

“This is a very little known fact but it’s very important,” Freshman Texas Representative Dan Crenshaw recently said when reflecting on the Democrat Party’s antics. “Over the last week, we voted twice on a motion to recommit, which would send an appropriations bill back to committee, in order to pay federal workers.”

“Now this is separate from the bipartisan plan to give them back pay,” he continued. “This is two other bills that would actually pay them in real time. This would actually pay them right now.”

It would be reasonable to assume that the Democrats would have overwhelmingly supported these initiatives, especially given their concerns about suffering furloughed workers — but they didn’t.

Instead, Democrat lawmakers overwhelmingly voted against the proposal that would have paid the government employees while the shutdown was in effect. Perhaps they were convinced that dangling federal workers in front of television cameras was far more advantageous than alleviating their suffering.

Thankfully for America, President Trump wasn’t prepared to go along with the Democrats’ hostage-taking tactics. By agreeing to temporarily open the government, the President rescued the federal workers while pressuring his political adversaries to negotiate an actual compromise on border security.

The President's move also fundamentally changes the nature of the border security debate for the next three weeks, as the Democrats can no longer use the misery of federal workers to their own political advantage.

Days before President Trump’s announcement, Pelosi changed her tune on border security, pledging to discuss a potential deal on immigration if the government re-opens. The ball is now in her court.

Over the next three weeks, Americans will see for themselves if the Democrats are finally willing to compromise or if they have simply been lying this whole time. But at least federal employees can rest easy knowing that, whatever happens, they’ll no longer be pawns in the Democrats’ political games.
President Trump does the right things and cares for people but the DemonRATS so-called leaders are heartless scums only interested in selfish gains. Will the morons who vote for them recognize any of this reality? Nope....too fucking stupid to look at reality! ^ | Jaqnuary 25, 2019


For the last four weeks, the Democrats held furloughed federal workers hostage to their political agenda. On Friday, President Trump rescued them by ending the government shutdown.

The President has now given Congress three weeks to reach a deal to fund border security or he will declare a state of emergency at the border. Thanks to President Trump’s bold leadership, the state of emergency faced by federal employees is finally over. Of course, don’t expect the Democrats and their media allies to give him any credit.

Since the first day of the government shutdown, the Democrat Party relentlessly used federal workers as political pawns, refusing to negotiate with President Trump on a border security compromise that would have ended the government shutdown.

It is important to remember that when President Trump met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer earlier this month, Pelosi announced that she isn’t interested in finding common ground on immigration, ensuring that the suffering of federal workers would continue for weeks.

The Democrats’ strategy was simple: keep the government closed for as long as possible while accusing President Trump of abandoning furloughed employees. Sadly for the victims of the shutdown, however, the Democrats were never really interested in easing the pain of the border security impasse.

“This is a very little known fact but it’s very important,” Freshman Texas Representative Dan Crenshaw recently said when reflecting on the Democrat Party’s antics. “Over the last week, we voted twice on a motion to recommit, which would send an appropriations bill back to committee, in order to pay federal workers.”

“Now this is separate from the bipartisan plan to give them back pay,” he continued. “This is two other bills that would actually pay them in real time. This would actually pay them right now.”

It would be reasonable to assume that the Democrats would have overwhelmingly supported these initiatives, especially given their concerns about suffering furloughed workers — but they didn’t.

Instead, Democrat lawmakers overwhelmingly voted against the proposal that would have paid the government employees while the shutdown was in effect. Perhaps they were convinced that dangling federal workers in front of television cameras was far more advantageous than alleviating their suffering.

Thankfully for America, President Trump wasn’t prepared to go along with the Democrats’ hostage-taking tactics. By agreeing to temporarily open the government, the President rescued the federal workers while pressuring his political adversaries to negotiate an actual compromise on border security.

The President's move also fundamentally changes the nature of the border security debate for the next three weeks, as the Democrats can no longer use the misery of federal workers to their own political advantage.

Days before President Trump’s announcement, Pelosi changed her tune on border security, pledging to discuss a potential deal on immigration if the government re-opens. The ball is now in her court.

Over the next three weeks, Americans will see for themselves if the Democrats are finally willing to compromise or if they have simply been lying this whole time. But at least federal employees can rest easy knowing that, whatever happens, they’ll no longer be pawns in the Democrats’ political games.

