Simple question: does Obozo want Iran to get Nukes

Does Obozo want Iran to get nukes

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Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
First of all I want to say - anyone who believes Obozo's skills in diplomacy will be able to stop Iran from getting nukes is an asshole and hasn't been watching him get his ass handed to him in virtually international negotiation . My feeling is Obozo doesn't consider Iran an existential threat, or a threat to America, period, if Iran does get nukes. While this may be foolish, we don't call him Obozo for nothing. In any case - he sees Iran getting nukes as a problem for countries in that region, but none more than a problem for Israel - a country who he has contempt for. I don't think he's being outmatched or outmaneuvered by Iran. I believe he wants them to have nukes so the power balance shifts in the Middle East and Israel becomes threatened and maybe destroyed.
Given Obama's track record, I would say the answer to that question is obvious.
On a long enough time-span every industrialized nation has the potential to get the Bomb, it is enough that no one feels the need to use one in an offensive manner.
A nuclear bomb is no good if it goes off somewhere, they are the best deterrent to invasion ever invented. Even Iran understands that if they build a Bomb and use it they will suffer total annihilation as a nation state. Once we decide that invading and occupying them is not a viable option then a Bomb is not the holy terror many on the right make it out to be. In many ways nuclear-armed Pakistan has done more harm to our nation than Iran and we call that loose cannon an ally.
Simple question: does Obozo want Iran to get Nuke?

No, but who the fuck cares and they have every right to build them if they choose to. That is what nations do, now you know.

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