Should we legalize pot and help free innocent people?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Should we legalize pot and help free innocent people?

Why Is the U.S. Prison Population So Large? | LearnLiberty

From 1980 to 1990, the total U.S. prison population more than doubled. In that same time, the proportion of people in prison for nonviolent drug crimes rose from 7.5 percent to 24 percent. Prof. D’Amico says this statistic actually understates the influence of the drug war on the prison population because drug prohibition also increases violent crime by leading to the formation of gangs and cartels. By 2000, the prison population had nearly doubled again, but the proportion of prisoners due to drug-related offenses remained similar.

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seriously, I'd be willing to release all the innocent people of all races that did a simple leaf. Sounds sane? I think so.

Let's place our resources into locking up the murderers, crooks, rapist and thugs. ;) Let's say even half of that 24% is there just because they smoked some leaf??? No other crime. Imagine how much money our nation could save by releasing them.

This is the one area I could work with the black community with. As long as we could refocus some of our resources on the real criminals.
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Totally agree.

The massive resources we have placed into the War on Mary J have completely failed to halt the supply or demand of this natural product. Yes, it may join tobacco and alcohol on the list-of-terrible-things-we-do-to-our-body, but the benefits of legalization are too good to pass up:

-Free up law enforcement to focus on crimes that actually hurt the community
-Free up state and federal resources to focus on drugs that actually hurt the community
-Drastically reduce the incarceration rate (and cut prison budgets while you're at it) and use prison space for people that actually hurt the community
-Demonstrate our commitment to personal freedom and choice (because in all honesty, Marijuana doesn't actually hurt the community)

And hey, if you hate the stuff, just remember that when the government prohibits something, sales boom; if you want to kill it, go with the tried and tested method: tax it.
Excuse me, if they were convicted and sentenced they are NOT INNOCENT. Just simple possession for personal use usually don't involve jail time but those involved in distribution are usually convicted on multiple crimes not just the pot.
Regulate and tax it, all of it. Pot, coke, H, crack, meth, whatever. The War on Drugs has been a horrible failure across the board and done nothing but waste money, increase corruption and bureaucracy, gut the 4th Amendment pitted police against the common citizen, and destroy countless lives. It's not government's job to protect me from myself and even if it was, that wasn't worth what it has cost so far.
Of course it should be legal and all those convicted should have their records expunged and all those still in prison should be released.

[ame=]Black Sabbath - Sweet Leaf (w/ lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]
They aren't innocent they are ciminals who happen to be charged with a drug crime in addition to their other crimes.
Should we legalize pot and help free innocent people?

No, but we should stop criminalizing consensual activity between adults.

Cannabis doesn't need "legalization" or regulation any more than the poppy seeds on your muffin this morning. We simply need to stop prosecuting adults that didn't do anything to hurt or take from another.
I looked up Gerald Duval . Gee a convicted felon who got a license to grow medical marijuna in violation of the law prohibiting felons from having such a license, then violated the licensing law. He violated the distribution laws. If that's not enough this felon had firearms in his possession.

Textbook case of who should be behind bars. Which is what is found when someone says they are in prison ONLY for a small marijuana offense. If he never touched pot he'd still be in prison as a felon with a gun.
Here's a couple of guys who will go to prison and say it was because of unfair marijuana laws.

L.A. girl kept in metal box on pot farm for sex, authorities say -

A missing Los Angeles teenager was sexually assaulted, kept in a metal box and forced to process marijuana for her two captors, according to a federal criminal complaint filed this week.

Prosecutors said the girl was held by Ryan Balletto, 30, and Patrick Pearmain, 24, who are charged with conspiracy to distribute marijuana, using a minor in a drug operation and possession of a firearm in furtherance of drug trafficking.

They can become part of the list of "innocent" people serving time for marijuana offenses.
I don'know - should we free legalize rape and free rapists? I mean, all they did was have some non-consensual sex....

Isn't it hilarious how stoners blame the law? Here's a thought for you libtards and idiot libertarians: if a man is so obsessed with a stupid little "leaf" that he is willing to sacrifice his very freedom - is he really someone we want roaming our society?

If the government outlawed cell phones tomorrow, I'd throw my blackberry away faster than you can say fuck it. If they outlawed donuts, I'd never eat another donut. The fact that you assholes are so fucking extreme that you can't walk away from that stupid ass narcotic just proves prison is exactly the fuck where you belong....
It isn't only pot laws, but every lawbreaking act is to be ignored if pot is somehow connected to the crime.
Legalizing pot will be a major error in policy. It will give the feds more power and put their grubby little paws even more into people's private property and lives.

Decriminalize it. People can grow it and smoke it. People who are caught selling more than an ounce should have to pick up papers with a pointy stick in the park for a weekend or two. That would keep our parks clean and provide potheads with work within their capabilities.

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