Trump's an empty suited narcissist, who got his fat ass handed to him by Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Only an Arrogant Self Serving Hole would have done harm to so many people - 800,000 + their families and others who provided services to all of them - to feed his ego.
President Trump does the right things and cares for people but the DemonRATS so-called leaders are heartless scums only interested in selfish gains. Will the morons who vote for them recognize any of this reality? Nope....too fucking stupid to look at reality! ^ | Jaqnuary 25, 2019


For the last four weeks, the Democrats held furloughed federal workers hostage to their political agenda. On Friday, President Trump rescued them by ending the government shutdown.

The President has now given Congress three weeks to reach a deal to fund border security or he will declare a state of emergency at the border. Thanks to President Trump’s bold leadership, the state of emergency faced by federal employees is finally over. Of course, don’t expect the Democrats and their media allies to give him any credit.

Since the first day of the government shutdown, the Democrat Party relentlessly used federal workers as political pawns, refusing to negotiate with President Trump on a border security compromise that would have ended the government shutdown.

It is important to remember that when President Trump met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer earlier this month, Pelosi announced that she isn’t interested in finding common ground on immigration, ensuring that the suffering of federal workers would continue for weeks.

The Democrats’ strategy was simple: keep the government closed for as long as possible while accusing President Trump of abandoning furloughed employees. Sadly for the victims of the shutdown, however, the Democrats were never really interested in easing the pain of the border security impasse.

“This is a very little known fact but it’s very important,” Freshman Texas Representative Dan Crenshaw recently said when reflecting on the Democrat Party’s antics. “Over the last week, we voted twice on a motion to recommit, which would send an appropriations bill back to committee, in order to pay federal workers.”

“Now this is separate from the bipartisan plan to give them back pay,” he continued. “This is two other bills that would actually pay them in real time. This would actually pay them right now.”

It would be reasonable to assume that the Democrats would have overwhelmingly supported these initiatives, especially given their concerns about suffering furloughed workers — but they didn’t.

Instead, Democrat lawmakers overwhelmingly voted against the proposal that would have paid the government employees while the shutdown was in effect. Perhaps they were convinced that dangling federal workers in front of television cameras was far more advantageous than alleviating their suffering.

Thankfully for America, President Trump wasn’t prepared to go along with the Democrats’ hostage-taking tactics. By agreeing to temporarily open the government, the President rescued the federal workers while pressuring his political adversaries to negotiate an actual compromise on border security.

The President's move also fundamentally changes the nature of the border security debate for the next three weeks, as the Democrats can no longer use the misery of federal workers to their own political advantage.

Days before President Trump’s announcement, Pelosi changed her tune on border security, pledging to discuss a potential deal on immigration if the government re-opens. The ball is now in her court.

Over the next three weeks, Americans will see for themselves if the Democrats are finally willing to compromise or if they have simply been lying this whole time. But at least federal employees can rest easy knowing that, whatever happens, they’ll no longer be pawns in the Democrats’ political games.

Trump's an empty suited narcissist, who got his fat ass handed to him by Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Only an Arrogant Self Serving Hole would have done harm to so many people - 800,000 + their families and others who provided services to all of them - to feed his ego.
So what do you think Pelosi won? She got a three week deadline to either deliver funding for the smart fence or create another shutdown. But since Republicans clearly care about what the shutdown has done to federal workers and Democrats clearly don't give a shit, the more likely outcome is if Nancy lets her swollen ego give the country another shutdown, the President will invoke his article 2 authority to declare a national emergency and appropriate the money for the smart fence without going to Congress. Presidents have invoked this power over 500 times and it has never been successfully challenged in federal court, so tic toc, tic toc.
In this area (TSA) government workers had tons of stuff donated to them by companies and agencies.
All of the federal workers did. They are still advertising zero interest loans for federal workers too.
President Trump does the right things and cares for people but the DemonRATS so-called leaders are heartless scums only interested in selfish gains. Will the morons who vote for them recognize any of this reality? Nope....too fucking stupid to look at reality! ^ | Jaqnuary 25, 2019


For the last four weeks, the Democrats held furloughed federal workers hostage to their political agenda. On Friday, President Trump rescued them by ending the government shutdown.

The President has now given Congress three weeks to reach a deal to fund border security or he will declare a state of emergency at the border. Thanks to President Trump’s bold leadership, the state of emergency faced by federal employees is finally over. Of course, don’t expect the Democrats and their media allies to give him any credit.

Since the first day of the government shutdown, the Democrat Party relentlessly used federal workers as political pawns, refusing to negotiate with President Trump on a border security compromise that would have ended the government shutdown.

