Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

Show where and how the only ones bailed out by the fund Harris supported were arrested for civil disobedience?
You made the accusation against Harris so show us where her bail funds went to a person who was arrested for arson or looting a store .

Trump says Ashley Babbitt a rioter bit a protester represents the best if America and the MAGA side - SHE US DEAD BECAUSR IF HIM,

Trump said in a statement released through his political action committee that Babbitt “truly loved America,” asserting she represents “far more people… than there are on the other side.
You made the accusation against Harris so show us where her bail funds went to a person who was arrested for arson or looting a store .

Trump says Ashley Babbitt a rioter bit a protester represents the best if America and the MAGA side - SHE US DEAD BECAUSR IF HIM,

Trump said in a statement released through his political action committee that Babbitt “truly loved America,” asserting she represents “far more people… than there are on the other side.
Ashley is dead because she was MURDERED by a black POS!!!!
What type of conspiracy? Given all the anomalies with the halted count in the swing states and his belief that the election did not reflect the will of the people, he asked for a legal process.

What about what Gore did? He demanded, and got, a recount of specific areas in Florida that were majority Democrat in order to FIND more Democrat votes. He got the recount, but still couldn’t FIND the votes he needed. How come he wasn’t charged with the RICO act and put in prison?

Charged with with following the law? :cuckoo:
Ashley is dead because she was MURDERED by a black POS!!!!


You're deranged, con. She was lawfully killed for attempting to breach a police barricade. You think these cops were fucking around...?

He is partisan but not really a hack like the MAGA Caucus. He is the reason Trump got 3 SC nominations filled by a simple majority. Part of the Neo-GOP Court where lying is not only okay but expected.

You are simply a hypocrite.
Not like everyone didn't already know.
You made the accusation against Harris so show us where her bail funds went to a person who was arrested for arson or looting a store .

Trump says Ashley Babbitt a rioter bit a protester represents the best if America and the MAGA side - SHE US DEAD BECAUSR IF HIM,

Trump said in a statement released through his political action committee that Babbitt “truly loved America,” asserting she represents “far more people… than there are on the other side.
My assertion is that Kamala Harris along with many other Democrats have no problem with violence when it suits their means and objectives.

As for Ashley Babbitt, go back and read any of my posts and you see where I state that despite being unarmed, Babbitt was shot and killed by law enforcement because she did not comply with their commands and represented a threat to their safety. And rather than riot, loot and maim, the Left actually broke tradition and cheered and supported Law Enforcement for shooting a threat. Go figure.
Maybe when she helped to bail them out?? :laughing0301:
How much money did she donate to the bail fund?


However her tweet was a boon for the bail fund and they used it to bail people out of jail. You know bail set by a either you believe in the American system of justice or you don't.
Same people with a different label.
I peacefully protested the republican party lies and threat to kick United Nations inspectors out of Iraq to invade and occupy the sovereign state of Iraq that had nothing to do with the 9/11 terrorist attack. It was in late January early February 2003 in Washington DC, where several hundred thousands of liberals and Democrats are protesting the impending invasion.

It was very peaceful, and a rather warm winter day, as we listen to the speakers trying to talk some sense in the white evangelical Christian president, who was more than pondering the start of a war in the Muslim Middle East a very small amount of violence got started but was easily smashed down.

During the speeches a small band of vandals began breaking windows, and businesses and vehicles parked along Pennsylvania Avenue just off the mall area. I was very close to where that started, but didn’t let curiosity get the best of me. I said let’s get out of here will give the police on horseback a clear shot at these bastards all the protest protesters. We’re on board with that.

If one of the protesters near me broke ranks and grabbed a brick and start and join them, he is for ever not a peaceful protester. You can’t go smash your car window and then slip back into the crowd and consider yourself a peaceful, protester.

Labels matter, and even matter more and legal matters when people need to be arrested for their behavior. Your attempt to blur your language is duly noted because I notice you do this on all subjects it’s a necessity with MAGA And MAGA Christianity
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How much money did she donate to the bail fund?


However her tweet was a boon for the bail fund and they used it to bail people out of jail. You know bail set by a either you believe in the American system of justice or you don't.

Omg, you people are too ridiculous to even banter with, do you hear yourself? Do you have any integrity at all?? lol Don't answer that question, I already know the answer.
Ashley is dead because she was MURDERED by a black POS!!!!
Donald Trump is morally and practically responsible for the events that day. Ashley's family should sue him for her wrongful death that occurred during the Trump Riot on Jan 6th.
If Trump is being indicted for encouraging his supporters to protest peacefully, shouldn’t Kamala Harris be indicted for encouraging rioters by helping raise funds for their bail upon arrest?

In another example, she also said that protestors “should protest“ [the lie] about George Floyd being about police racism, while Trump said his supporters should make their voices heard - although he emphasized PEACEFULLY while Harris did no such thing.

And finally, the damage done during the Summer of Hate and Violence was much worse than the few hours on Jan 6.

She said "protest"....that is legal, hun.
If Trump is being indicted for encouraging his supporters to protest peacefully, shouldn’t Kamala Harris be indicted for encouraging rioters by helping raise funds for their bail upon arrest?
Vice President Harris and that prosecutor in Atlanta are folks who are untouchable in 2023 America.

So they can say and do whatsoever they wish.
I peacefully protested the republican party lies and threat to kick United Nations inspectors out of Iraq to invade and occupy the sovereign state of Iraq that had nothing to do with the 9/11 terrorist attack. It was in late January early February 2003 in Washington DC, where several hundred thousands of liberals and Democrats are protesting the impending invasion.

It was very peaceful, and they rather warm winter day, as we listen to the speakers trying to talk some sense in the white evangelical Christian president, who was more than pondering the start of a war in the Muslim Middle East

During the speeches a small band of vandals began breaking windows, and businesses and vehicles parked along Pennsylvania Avenue just off the mall area. I was very close to where that started, but didn’t let curiosity get the best of me. I said let’s get out of here will give the police on horseback a clear shot at these bastards all the protest protesters. We’re on board with that.

If one of the protesters near me broke ranks and grabbed a brick and start and join them, he is for ever not a peaceful protester. You can’t go smash your car window and then slip back into the crowd and consider yourself a peaceful, protester.

Labels matter, and even matter more and legal matters when people need to be arrested for their behavior. Your attempt to blur your language is duly noted because I notice you do this on all subjects it’s a necessity with MAGA And MAGA Christianity
Like I said, of course many people went home and didn't participate in the riots. There were, however, many who did exactly that, and when demonstrations routinely turn into riots, something is not right. How many "right wing" protests and demonstrations have turned into riots? There were enough BLM protests that did that the name BLM is irrevocably associated with rioting, and I did not see BLM executives decrying them or demanding that those protesting stop short of riots.
Omg, you people are too ridiculous to even banter with, do you hear yourself? Do you have any integrity at all?? lol Don't answer that question, I already know the answer.

Do you know the difference between a protest and a riot? Here's what candidate Biden said right after the riots developed.

“Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not.”

But but Mrs. Harris asks people do help protesters who were allegedly arrested for non violent offenses, so obviously, the entire Democrat party is pro riot, right?
Vice President Harris and that prosecutor in Atlanta are folks who are untouchable in 2023 America.

So they can say and do whatsoever they wish.
Part of that is because they are black females…..the new golden boy. Neither would have gotten their jobs if not for that.

And do you know that the prosecutor is the daughter of a Black Panther? That means she was brought up in a home of anger and resentment for the white man - even though odds are she got into her law school due to black favoritism.

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