Simple fact about Afghanistan.

Hmmmm…thought to be eh? They don’t know….Did they contact the thousands of others? Let me see the data.
...go "see" and come back when you have something evidence based to say. does it have to do with Mullah Baradar release in 2018 and then leading negotiations with Trump admin
it has nothing to do with the trump deal since the trump deal has nothing to do with the situation at hand

it does have to deal with the folks xiden and obama released that lead to the over throw of afghan due to xiden surrender
Oh, I read it. And, it read as just another excuse making, finger pointing, liberal talking points blather.

You liberals are quick to label Republicans as FNC led "cultists ", while refusing to acknowledge your own zombie like regurgitating of CNN/NYTimes talking points...

Biden came out yesterday and sadly tried to spin this as some kind of success. While at the same time points to the previous administration for the catastrophe we see on our TV daily, and saying the buck stops with Him? What a joke.

Clearly you didn't read it properly.

I criticized the Democrats as much as criticized the Republicans.

I literally said the Republicans would do the same as the Democrats are doing now, and the Democrats would be doing the same as the Republicans now.

But you keep on playing the victim.
You are clueless. American spends billions in Pakistan and they are considered our allies. Over time they've shown that they don't particularly like to bite the hand that feeds.

From 2010:

The Taliban’s top military commander was captured several days ago in Karachi, Pakistan, in a secret joint operation by Pakistani and American intelligence forces, according to American government officials.

The participation of Pakistan’s spy service could suggest a new level of cooperation from Pakistan’s leaders, who have been ambivalent about American efforts to crush the Taliban. Increasingly, the Americans say, senior leaders in Pakistan, including the chief of its army, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, have gradually come around to the view that they can no longer support the Taliban in Afghanistan as they have quietly done for years without endangering themselves

He was jailed there untill Trump administration approved/requested his release.
You're an idiot if you think any Muslim will take sides with an infidel over another fellow Muslim. Especially a high ranked Muslim. I've trained them while I was in the military. I know how they are.

I can see why you support Democrats.
You're totally clueless.
....because Department of Defense's numbers completely contradict baseless fantasies you have?
DOD numbers?
I'm sure they wouldn't lie to us.......even though they said Afghanistan wouldn't fall.....or that they wouldn't leave Americans behind.
Turns out they knew Afghanistan was going tits up months ago and that they had no intention of sticking around for a few hundred Americans.
it has nothing to do with the trump deal since the trump deal has nothing to do with the situation at hand

it does have to deal with the folks xiden and obama released that lead to the over throw of afghan due to xiden surrender

You are actually saying that Trump negotiating with Baradar on withdrawal deal with Taliban, which included the release of 5000 Taliban members has nothing to do with withdrawal?

I don't know if you are just stupid or think everyone else is.
Clearly you didn't read it properly.

I criticized the Democrats as much as criticized the Republicans.

I literally said the Republicans would do the same as the Democrats are doing now, and the Democrats would be doing the same as the Republicans now.

But you keep on playing the victim.'s like the fact that Obama said he couldn't get rid of ISIS.....but Trump kicked their butts easily.
The truth is....if Trump was president the Taliban wouldn't be in Kabul celebrating.
How about we at least pulled out of Afghanistan after we had an accurate assessment of what was going on instead of distortions? Did the Afghan army really have 300K soldiers ready to fight as repeated by Biden? I highly doubt it. He had also promised those fighters some air support which never arrived for them..... that had to be a moral killer as well in the last week and days.
Once we saw the Afghans were losing control, we should have regained control until we got all the Americans out and our allies.... we had the capability. Biden is lying if he says we didnt.

Secondly, we hadn't been at war for quite some time now in Afghanistan. Biden keeps repeating we need to get out of this "forever war".... we simply had been supplying air cover and logistics for quite a while. That's hardly a "WAR" ... we were simply backing up a friend and ally in the Afghan people in THEIR war against the taliban. Many more of them had died, 60,000 or so.
And yes they would have eventually been ready. The problem with the current crop of soldiers is that so many of them were illiterate... even the commanders. In 20 years, you could say "education" for Afghans was just starting to take off. That will all come to an end and the self fulfilling prophecy for Afghanistan will once more come true. Women will once more be put in their place and you can bet all the 20 somethings and younger who had these strange new ideas of freedom are going to face really horrific punishments when they start to protest or try to continue on with the only life they have ever known.

I understand wanting to be out of Afghanistan. but if there was ever one country on earth that could have used the help it is THAT place. It's not like the U.S. had to be in it alone either.. there was plenty of other international support.

Agree though. In the very first place we should have just bombed the hell out of Taliban positions, maybe sent in troops to root out the leadership but then gotten right out in the first year. Problem is once we went this far, we made promises and gave hope to people that their life could be different. As the leader of the free world, sometimes when you make those promises you have to stick it out. A big problem here was the false assessment of what the Afghan army was capable of.

Had the US said it was pulling out, and then not pulled out, Biden would have been attacked more than he is now.

Afghanistan might need help, the problem is it needs to solve its own problems in its own way. It's not a part of the USA.
Clearly you didn't read it properly.

I criticized the Democrats as much as criticized the Republicans.

I literally said the Republicans would do the same as the Democrats are doing now, and the Democrats would be doing the same as the Republicans now.

But you keep on playing the victim.
That seems a better thing to discuss with your fellow travelers…
Had the US said it was pulling out, and then not pulled out, Biden would have been attacked more than he is now.

Afghanistan might need help, the problem is it needs to solve its own problems in its own way. It's not a part of the USA.
Yet they have what could be thousands of Americans in country, thank to the coward.
Do you think Trump would leave the Taliban the 2nd most sophisticated militaty equipment in history

My God the defense mechanisms you libturds have

View attachment 533340
What???.You can insult with the best of em Jenny.

My God. 50 yrs of ME diplomacy totally ruined. The defense mechanisms are incredible

Bush jr and Trump were famous for rejecting diplomacy and marginalizing those who had in country diplomatic experience.
Had the US said it was pulling out, and then not pulled out, Biden would have been attacked more than he is now.

Afghanistan might need help, the problem is it needs to solve its own problems in its own way. It's not a part of the USA.
It's also our fault that our enemies have been armed to the teeth thanks to a feeble old coward sitting in the Oval Office...who shouldn't be there in the first place.
Yet they have what could be thousands of Americans in country, thank to the coward.

There may be as many as 200 American civilians left in Afghanistan who don't want to leave. They may plan on getting rich or some have said they have no problem with the Taliban.
It's also our fault that our enemies have been armed to the teeth thanks to a feeble old coward sitting in the Oval Office...who shouldn't be there in the first place.

You idiot.. Over the years we have provided arms to Al Qaeda, the warlords, the Afghan Security Forces, the Afghan Mafia and the Taliban. Grow the fuck up.

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