It is important to remember that when President Trump met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer earlier this month, Pelosi announced that she isn’t interested in finding common ground on immigration, ensuring that the suffering of federal workers would continue for weeks.

The Democrats’ strategy was simple: keep the government closed for as long as possible while accusing President Trump of abandoning furloughed employees. Sadly for the victims of the shutdown, however, the Democrats were never really interested in easing the pain of the border security impasse.

“This is a very little known fact but it’s very important,” Freshman Texas Representative Dan Crenshaw recently said when reflecting on the Democrat Party’s antics. “Over the last week, we voted twice on a motion to recommit, which would send an appropriations bill back to committee, in order to pay federal workers.”

“Now this is separate from the bipartisan plan to give them back pay,” he continued. “This is two other bills that would actually pay them in real time. This would actually pay them right now.”

It would be reasonable to assume that the Democrats would have overwhelmingly supported these initiatives, especially given their concerns about suffering furloughed workers — but they didn’t.

Instead, Democrat lawmakers overwhelmingly voted against the proposal that would have paid the government employees while the shutdown was in effect. Perhaps they were convinced that dangling federal workers in front of television cameras was far more advantageous than alleviating their suffering.

Thankfully for America, President Trump wasn’t prepared to go along with the Democrats’ hostage-taking tactics. By agreeing to temporarily open the government, the President rescued the federal workers while pressuring his political adversaries to negotiate an actual compromise on border security.

The President's move also fundamentally changes the nature of the border security debate for the next three weeks, as the Democrats can no longer use the misery of federal workers to their own political advantage.

Days before President Trump’s announcement, Pelosi changed her tune on border security, pledging to discuss a potential deal on immigration if the government re-opens. The ball is now in her court.

Over the next three weeks, Americans will see for themselves if the Democrats are finally willing to compromise or if they have simply been lying this whole time. But at least federal employees can rest easy knowing that, whatever happens, they’ll no longer be pawns in the Democrats’ political games.

Trump's an empty suited narcissist, who got his fat ass handed to him by Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Only an Arrogant Self Serving Hole would have done harm to so many people - 800,000 + their families and others who provided services to all of them - to feed his ego.
So what do you think Pelosi won? She got a three week deadline to either deliver funding for the smart fence or create another shutdown. But since Republicans clearly care about what the shutdown has done to federal workers and Democrats clearly don't give a shit, the more likely outcome is if Nancy lets her swollen ego give the country another shutdown, the President will invoke his article 2 authority to declare a national emergency and appropriate the money for the smart fence without going to Congress. Presidents have invoked this power over 500 times and it has never been successfully challenged in federal court, so tic toc, tic toc.

Trump caved. Someone, and that was Speaker Pelosi, has more balls than Ryan, McConnell and most of the Republican's in the Congress.; those who abdicated their duty as an equal partner with the Executive thinking it will protect them in the next election.

If Trump allows the 3 weeks to pass by, and once again allows the government to shut down, he will see mass public outrage, protests in the streets and Congress inundated with angry e-mails, letters and phone calls.
President Trump does the right things and cares for people but the DemonRATS so-called leaders are heartless scums only interested in selfish gains. Will the morons who vote for them recognize any of this reality? Nope....too fucking stupid to look at reality! ^ | Jaqnuary 25, 2019


For the last four weeks, the Democrats held furloughed federal workers hostage to their political agenda. On Friday, President Trump rescued them by ending the government shutdown.

The President has now given Congress three weeks to reach a deal to fund border security or he will declare a state of emergency at the border. Thanks to President Trump’s bold leadership, the state of emergency faced by federal employees is finally over. Of course, don’t expect the Democrats and their media allies to give him any credit.

Since the first day of the government shutdown, the Democrat Party relentlessly used federal workers as political pawns, refusing to negotiate with President Trump on a border security compromise that would have ended the government shutdown.

It is important to remember that when President Trump met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer earlier this month, Pelosi announced that she isn’t interested in finding common ground on immigration, ensuring that the suffering of federal workers would continue for weeks.

The Democrats’ strategy was simple: keep the government closed for as long as possible while accusing President Trump of abandoning furloughed employees. Sadly for the victims of the shutdown, however, the Democrats were never really interested in easing the pain of the border security impasse.

