Should we be fiscally responsible?

Should the USA be fiscally responsible?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters
The Democrats, as I have pointed out numerous times, have lost their minds.

Do you think I don't notice you trying to change the subject?

Change the subject from you're assertion that Democrats will fix out of control spending? I'm not deflecting, I've stated many times I wish we could control spending. Bashing Trump will not help the situation any, so I'll take the wins I can get.
I know. Follow your leader. I expect nothing else.

You're hostility to this president is remarkable. He has a long column of wins, and you are holding you're nose like a child. I think you need to learn to take a win. Praying for a communist takeover doesn't really seem like a solution.
"Praying for a communist takeover".

Okay, go away. I don't remember you being this consistently dishonest. I was wrong. Trump Devotion Syndrome has consumed you.

Am I being dishonest? Look in the mirror. You are saying a party that wants to spike spending even more will be able to pay for it and be the solution. You do know the side effect of all that spending will be government control and fewer choices for the consumer. If I have you're position wrong, feel free to give it. Otherwise we will just have to guess. You want these clowns in power, and preach the virtues of regulation. I'm not the one that has to defend the democrat platform.
So when I say, ON THIS VERY THREAD, that the Dems "are not exactly sane right now", that they want to "raise taxes to some insane degree", and that they "have lost their minds", YOU PERCEIVE that I feel I have "to defend the Democrat platform".

That's how your mind works. I'll bet you don't even see it. How in the world am I supposed to communicate with that?

Please don't post to me any more. We don't exist in the same intellectual universe.
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Yes... we should be fiscally responsible... but not at the expense of worthwhile domestic programs.

1. cut foreign aid to the bare bone
2. right-size the military and use it far more sparingly
3. revise tax law to force corporations and the rich to pay some sensible minimum tax regardless of deductibles
4. establish 'tiger teams' in each government agency to hyper-aggressively hunt down and eliminate government waste
5. restructure the nation's debt through multiple techniques ( interest freezing, renegotiation, defaults, deferments, etc. )
6. let the States fend more for themselves in a number of focal areas presently straining the national treasury

7. stop spending like drunken sailors on shore leave

Not exactly all-encompassing or entirely realistic or easy but we're in a 'bad place' and something 'radical' may be required...

The trick would be to do something 'radical' without doing harm to those amongst us who need help the most...
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Since republicans have thrown out fiscal responsibility I'm really curious what people say now. I think everyone should be for balanced budgets and decreasing debt. If you are for small government the reason is obvious. If you are a liberal you should hate all the tax dollars that are going for interest rather than your programs.
Now that the Republicans have proudly and bizarrely turned on a dime into hyper-Keyenisanism, it will once again be on the Democrats to turn things around.

I don't remember ever seeing a party do an ideological about-face, with this speed, in my lifetime. Whiplash. Mind-blowing. Hero worship.

Can the Democrats do it? I don't know. They're not exactly sane right now, either. But the GOP is simply a farce on this issue now.

You're relying on the Democrats to do something about spending? Don't hold your breath.
We could say that about either party obviously.
Since republicans have thrown out fiscal responsibility I'm really curious what people say now. I think everyone should be for balanced budgets and decreasing debt. If you are for small government the reason is obvious. If you are a liberal you should hate all the tax dollars that are going for interest rather than your programs.
Now that the Republicans have proudly and bizarrely turned on a dime into hyper-Keyenisanism, it will once again be on the Democrats to turn things around.

I don't remember ever seeing a party do an ideological about-face, with this speed, in my lifetime. Whiplash. Mind-blowing. Hero worship.

Can the Democrats do it? I don't know. They're not exactly sane right now, either. But the GOP is simply a farce on this issue now.

You're relying on the Democrats to do something about spending? Don't hold your breath.
We could say that about either party obviously.
Only if we're honest. That's obviously beyond some.
Since republicans have thrown out fiscal responsibility I'm really curious what people say now. I think everyone should be for balanced budgets and decreasing debt. If you are for small government the reason is obvious. If you are a liberal you should hate all the tax dollars that are going for interest rather than your programs.

