Simple Math Fail? The Robot Problem & Trump's Plan To Create More Jobs..

Trump's plan to bring jobs back from overseas is only half the problem solved. If the other half (see OP) isn't solved, it all will be for naught. We cannot afford a second 2008 crash. So this time they'd better get it RIGHT.

the real question is why would anyone think he'd "bring back jobs" that he ships out for his own manufacturing.

and why does anyone think that jobs won't be automated because the orange sociopath is in office?

Again what the hell does Trump manufacture, baseball hats?

Keep believing the fairy tales dear ^^ Meanwhile get out your wallet....I smell another Detroit bailout coming...

What fairytale?

So now you think a Car plant makes its own parts?

It assembles them
dude, they are a clueless lot. I have determined that these folks are doomed to stupid. There is absolutely no help for them.
At least half of manufacturing jobs have been lost due to automation, not foreign competition.

We are actually making more stuff than ever.


Losing jobs to technology:

At least half of manufacturing jobs have been lost due to automation, not foreign competition.

We are actually making more stuff than ever.


Losing jobs to technology:

that is statistically inaccurate. dude stop with all of the bad numbers already. for every robot,
someone had to design it,
someone had to build it,
someone had to write the program,
someone has to monitor them,
someone has to maintain them and
someone needs to repair them when they fail.

Dude, there is a slew of new jobs created for automated manufacturing.

The fact is the numbers of those out of work are due to jobs sent out of country.
who maintains all of those robots? I bet there is quite a few mechanics to do the work when one breaks down. hmmmmmmmm talent change.

oh, and what about the programming? or do you also think they have a brain since you think they might buy a car?

Not enough people to run the entire US economy. That's for sure. One guy to oil the joints and one geek writing software for a company's robots. Yeah, that'll bring us back enough so everyone can buy a new inefficient SUV that gets 12mpg..

Go back and re-read the OP. This time more slowly. Let it really sink in...
If children were taught skills in their education rather than how to be in a constant state of "woe is me" we'd have far fewer problems.
We teach our kids A LOT of useless bullshit & prepare them very little for the future.
who maintains all of those robots? I bet there is quite a few mechanics to do the work when one breaks down. hmmmmmmmm talent change.

oh, and what about the programming? or do you also think they have a brain since you think they might buy a car?

Not enough people to run the entire US economy. That's for sure. One guy to oil the joints and one geek writing software for a company's robots. Yeah, that'll bring us back enough so everyone can buy a new inefficient SUV that gets 12mpg..

Go back and re-read the OP. This time more slowly. Let it really sink in...
If children were taught skills in their education rather than how to be in a constant state of "woe is me" we'd have far fewer problems.
We teach our kids A LOT of useless bullshit & prepare them very little for the future.

The future is manual labor at the most base level. I'd say "flipping burgers & cleaning toilets" but I think they've got automation already for the burgers so? Again, back to the OP...who has got an income that will let them buy those 12mpg SUVs? And will we lament when they're not moving off the lots and Detroit asks for another bailout?

Again, this snuggly thing with Tillerson and Putin really makes me stop and wonder. If you accept that Putin& pals' aim is to topple our economy, would a Tillerson nod to SUVs at the expense of cars people actually buy be the final intentional or unintentional end to the bedrock of our hopes to recover?

We used to have vocational programs in high school and jr. high. Those were all but eliminated. Vocations, good ones, are what creates jobs that pay enough for people to go out and consume goods. Goods selling is what drives the economy. So, again...back to the OP for details..
Keep believing the fairy tales dear ^^ Meanwhile get out your wallet....I smell another Detroit bailout coming...

What fairytale?

So now you think a Car plant makes its own parts?

It assembles them
From other plants using robots. See the OP for details. Think: "reading comprehension"..
you have no idea the number of parts in one car. Someone has to make everyone of them. now multiply that by the different models makes, and all the years and shit, there are all kinds of parts that need manufacturing. wow. useless stupid like you should be put to pasture to eat more stupid. cause that's all you know.
who maintains all of those robots? I bet there is quite a few mechanics to do the work when one breaks down. hmmmmmmmm talent change.

oh, and what about the programming? or do you also think they have a brain since you think they might buy a car?

Not enough people to run the entire US economy. That's for sure. One guy to oil the joints and one geek writing software for a company's robots. Yeah, that'll bring us back enough so everyone can buy a new inefficient SUV that gets 12mpg..