“This is a very little known fact but it’s very important,” Freshman Texas Representative Dan Crenshaw recently said when reflecting on the Democrat Party’s antics. “Over the last week, we voted twice on a motion to recommit, which would send an appropriations bill back to committee, in order to pay federal workers.”

“Now this is separate from the bipartisan plan to give them back pay,” he continued. “This is two other bills that would actually pay them in real time. This would actually pay them right now.”

It would be reasonable to assume that the Democrats would have overwhelmingly supported these initiatives, especially given their concerns about suffering furloughed workers — but they didn’t.

Instead, Democrat lawmakers overwhelmingly voted against the proposal that would have paid the government employees while the shutdown was in effect. Perhaps they were convinced that dangling federal workers in front of television cameras was far more advantageous than alleviating their suffering.

Thankfully for America, President Trump wasn’t prepared to go along with the Democrats’ hostage-taking tactics. By agreeing to temporarily open the government, the President rescued the federal workers while pressuring his political adversaries to negotiate an actual compromise on border security.

The President's move also fundamentally changes the nature of the border security debate for the next three weeks, as the Democrats can no longer use the misery of federal workers to their own political advantage.

Days before President Trump’s announcement, Pelosi changed her tune on border security, pledging to discuss a potential deal on immigration if the government re-opens. The ball is now in her court.

Over the next three weeks, Americans will see for themselves if the Democrats are finally willing to compromise or if they have simply been lying this whole time. But at least federal employees can rest easy knowing that, whatever happens, they’ll no longer be pawns in the Democrats’ political games.

Trump's an empty suited narcissist, who got his fat ass handed to him by Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Only an Arrogant Self Serving Hole would have done harm to so many people - 800,000 + their families and others who provided services to all of them - to feed his ego.
So what do you think Pelosi won? She got a three week deadline to either deliver funding for the smart fence or create another shutdown. But since Republicans clearly care about what the shutdown has done to federal workers and Democrats clearly don't give a shit, the more likely outcome is if Nancy lets her swollen ego give the country another shutdown, the President will invoke his article 2 authority to declare a national emergency and appropriate the money for the smart fence without going to Congress. Presidents have invoked this power over 500 times and it has never been successfully challenged in federal court, so tic toc, tic toc.

Trump caved. Someone, and that was Speaker Pelosi, has more balls than Ryan, McConnell and most of the Republican's in the Congress.; those who abdicated their duty as an equal partner with the Executive thinking it will protect them in the next election.

If Trump allows the 3 weeks to pass by, and once again allows the government to shut down, he will see mass public outrage, protests in the streets and Congress inundated with angry e-mails, letters and phone calls.
As you say, you are hoping for chaos and failure for America, and you sound confident Pelosi wants that, too, but if Pelosi indulges her swollen ego again to cause another shutdown, the President will protect American workers against the Democrats who are indifferent to their problems and declare a national emergency so he can overcome Democratic indifference to our border security by appropriating the funds necessary to secure our border.
President Trump does the right things and cares for people but the DemonRATS so-called leaders are heartless scums only interested in selfish gains. Will the morons who vote for them recognize any of this reality? Nope....too fucking stupid to look at reality! ^ | Jaqnuary 25, 2019


For the last four weeks, the Democrats held furloughed federal workers hostage to their political agenda. On Friday, President Trump rescued them by ending the government shutdown.

The President has now given Congress three weeks to reach a deal to fund border security or he will declare a state of emergency at the border. Thanks to President Trump’s bold leadership, the state of emergency faced by federal employees is finally over. Of course, don’t expect the Democrats and their media allies to give him any credit.

Since the first day of the government shutdown, the Democrat Party relentlessly used federal workers as political pawns, refusing to negotiate with President Trump on a border security compromise that would have ended the government shutdown.

It is important to remember that when President Trump met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer earlier this month, Pelosi announced that she isn’t interested in finding common ground on immigration, ensuring that the suffering of federal workers would continue for weeks.

The Democrats’ strategy was simple: keep the government closed for as long as possible while accusing President Trump of abandoning furloughed employees. Sadly for the victims of the shutdown, however, the Democrats were never really interested in easing the pain of the border security impasse.

“This is a very little known fact but it’s very important,” Freshman Texas Representative Dan Crenshaw recently said when reflecting on the Democrat Party’s antics. “Over the last week, we voted twice on a motion to recommit, which would send an appropriations bill back to committee, in order to pay federal workers.”

“Now this is separate from the bipartisan plan to give them back pay,” he continued. “This is two other bills that would actually pay them in real time. This would actually pay them right now.”

