Shutdown Fallout Effects....

Still seen as one of the most reckless moves ever by a president because the potential for disaster far outweighed whatever benefit he was trying to achieve.
Did you claim the same when other presidents had their shutdowns?
The thread is about an American president destroying a vital part of the security apparatus for a political stunt.
He's certainly doing his best to leave us open for terrorist attacks, isn't he?
Still seen as one of the most reckless moves ever by a president because the potential for disaster far outweighed whatever benefit he was trying to achieve.
Did you claim the same when other presidents had their shutdowns?
The thread is about an American president destroying a vital part of the security apparatus for a political stunt.

How do you get that is happening?
Still seen as one of the most reckless moves ever by a president because the potential for disaster far outweighed whatever benefit he was trying to achieve.
Did you claim the same when other presidents had their shutdowns?
The thread is about an American president destroying a vital part of the security apparatus for a political stunt.
He's certainly doing his best to leave us open for terrorist attacks, isn't he?

How so?
Separates those who joined TSA out of patriotism and those who were just in it for a quick buck.

…And those perverts who were just in it for the chance to get paid to sexually-molest strangers. Which is probably the majority of them.

Now conservatives hate the TSA because they have the audacity to expect to be paid for their work. Hmm ... guess I'm not surprised, lol.
trumpanzees support the times of slavery.
Now conservatives hate the TSA because they have the audacity to expect to be paid for their work. Hmm ... guess I'm not surprised, lol.

Not to speak for all conservatives, but I hate the TSA because I think there is something very, very, very wrong with the idea that any citizen should be compelled to submit to what amounts to sexual assault, as a condition of being allowed to travel by aircraft. What the TSA perverts get paid to do, ought to get them instead thrown in prison, and branded for life as sexual offenders. This is one particularly shameful part of Obama's legacy that I am disappointed that Trump hasn't done anything to reverse.

Oh will you STFU! Sexual assault? Please! Grow a pair so that if you are sexually assaulted, no one will be disappointed!
Now conservatives hate the TSA because they have the audacity to expect to be paid for their work. Hmm ... guess I'm not surprised, lol.

Not to speak for all conservatives, but I hate the TSA because I think there is something very, very, very wrong with the idea that any citizen should be compelled to submit to what amounts to sexual assault, as a condition of being allowed to travel by aircraft. What the TSA perverts get paid to do, ought to get them instead thrown in prison, and branded for life as sexual offenders. This is one particularly shameful part of Obama's legacy that I am disappointed that Trump hasn't done anything to reverse.

Oh will you STFU! Sexual assault? Please! Grow a pair so that if you are sexually assaulted, no one will be disappointed!

Daymmm ...
Separates those who joined TSA out of patriotism and those who were just in it for a quick buck.

…And those perverts who were just in it for the chance to get paid to sexually-molest strangers. Which is probably the majority of them.

Now conservatives hate the TSA because they have the audacity to expect to be paid for their work. Hmm ... guess I'm not surprised, lol.
Perhaps hating the TSA for being fascist is the reason. Like other fiefdom jobs, they can destroy people. You know. Like the law enforcement you despise. Come on. Say a wrong word. then go on a plane and say a wrong word to stewerdesses who are now closer to concentration camp matrons then friendly helpers. This is what happens when tyranny slowly spreads. And the attacks are from all angles. Because people are crazier also.
National Park Service plans to use entrance fees to keep major parks open during shutdown
Now, this is an innovative solution. And I love it! Smart thinking, the left politicians will hate, what do you bet?

On Sunday, the National Park Service took a major step to keep its most popular parks operating during the federal government shutdown.

In a statement, P. Daniel Smith, deputy director of the National Park Service, said that the agency is taking an “extraordinary step” by using entrance, camping, parking and other fees that typically are saved for future projects to keep its most visited parks functioning.

The funds will be used to remove trash, clean and maintain restrooms, bring more law enforcement rangers into parks, and restore accessibility to areas that have been off limits during the shutdown.
Separates those who joined TSA out of patriotism and those who were just in it for a quick buck.

Just proves that registering to vote Democrat should eliminate one from consideration for any job related to national security.

This is the dumbest shit I ever heard.

Of course they are in it for "a buck". It's their fucking job. Do you think those people enjoy that shit job? They probably don't make jack shit either. Act like they get paid big money or something.

