Signs Of A Sickening World (and getting worse by the day)


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Reading the news I often see a consistent pattern of concern to events that suggest great problems on the horizon; here are just four items I pulled from TODAY'S news.


1). The former Arizona lawman, Joe Arpaio, was convicted of a criminal charge Monday for refusing to stop traffic patrols that targeted immigrants.

Well, he wasn't targeting immigrants, he was targeting illegal aliens, they are not even "immigrants," you cannot "immigrate" illegally, illegal aliens are invaders, and sadly, the law is not discriminating the difference, and arrested a former Sheriff for trying to combat the flow of illegal aliens trying to sneak into the country. They are more interested in the rights of the few than the rights of the many.

2). WikiLeaks released more than 21,000 verified emails stolen from key figures in the election campaign of French President Emmanuel Macron.

I don't really care what was in Macron's email, whether there was wrongdoing or letters to his mistress, it really isn't any of my business. Where did we go from it being a felony crime to open someone's postal mail to when it was made electronic (e-mail, electronic mail), that it now became everyone's business? No longer a felony, it is now the government's DUTY to open it? The government reads it all, WikiLeaks hacks it all, people post it all over the internet---- THE POINT BEING that the electronic age, the computer age has not only destroyed all pretense of PRIVACY, but everything is hacked into! Doesn't matter if you are president of a country, a big corporation or even the Pentagon----- YOUR DATA, MY DATA, ANYONE'S data IS NOT SECURE. And despite that, they are conducting everything electronically: signatures, contracts, everything.

3). WASHINGTON- North Korea's latest test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) has shown that Pyongyang now may be able to reach most of the continental United States, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Monday.

When did it happen? Just a couple months ago, the story was that by next year, he might be able to hit Seattle, maybe San Fran and LA. Now all of a sudden he may be able to hit NYC? Anywhere in the USA? Do you get the feeling that our politicians and especially our intelligence has kind of dropped the ball a little somewhere along the way? And where has this tiny country gotten the technology? China and Iran. And who gave it to Iran? Russia. And where is N. Korea getting the fissile material to build atomic bombs? Either Iran or Russia directly. And who sold a lot of that Fissile material to Russia? HILLARY CLINTON from our own stockpile. If Kim Jong-Un hits us with a nuclear ICBM, we might be getting nuked on by our own atomic matter.

4). The United Kingdom-based emailer managed to present himself as White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, former chief of staff Reince Priebus and recently-nominated ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman Jr.

Some kid in the UK can send emails to White House staff, get into their system, AND fool them into thinking they are Cabinet members to the President?

Bottom line: our nation's identity is lost, we are ass-backwards in our values, our leaders and government are NOT protecting us, not doing their job, half the people in this country are trying to tug us one way while the other half tugging the other way, the so-called smartest scientists and leaders have spent the past 70 years developing a medium and forcing us down it's path for everything we have and do without giving any thought for making it secure and protecting it, and now, we may have allowed a nitwit leader who cannot even feed his own people in a country no larger than Florida get to the brink of being able to rain destruction upon major U.S, Cities and hold us hostage and what do our leaders do which have allowed all of this? Half of them are running around committing secret crimes stealing intelligence and trying to flee the country with it to sell to others or use it against us, while the other half are busy making up phony allegations and political investigations all in the hope of just getting a political upper hand?

It reminds me of a bunch of monkeys in a zoo fighting over a banana while a flood approaches their cage soon to drown them; they are so busy worried about a stupid banana they have no time to notice they are all in peril and fail to ever act until it is too late.

We just may have reached that full circle of evolution to where nature finally decides that a species is causing more harm than good and it is time to exterminate them to make room for a new one. Maybe this time, the dolphins.
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