It would be reasonable to assume that the Democrats would have overwhelmingly supported these initiatives, especially given their concerns about suffering furloughed workers — but they didn’t.

Instead, Democrat lawmakers overwhelmingly voted against the proposal that would have paid the government employees while the shutdown was in effect. Perhaps they were convinced that dangling federal workers in front of television cameras was far more advantageous than alleviating their suffering.

Thankfully for America, President Trump wasn’t prepared to go along with the Democrats’ hostage-taking tactics. By agreeing to temporarily open the government, the President rescued the federal workers while pressuring his political adversaries to negotiate an actual compromise on border security.

The President's move also fundamentally changes the nature of the border security debate for the next three weeks, as the Democrats can no longer use the misery of federal workers to their own political advantage.

Days before President Trump’s announcement, Pelosi changed her tune on border security, pledging to discuss a potential deal on immigration if the government re-opens. The ball is now in her court.

Over the next three weeks, Americans will see for themselves if the Democrats are finally willing to compromise or if they have simply been lying this whole time. But at least federal employees can rest easy knowing that, whatever happens, they’ll no longer be pawns in the Democrats’ political games.
The only thing he "rescued" them from was himself.
President Trump does the right things and cares for people but the DemonRATS so-called leaders are heartless scums only interested in selfish gains. Will the morons who vote for them recognize any of this reality? Nope....too fucking stupid to look at reality! ^ | Jaqnuary 25, 2019


For the last four weeks, the Democrats held furloughed federal workers hostage to their political agenda. On Friday, President Trump rescued them by ending the government shutdown.

The President has now given Congress three weeks to reach a deal to fund border security or he will declare a state of emergency at the border. Thanks to President Trump’s bold leadership, the state of emergency faced by federal employees is finally over. Of course, don’t expect the Democrats and their media allies to give him any credit.

Since the first day of the government shutdown, the Democrat Party relentlessly used federal workers as political pawns, refusing to negotiate with President Trump on a border security compromise that would have ended the government shutdown.

It is important to remember that when President Trump met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer earlier this month, Pelosi announced that she isn’t interested in finding common ground on immigration, ensuring that the suffering of federal workers would continue for weeks.

The Democrats’ strategy was simple: keep the government closed for as long as possible while accusing President Trump of abandoning furloughed employees. Sadly for the victims of the shutdown, however, the Democrats were never really interested in easing the pain of the border security impasse.

“This is a very little known fact but it’s very important,” Freshman Texas Representative Dan Crenshaw recently said when reflecting on the Democrat Party’s antics. “Over the last week, we voted twice on a motion to recommit, which would send an appropriations bill back to committee, in order to pay federal workers.”

“Now this is separate from the bipartisan plan to give them back pay,” he continued. “This is two other bills that would actually pay them in real time. This would actually pay them right now.”

It would be reasonable to assume that the Democrats would have overwhelmingly supported these initiatives, especially given their concerns about suffering furloughed workers — but they didn’t.

Instead, Democrat lawmakers overwhelmingly voted against the proposal that would have paid the government employees while the shutdown was in effect. Perhaps they were convinced that dangling federal workers in front of television cameras was far more advantageous than alleviating their suffering.

Thankfully for America, President Trump wasn’t prepared to go along with the Democrats’ hostage-taking tactics. By agreeing to temporarily open the government, the President rescued the federal workers while pressuring his political adversaries to negotiate an actual compromise on border security.

The President's move also fundamentally changes the nature of the border security debate for the next three weeks, as the Democrats can no longer use the misery of federal workers to their own political advantage.

Days before President Trump’s announcement, Pelosi changed her tune on border security, pledging to discuss a potential deal on immigration if the government re-opens. The ball is now in her court.

Over the next three weeks, Americans will see for themselves if the Democrats are finally willing to compromise or if they have simply been lying this whole time. But at least federal employees can rest easy knowing that, whatever happens, they’ll no longer be pawns in the Democrats’ political games.

Trump's an empty suited narcissist, who got his fat ass handed to him by Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Only an Arrogant Self Serving Hole would have done harm to so many people - 800,000 + their families and others who provided services to all of them - to feed his ego.
Yup, Trump and the Republicans got the Federal Workets paid, while DemonRATS VOTED AGAINST IT!!!

KHOU can verify most Democrats voted against giving federal employees their recently missed paychecks while the shutdown continues!

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