simple proof that your minds are useless


Oct 27, 2009
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when an enlightened person such as myself tells you how utterly controlled your minds are you don't believe it.

you don't believe that you have no thoughts of your own only those implanted into your head by the powers that control the media and the government.

you think it is just NOT POSSIBLE.

well how do you explain then that people are so afraid of things like ... a nipple ?

do you remember the furor when Janet Jackson's nipple made a TV appearance ? how can a nipple be so frightening ?

well the same way as Saddam Hussein can. both Saddam Hussein and Janet's nipple posed an equal threat to America ( none ). but your minds are so weak and malleable that you can be programmed to think anything whatsoever your masters desire.

i know what you will say - you are not afraid of nipples. well that's great. what about sex with 12 year old girls ? GOTCHA !

you are not free. you are slave to your own fears which have been implanted into your mind.

when talking to you slaves i am not sure if i should laugh or cry at how hopelessly delusional you are ( and when i say you i mean 99% of people on this forum and everywhere else ). but the good news is you can make the decision to change.

all you need to do is to stop judging concepts based on their popularity and public acceptance. as Pen & Teller said in their "bullshit" episode on polling "what the fuck do you care what somebody thinks?"

99% of you model your own understanding of the world on those of others. as long as that is the case you have not the slightest chance of seeing the truth even when its right in your face.

be warned that as soon as you will begin to think like a free human you will immediately be ostracized by the crowd of lemmings. there is no way around this at all. this is the price you pay for taking the red pill and that is the choice. you can either live comfortably in a world of delusions or you can suffer in the real world.

this forum here like most others is merely a way for you to mentally masturbate by rubbing your ideas against those of others. sure it feels warm and fuzzy swimming in a sperm soup of bullshit. i prefer the cold shower of reality though.
All the world is queer save thee and me, and even thou art a little queer. - Robert Owen
Hmm. Interesting. I like P&T, in fact, FUCK FRANK LUTZ (the polling episode is one of my favorites)! I agree with them when they say, "What the fuck do you care what somebody thinks?" I don't. Couldn't possibly care less. All that being said, I do believe that even P&T would have something to say about having sex with a twelve year old.

Tell us, Borat, do you enjoy sex with twelve year olds? You made a point to mention in your OP, and did so in such a way that one could infer you have this urge, this is why I ask. While I agree that Nipplegate was much ado about nothing, sex with twelve year olds is a long way from a nipple.


OPEN'S the Envelope:

May you have the income of a Republican and the sex life of a Democrat!
( * )( * )

Yes, I have too much free time on my hands and am very immature
what about sex with 12 year old girls ? GOTCHA !

you are not free. you are slave to your own fears which have been implanted into your mind.

Why should one be afraid of having morals or being a law abiding citizen?

If you think freedom is having sex with 12 year old girls you need to be taken out behind the outhouse and shot in the head.
Am I the only one who thinks Crusader Frank's new avatar sucks?
If we are not to allow others to implant thoughts and ideas into our minds then where are we get the ideas that we have? Most of us interact with other people and what they say does influence how we think such as TV, leaders, religion, etc, etc, and etc. Some of us have thoughts implanted in us by our own religious beliefs but so the fuck what if that is true. Does that make those beliefs less valid such as being offended by blatant nudity during the middle of the day. I know you are down with that but that is the fault of those who implanted those thoughts into you but no matter what you have the right to have those thoughts so pop in a porn tape and wack off as much as you want.
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