Don't assume republican voters want out of control spending. Most of us don't. It is frustrating for us as well. Do you want us to bash Trump now? While I don't love the spending, which always happens, I do support the rest of his agenda. I for one am thrilled to get a guy who is so in tune with me on policy, and am not sure it is even possible to get a presidential candidate on any side who can stop the spending. People have asked before, even if you get an honest to God conservative president, how are they supposed to control the budget? They can't veto every spending bill indefinitely.
Well I'm pretty sure Trump would do anything to get reelected. If Repubs had stuck to wanting a balanced budget I believe we would have one now. Strangely trump made republicans believe other things are more important so we got the opposite. Trump flattened revenue with tax cuts and then lead the way on spending with military increases.
Change the subject from you're assertion that Democrats will fix out of control spending? I'm not deflecting, I've stated many times I wish we could control spending. Bashing Trump will not help the situation any, so I'll take the wins I can get.
I know. Follow your leader. I expect nothing else.

You're hostility to this president is remarkable. He has a long column of wins, and you are holding you're nose like a child. I think you need to learn to take a win. Praying for a communist takeover doesn't really seem like a solution.
"Praying for a communist takeover".

Okay, go away. I don't remember you being this consistently dishonest. I was wrong. Trump Devotion Syndrome has consumed you.

Am I being dishonest? Look in the mirror. You are saying a party that wants to spike spending even more will be able to pay for it and be the solution. You do know the side effect of all that spending will be government control and fewer choices for the consumer. If I have you're position wrong, feel free to give it. Otherwise we will just have to guess. You want these clowns in power, and preach the virtues of regulation. I'm not the one that has to defend the democrat platform.
So when I say, ON THIS VERY THREAD, that the Dems "are not exactly sane right now", that they want to "raise taxes to some insane degree", and that they "have lost their minds", YOU PERCEIVE that I feel I have "to defend the Democrat platform".

That's how your mind works. I'll bet you don't even see it. How in the world am I supposed to communicate with that?

Please don't post to me any more. We don't exist in the same intellectual universe.
Being partisan seems to be a mental illness doesn't it?
I know. Follow your leader. I expect nothing else.

You're hostility to this president is remarkable. He has a long column of wins, and you are holding you're nose like a child. I think you need to learn to take a win. Praying for a communist takeover doesn't really seem like a solution.
"Praying for a communist takeover".

Okay, go away. I don't remember you being this consistently dishonest. I was wrong. Trump Devotion Syndrome has consumed you.

Am I being dishonest? Look in the mirror. You are saying a party that wants to spike spending even more will be able to pay for it and be the solution. You do know the side effect of all that spending will be government control and fewer choices for the consumer. If I have you're position wrong, feel free to give it. Otherwise we will just have to guess. You want these clowns in power, and preach the virtues of regulation. I'm not the one that has to defend the democrat platform.
So when I say, ON THIS VERY THREAD, that the Dems "are not exactly sane right now", that they want to "raise taxes to some insane degree", and that they "have lost their minds", YOU PERCEIVE that I feel I have "to defend the Democrat platform".

That's how your mind works. I'll bet you don't even see it. How in the world am I supposed to communicate with that?

Please don't post to me any more. We don't exist in the same intellectual universe.
Being partisan seems to be a mental illness doesn't it?
Actually, I do look at it as an affliction, one that can infect and distort the perceptions and thought processes of otherwise perfectly intelligent people. It robs people of their intellectual honesty, their intellectual curiosity, and their critical thinking skills.

Kind of a herpes of the mind.

Change the subject from you're assertion that Democrats will fix out of control spending? I'm not deflecting, I've stated many times I wish we could control spending. Bashing Trump will not help the situation any, so I'll take the wins I can get.
I know. Follow your leader. I expect nothing else.

You're hostility to this president is remarkable. He has a long column of wins, and you are holding you're nose like a child. I think you need to learn to take a win. Praying for a communist takeover doesn't really seem like a solution.
"Praying for a communist takeover".

Okay, go away. I don't remember you being this consistently dishonest. I was wrong. Trump Devotion Syndrome has consumed you.

Am I being dishonest? Look in the mirror. You are saying a party that wants to spike spending even more will be able to pay for it and be the solution. You do know the side effect of all that spending will be government control and fewer choices for the consumer. If I have you're position wrong, feel free to give it. Otherwise we will just have to guess. You want these clowns in power, and preach the virtues of regulation. I'm not the one that has to defend the democrat platform.
So when I say, ON THIS VERY THREAD, that the Dems "are not exactly sane right now", that they want to "raise taxes to some insane degree", and that they "have lost their minds", YOU PERCEIVE that I feel I have "to defend the Democrat platform".

That's how your mind works. I'll bet you don't even see it. How in the world am I supposed to communicate with that?

