Should We Jack The Debt Limit ?

Obama offered higher cuts at the beginning of this mess and Boehner said no.

And one more time - that's not what the debt ceiling is.

Are you just talking out your Ass? Obama has offered no substantial cuts to anything other than Defense. I am sorry but making reductions in planned increases in future spending is not spending cuts. Even if Obama and the morons that worship him claim they are.
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Obama's spending cuts are like somebody with $50,000 of credit card debt saying that he reduced his spending by going on a $5,000 vacation instead of a $10,000 one.

Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, Cuban Missile Crisis, the nuclear arms race. Never in all that time did we have a jump in Defense spending like we saw post 9/11.

There simply is no excuse to keep raising the debt ceiling so we can borrow from China to continue that level of Defense spending.

Anyone who defends this bullshit is a profligate, irresponsible, fiscal liberal.
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1. Reduce defense spending back to sane levels.

2. Eliminate tax expenditures and institute a permanent ban on them once and for all.

3. Raise the SS and Medicare eligibility ages to 70 or, better still, index them to 9 percent of the population.

All the fiscal liberal assholes have created a $16 trillion shit sandwich, and it is time for everyone to take a bite.
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Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, Cuban Missile Crisis, the nuclear arms race. Never in all that time did we have a jump in Defense spending like we saw post 9/11.

There simply is no excuse to keep raising the debt ceiling so we can borrow from China to continue that level of Defense spending.

That chart is in nominal dollars - it would be helpful to see it in constant dollars and as a % of GDP.
We should get rid of the debt ceiling.

Prior to Obama, it was primarily a formality to vote to pay for things you voted to buy on credit.'s a political tool.

And total bullshit.
um dude Bush crashed the world economhy NOT Obama

Prove it with FACTS.
Look, I don't care who caused what when. You liberals want to complicate the issue. I'll say again - fuck Bush; his fiscal management sucked!
These are simple questions. The debt is on a trajectory to destroy us; there is no antidote in sight. Should we refuse to raise the debt ceiling before we collapse? What amount of debt should we reach befote we take that messure. If you are too partisan; or stupid to give a cogent, and direct answer - don't.

that would NOT fix anything.

why would you distory your credit to keep yourself from spending that would distroy your credit?

It would NOT solve the problem.

the only thing that would stop us from spending too much is wise government.

You dont kill yourself to stop you from killing your self.

get it

Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, Cuban Missile Crisis, the nuclear arms race. Never in all that time did we have a jump in Defense spending like we saw post 9/11.

There simply is no excuse to keep raising the debt ceiling so we can borrow from China to continue that level of Defense spending.

That chart is in nominal dollars - it would be helpful to see it in constant dollars and as a % of GDP.

You can jigger the charts all you want.

The math doesn't change.

The biggest ticket on the US budget is military expenditures.

And that gets bigger if you move the cost of taking care of vets back into that column.
We should get rid of the debt ceiling.

Prior to Obama, it was primarily a formality to vote to pay for things you voted to buy on credit.'s a political tool.

And total bullshit.

there is only one reason THIS president is being treated like this
That chart is in nominal dollars - it would be helpful to see it in constant dollars and as a % of GDP.

Percentage of GDP is a fiscal liberal's smoke and mirrors. What matters is if the government is spending more than it takes in. What matters is if it adds to our national debt. What matters is if we have to borrow from China to buy all those bayonets. What matters is if we have to raise the debt ceiling because of our spending.

Here is Defense spending in 2005 dollars. And I repeat: Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, Cuban Missile Crisis, the nuclear arms race. Never in all that time did we have a jump in Defense spending like we saw post 9/11. And after every war we cut defense spending radically.

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Obama offered higher cuts at the beginning of this mess and Boehner said no.

And one more time - that's not what the debt ceiling is.

Are you just talking out your Ass? Obama has offered no substantial cuts to anything other than Defense. I am sorry buy making reductions in planned increases in future spending is not spending cuts. Even if Obama and the morons that worship him claim they are.

Are you talking out of your ass?

Obama agreed to over a trillion dollars in entitlement cuts in 2010.

The sequester was agreed to by both parties.

Well it's here.

And the Military needs to take a haircut. There's absolutely nothing to justify the type of spending we do on that.
We should get rid of the debt ceiling.

Prior to Obama, it was primarily a formality to vote to pay for things you voted to buy on credit.'s a political tool.

And total bullshit.

there is only one reason THIS president is being treated like this

He's a Democrat.

Conservatives think they have card blanche to do what ever the heck they want when a Democrat is President.

Precedent, Formality and Protocol be damned.
with these debates we are about to have in congress the people are about to LEARN alot.

the facts will not favor the republican party yet again
Defense spending in 2005 dollars. The biggest run up in history was for WWII.


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Defense spending in 2005 dollars. The biggest run up in history was for WWII.

I already posted it. And as I said, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, Cuban Missile Crisis, the nuclear arms race. Never in all that time did we have a jump in Defense spending like we saw post 9/11. And after every war we cut defense spending radically.

As for WWII, that was a narrow spike, with defense spending rapidly and radically reduced at the end. And that was a war of far, far, far more scope and import to our national survival than the "War on Terra".

You cannot escape the fact there is no excuse for continuing the level of Defense spending we have. It is adding to our debt, raising our debt ceiling, and transferring more and more of our wealth to China.

Only a nutcase liberal would defend this insanity.
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um dude Bush crashed the world economhy NOT Obama

Prove it with FACTS.

A. The Bush League were still in office when it crashed. That proves beyond a shadow of a doubt Obama bears no responsibility AT ALL for the fact a crash happened...

B. ...due to nutball deregulation of the economy by BOTH parties.

Interesting additional FACT: the most successful ReagaNUT wasn't the simple old fool himself; it was Corporate Clinton, the only president to glean nearly a hundred million in cash in his first ten years out of office without improving something, inventing something or creating a single private sector job. Good work if Marc Rich can help one can get it.
The simple truth is Obama and the Dems have offered NO cuts at all. Save for Defense. They are playing games, talking about reducing increases in future spending, not actual cuts.

We are living through Rome burning, and believe me I am not here trying to say the Republicans are the answer. Hell no they are fiddling right along with Nero.
um dude Bush crashed the world economhy NOT Obama

Prove it with FACTS.

B. ...due to nutball deregulation of the economy by BOTH parties.

Only a simple minded Lemming actually believes it was De-regulation that caused the Bubble to burst. It was decades of Bad Policy by Government, and bad practice by the Private sector that caused the problem.

Anyone who tries to blame it on one thing, or one party, is a fucking idiot.
If Obama, and Reid remains obstinate on spending cuts, should the House block a debt cieling
raise - we are on a unsustainable course ?

Cluephone. If we don't pay our debts, we're in default, and in violation of the Constitution.

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