Sign Signs Everywhere Are Signs


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
SIGNS everywhere but do people notice to read them?
It's surely a Mad Mad Mad Mad World,
a real Rat Race out there, take the time to notice the signs, and heed the warnings.






SIGNS everywhere but do people notice to read them?
It's surely a Mad Mad Mad Mad World,
a real Rat Race out there, take the time to notice the signs, and heed the warnings.






I myself like a different brand of peanut Squirels are interesting creatures i was always taught about the lazy squirel and the squirel that works very hard to collect her nuts all through the spring and fall so she can survive the coming winter.... The lazy squirel by not being proactive takes a chance of starving by having a good time and not worrying about the future and believing gd will provide so to speak... The other squirel spends all his time looking for nuts and hides them away for a rainy day....i used to think this was a pretty straight forward concept and i admirred the squirel who worked hard to collect the nuts until one day i saw a documentary on tv showing that before he went into hibernation a bear would look for and smell out these hidden cashes of nuts and would dig them up and devour all the hard work of the left me suprised and shocked and i realized that many people go about their lives trying to squirel up a fortune but in the end they may not be the one to enjoy their efforts and someone else may come along and take that pleasure for themselves....interesting how even though the sign might be in front of our face we might misinterpret or miss it altogether....
I rescued a baby rabbit from the jaws of a cat last week.

It was a sign from the gawds. Ba'al has a place in heaven for me.
that would explain why a bear is the symbol of Russia,
stealing the stash & resources of others every so many hybernating periods. *L*

Hollie, you would be seen as a god to that rabbit,
just as the guy who saved the easter worshipers from being feed to the lions would be seen as a god.
To bad that wasn't Jesus who got them sent to the lions instead.
*LOL* That's the road block Christians face when they use Zech 12:10 around me. No where to go when they back themselves in a corner.
Good one michael i also saw that when they re introduced wolves into yellowstone they found out that the bear instead of hibernating would follow the wolves till they had made a kill and then would step in and chase away the wolves fleecing them of their kill and would only leave when it had had its fill.. Those wolves and squirels should be extra carefull poking mama russia in the face that bear might just get angry enough to take a swipe at them and take whatever she likes and they are powerless to stop her...kinda funny to watch the wolves surrounding her but backing off when they get a
World's worst jobs:
Food taster for Putin.

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Donald Trumps Barber

Photographer for that purple haired gargoyle looking lady on TBN. (wife of Paul Crouch)

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