Please don't post to me any more. We don't exist in the same intellectual universe.

You wish there were a third party, then you pull the lever for the democrats. You say they are crazy, but you absolutely hate republicans. We can guess what you are going to do.
Well we certainly aren't. I do think it matters quite a bit. China is getting close to passing us as the biggest economy. If they do that and continue to have a lower gdp/debt ratio we are in big trouble. Their currency would likely become the currency of the world and we'd become Greece.

China is getting close to passing us as the biggest economy.

If you believe lying Commie stats...….

Their currency would likely become the currency of the world

Their house of cards is looking a little unsteady. And nobody wants to hold Yuan.
It's a reason why it is important. Right now they have faster growth and are in a much better debt situation. In fact, quite a bit of our interest goes to them. Our debt/gdp ratio is one of the worst in the world.

Right now they have faster growth and are in a much better debt situation.

Their central bank spreadsheet expansion makes our Fed look down right stingy.
And if you could get a real look at their non-performing bank'd be worried.

In fact, quite a bit of our interest goes to them.

At really low interest rates.
Then why is trump so worried he started his silly tariff war? He's clearly damaged our economy with it. He has done that for no real reason?
No pain, no gain

That's why the banks shouldn't have been bailed out
All that accomplished was prolonging the inevitable

No pain, no gain

That's why the banks shouldn't have been bailed out

That worked so well in the 1930s.
Since republicans have thrown out fiscal responsibility I'm really curious what people say now. I think everyone should be for balanced budgets and decreasing debt. If you are for small government the reason is obvious. If you are a liberal you should hate all the tax dollars that are going for interest rather than your programs.
FYI the Dems have never been fiscally responsible either

No president regardless of party has ever reduced the national debt since the 1930's
Since republicans have thrown out fiscal responsibility I'm really curious what people say now. I think everyone should be for balanced budgets and decreasing debt. If you are for small government the reason is obvious. If you are a liberal you should hate all the tax dollars that are going for interest rather than your programs.
FYI the Dems have never been fiscally responsible either

No president regardless of party has ever reduced the national debt since the 1930's
That’s true. Deficits have gone up and down. I didn’t at all claim either party is responsible.
Since republicans have thrown out fiscal responsibility I'm really curious what people say now. I think everyone should be for balanced budgets and decreasing debt. If you are for small government the reason is obvious. If you are a liberal you should hate all the tax dollars that are going for interest rather than your programs.
Yes, eliminate the Dept of Education and every program coveted by Democrats. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY!!!
I’m glad the vote is going on the way of responsibility.
Since republicans have thrown out fiscal responsibility.....

upload_2020-1-23_9-48-41.jpeg [URL='']upload_2020-1-23_9-49-43.jpeg
[URL=''][URL=''][URL=''] [/URL][/URL]

The HOUSE controls the BUDGET, which means it controls the economy, spending, and deficit.
[URL='']During Bush's 1st 6 years in office the Republicans who controlled the House added $2.5 Trillion to the deficit...and that was during 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, and 2 Wars.
[URL='']Democrats took over the House and controlled the Budget Bush's last 2 years in office. During that time the Democrats added $1.5 Trillion to the deficit.
[URL='']That means in only 2 years, 1/3rd of the time the GOP controlled the budget, the Democrats added just $1 trillion less to the deficit than the GOP did.
[URL='']Obama and Democrats declared - and still claim - Obama 'INHERITED' a bad economy / a growing deficit. AGREED - he inherited it from his fellow DEMOCRATS who had controlled the Budget / Spending for 2 years before he entered the WH and who controlled it for his 1st 2 years in office.
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I still think it is bizarre that a bunch of democrats are lecturing anyone about deficits. Many republicans will tell you that we want to control spending, and I'm betting they are serious. When the democrats start getting holier than thou, I have I hard time believing that they want to do anything other than spend as much as possible. To all the people who claim they are neutral, good luck with that. I hope you love Mexican food and your 20 hour service job. People keep pointing out how long we've had a deficit, and if a president can actually stop it without help, but that doesn't stop our supposedly non-biased regulars from bashing Trump and his supporters. Again, learn to take a win. You'll be happier accepting the good things Trump is doing, and be grateful the doom squad isn't banning everything in sight and taxing you out of your jockey shorts. If you ever find that perfect candidate that will magically get congress to write a responsible budget, let me know. I'd be interested. Otherwise, just keep griping continue to believe that government control of every industry will somehow, ironically, solve government spending.

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