Go back and re-read the OP. This time more slowly. Let it really sink in...
If children were taught skills in their education rather than how to be in a constant state of "woe is me" we'd have far fewer problems.
We teach our kids A LOT of useless bullshit & prepare them very little for the future.

The future is manual labor at the most base level. I'd say "flipping burgers & cleaning toilets" but I think they've got automation already for the burgers so? Again, back to the OP...who has got an income that will let them buy those 12mpg SUVs? And will we lament when they're not moving off the lots and Detroit asks for another bailout?

Again, this snuggly thing with Tillerson and Putin really makes me stop and wonder. If you accept that Putin& pals' aim is to topple our economy, would a Tillerson nod to SUVs at the expense of cars people actually buy be the final intentional or unintentional end to the bedrock of our hopes to recover?
again, someone needs to do all of the necessaries to use them. wow
you have no idea the number of parts in one car....
Yes, actually, I do.. I've seen a number of cars stripped of every part including the wiring harness down to their frames and built back up again. Don't assume you know what I know.
you have no idea the number of parts in one car....
Yes, actually, I do.. I've seen a number of cars stripped of every part including the wiring harness down to their frames and built back up again. Don't assume you know what I know.
well then you know that there are manufacturers for the wire, to put the harness together to build the robot, to do everything. Still needs to be a human. so your point is again useless.

does a robot replace a failed part?
Cheap oil.
That won't be cheap when man made fracking earthquakes disrupt the New Madrid Fault. Wonder how much it will cost to rebuild cities across the Midwest & maybe even as far north as Chicago?

Or...staying stuck dependent upon ME oil and all the military hardware & blood needed to maintain that precarious hold?

We'd better get smart fast. Our enemies keen on toppling what's left of our economy have already done the math on our obsession with non-economic addiction to "cheap" oil..

How many of the "workers" above will buy new SUVs that get 12mpg?

It's a math problem that Trump's cabinet needs to work out. Otherwise Trump will look like a chump. We can just start calling him "President Chump" if he fails to look at the broader picture of today's economy and how to sculpt our automotive manufacturing in order to actually accomplish his goal.

First of all, nobody on today's tight budget is going to downgrade from a car getting over 30mpg to a tank that slurps up a gallon of gas every 12 miles. No matter how artificially cheap they make gas in the interim to trick consumers that "this is a good idea".

Second, robots don't buy houses, they don't buy cars, they don't buy groceries, or sundries or vacations or clothing or even beer. A banana republic can't afford expensive inefficient SUVs. And Europeans/Asians ain't going to buy them with gas there at over $6/gallon.

So how are we going to pump the economy back up again? Exactly? By retooling Detroit to pump out big gas hogs again? The 1970s called....they want their mileage back..

Of course Trump could consult Canada who is kicking ass in local manufacturing. They have laws that mandate a certain percentage of workers must be human beings. Because their education level is so much higher than ours, their children and future political managers passed basic math in the 3rd grade.

I know...just our entire economy is at stake on these pivotal decisions. No biggie. Remember, robots don't buy groceries, sundries, vacations, medicine, clothing, And nobody, robot or human, is going to buy SUVs that get 12mpg. So are we heading for another big expensive bailout for Detroit? I think we are..unless there's a colony of beings on the moon who are big consumers of clunky, underpowered gas hogs built by robots only.

If our politicians were science & economics experts instead of ignorant narcissists hellbent on immediate greed, our country's economy would never have tanked in the first place. Trump may love himself more than the average Joe...but I think Trump even might sit back and ponder making a key mistake from the whisperings of those shortsighted men thinking they can resurrect the gas sales boon of the 1970s.

Will we sit silent while they make key decisions that will bring us to the precipice again? Contact your representatives people. Tell them to make Detroit make cars with people again. There will be some automation still of course, but they need more people involved. Also tell them that there's no market either domestically or overseas that want the 1970s mileage.

It's hard to reboot an economy off the backs of SUVs built almost 100% by robots...that stack up collecting dust at sales lots...

Look we all agree robotics doea pose a threat to jobs in the longterm.

But two things:

1- if its just robots, why move plants to China and mexico and incur huge ahipping costs?

2- while I hear these dire predictions, the people who make them turn out to be wrong or something else comes up to change the game on everything they predict.

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