Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

For context:

Forward to 5:25
The Stalinist persecutors want to try new legal "theories", so the defense will too!
"You're Honor, WTF is this SHIT?????"
If Trump is being indicted for encouraging his supporters to protest peacefully, shouldn’t Kamala Harris be indicted for encouraging rioters by helping raise funds for their bail upon arrest?

In another example, she also said that protestors “should protest“ [the lie] about George Floyd being about police racism, while Trump said his supporters should make their voices heard - although he emphasized PEACEFULLY while Harris did no such thing.

And finally, the damage done during the Summer of Hate and Violence was much worse than the few hours on Jan 6.

Geez.... Wow! It isn't a lie about George Floyd.

She emphasized Protesters not rioters, and the protesters were protesting the murder of George Floyd by a police officer, of which all of us would not have known about, without the phone video recording by a bystander. The Bail Fund is one she has always supported. It does not give the poorer law breaker anything that a rich law breaker would not have at his or her finger tips.... bail money. Its simply a rightwing lie that she encouraged protesters to be violent rioters.

Donald Trump DID NOT EMPHASIZE in his speech on the Ellipse to be peaceful.

A 5 second sentence mentioning walking to the capitol peacefully, out of a 3600 second inciting fire and brimstone, divisive, incinerating speech is hardly, if at all, emphasis on being peaceful.... why lie about it?
If Trump is being indicted for encouraging his supporters to protest peacefully, shouldn’t Kamala Harris be indicted for encouraging rioters by helping raise funds for their bail upon arrest?

In another example, she also said that protestors “should protest“ [the lie] about George Floyd being about police racism, while Trump said his supporters should make their voices heard - although he emphasized PEACEFULLY while Harris did no such thing.

And finally, the damage done during the Summer of Hate and Violence was much worse than the few hours on Jan 6.

Geez.... Wow! It isn't a lie about George Floyd.

She emphasized Protesters not rioters, and the protesters were protesting the murder of George Floyd by a police officer, of which all of us would not have known about, without the phone video recording by a bystander. The Bail Fund is one she has always supported. It does not give the poorer law breaker anything that a rich law breaker would not have at his or her finger tips.... bail money. Its simply a rightwing lie that she encouraged protesters to be violent rioters.

Donald Trump DID NOT EMPHASIZE in his speech on the Ellipse to be peaceful.

A 5 second sentence mentioning walking to the capitol peacefully, out of a 3600 second inciting fire and brimstone, divisive, incinerating speech is hardly, if at all, emphasis on being peaceful.... why lie about it?

It is either lying or relentless 24/7 projecting and gas lighting. Trump said ”peacefully” one time in his entire hour long rambling speech. ONE WORD ONE TIME.

The disconnect from reality is mind boggling.
So should Obama, for trying to incite murder. Who doesn't remember his "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun" statement?

The left would burn the entire country down before Obama would ever be held accountable for anything.
Nope, she should not.

Of course, neither should Trump. Fortunately, Trump is not, as far as I know, actually being indicted simply for encouraging a riot. But to know that you might have to actually READ the indictments. I realize they are like kryptonite to the right but you might actually learn something.

Trump is being indicted for conspiracy to illegally influence the election.

It is absolutely astounding at the vast numbers of threads bitching about the indictments and the simple fact that not a single one references an actual indictment. Not. One.

It is as if you they are all immensely proud of ignorance.
It is either lying or relentless 24/7 projecting and gas lighting. Trump said ”peacefully” one time in his entire hour long rambling speech. ONE WORD ONE TIME.

The disconnect from reality is mind boggling.
More importantly, it is not even relevant. The indictment includes many more actions than sending a crowd to the capital.
Nope, she should not.

Of course, neither should Trump. Fortunately, Trump is not, as far as I know, actually being indicted simply for encouraging a riot. But to know that you might have to actually READ the indictments. I realize they are like kryptonite to the right but you might actually learn something.

Trump is being indicted for conspiracy to illegally influence the election.

It is absolutely astounding at the vast numbers of threads bitching about the indictments and the simple fact that not a single one references an actual indictment. Not. One.

It is as if you they are all immensely proud of ignorance.


Not the same word.
If Trump is being indicted for encouraging his supporters to protest peacefully, shouldn’t Kamala Harris be indicted for encouraging rioters by helping raise funds for their bail upon arrest?

In another example, she also said that protestors “should protest“ [the lie] about George Floyd being about police racism, while Trump said his supporters should make their voices heard - although he emphasized PEACEFULLY while Harris did no such thing.

And finally, the damage done during the Summer of Hate and Violence was much worse than the few hours on Jan 6.

I don't know Lisa. Maybe if you beg hard enough someone will give a shit. 😄
If Trump is being indicted for encouraging his supporters to protest peacefully, shouldn’t Kamala Harris be indicted for encouraging rioters by helping raise funds for their bail upon arrest?

In another example, she also said that protestors “should protest“ [the lie] about George Floyd being about police racism, while Trump said his supporters should make their voices heard - although he emphasized PEACEFULLY while Harris did no such thing.

And finally, the damage done during the Summer of Hate and Violence was much worse than the few hours on Jan 6.

there were no BLM riots, brainwashed functional moron hater dupe. There were blm protests during the day which were nonviolent except when the police attacked them. Riots were late at night when the BLM had gone home, proven fact. The rioters were gangster wannabes and common criminals and punks. You are totally FOS as always, that's all you know total- B S spin innuendo and outright lies From proven scumbags and liars...
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there were no BLM riots, brainwashed functional moron hater dupe. There were blm protests during the day which were nonviolent except when the police attacked them. Riots were late at night when the BLM had gone home, proven fact. The rioters were gangster wannabes and common criminals and punks. You are totally FOS as always, that's all you know total- B S spin innuendo and outright lies From proven scumbags and liars...

Nonfunctional brain dead retard sets a new record for most lies in one post.
Nope, she should not.

Of course, neither should Trump. Fortunately, Trump is not, as far as I know, actually being indicted simply for encouraging a riot. But to know that you might have to actually READ the indictments. I realize they are like kryptonite to the right but you might actually learn something.

Trump is being indicted for conspiracy to illegally influence the election.

It is absolutely astounding at the vast numbers of threads bitching about the indictments and the simple fact that not a single one references an actual indictment. Not. One.

It is as if you they are all immensely proud of ignorance.
It's brainwashing, at its best.... :(
Hello? Hello? Anybody home?

Trump has not been indicted for his speech at the Ellipse, y'all know that...DON'T YOU?
No, they actually do not.

Really, they have no idea. Even though the indictments are public they cannot read it. I think it is the same as when a vampire comes into contact with sunlight. Simply reading them will cause the hacks to burst into flame.
It is either lying or relentless 24/7 projecting and gas lighting. Trump said ”peacefully” one time in his entire hour long rambling speech. ONE WORD ONE TIME.

The disconnect from reality is mind boggling.
Then why does the left continue to ignore that?
If Trump is being indicted for encouraging his supporters to protest peacefully, shouldn’t Kamala Harris be indicted for encouraging rioters by helping raise funds for their bail upon arrest?

In another example, she also said that protestors “should protest“ [the lie] about George Floyd being about police racism, while Trump said his supporters should make their voices heard - although he emphasized PEACEFULLY while Harris did no such thing.

And finally, the damage done during the Summer of Hate and Violence was much worse than the few hours on Jan 6.


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