Do you go to work "for the patriotism" or to make a living?
Maybe they should get a better job, that involves something more productive than grabbing peoples' junk and rifling through their personal possessions.
There you go...promoting a return to slavery.
Separates those who joined TSA out of patriotism and those who were just in it for a quick buck.

Just proves that registering to vote Democrat should eliminate one from consideration for any job related to national security.

This is the dumbest shit I ever heard.

Of course they are in it for "a buck". It's their fucking job. Do you think those people enjoy that shit job? They probably don't make jack shit either. Act like they get paid big money or something.

Do you go to work "for the patriotism" or to make a living?
Maybe they should get a better job, that involves something more productive than grabbing peoples' junk and rifling through their personal possessions.
There you go...promoting a return to slavery.
There you go, being as fucking dopey as ever.
Maybe some of you can clarify something for me. It is not "lawful" to employ someone and then refuse to pay them. In fact, that's pretty much a sure fire way to get into a whole lot of legal trouble irrespective of how poor of an employee or how poorly they performed as your employee.

So under what set of exceptions does our federal government, who by the way created and enforces the original laws protecting workers rights (U.S. Department of Labor), get to violate the laws that would get any other employer sanctioned, in the very least?

And just as an aside, if you are employed by a company in the City of Seattle and your employer refuses to pay you, you can file a police report and have your employer investigated and criminally prosecuted for failing to pay you. There are several things I admire about the City of Seattle proper and this is one of them:

Wage Theft
Employers can be criminally prosecuted for failing to pay wages promised to their workers. If an employer is convicted of the gross misdemeanor, the City can also revoke the employer's business license.

A worker who believes he/she has been paid less that the minimum wage, or forced to work off the clock, or not paid for all the hours work, or not paid the amount promised, or not paid overtime, can file a complaint by:

SPD will investigate and forward its report to the Criminal Division for a decision on whether to file the charge. Then Criminal Division attorneys will work with the victim toward making a provable case.

To strengthen its efforts against wage theft, the City agreed recently to share information and coordinate enforcement efforts with the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor.

"Enforcement of wage theft crimes is much more than just recovering money owed to the worker who earned it," City Attorney Pete Holmes says. "Holding employers accountable for wage theft is a matter of preserving human dignity and protecting those who are most vulnerable in our community."
Wage Theft - CityAttorney |
National Park Service plans to use entrance fees to keep major parks open during shutdown
Now, this is an innovative solution. And I love it! Smart thinking, the left politicians will hate, what do you bet?

On Sunday, the National Park Service took a major step to keep its most popular parks operating during the federal government shutdown.

In a statement, P. Daniel Smith, deputy director of the National Park Service, said that the agency is taking an “extraordinary step” by using entrance, camping, parking and other fees that typically are saved for future projects to keep its most visited parks functioning.

The funds will be used to remove trash, clean and maintain restrooms, bring more law enforcement rangers into parks, and restore accessibility to areas that have been off limits during the shutdown.
Unlike Obama the drama queen who ordered areas outside NOS jurisdiction closed.
The TSA was created as part of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, sponsored by Don Young in the United States House of Representatives[1] and Ernest Hollings in the Senate,[2][3] passed by the 107th U.S. Congress, and signed into law by President George W. Bush on November 19, 2001.

Oh, Former President Obama formed the TSA in November of 2001?

It was under the Obama administration that they started sexually-abusing travellers, under the fraudulent guise of protecting us from terrorists.
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Oh will you STFU! Sexual assault? Please! Grow a pair so that if you are sexually assaulted, no one will be disappointed!

Fondling people's intimate areas without their full, freely-given consent is sexual assault. That is an objective fact, and none of the excuses being used to justify it change what it is. This is behavior that ought to get these filthy perverts thrown in prison, and branded for life as sex offenders, along with disgusting perverts like you who try to defend it.
The TSA employees will get paid eventually. To bad they never put any $$$ away for a rainy day.

POTUS will fire you in a heartbeat if you strike. Appropriately so


Two Weeks Into Shutdown, Hundreds of TSA Agents Have Stopped Showing Up for Work
He should...right now. Explain why he fired people who refused to work for no pay......
Doesn't matter. Government employees who strike should be fired. Just like RR did the FAA controllers


Nobody is striking, they have been locked out. The one's allowed to work are not getting paid. If they are taking extra sick days it is likely to work second jobs to make ends meet.

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