Should U.S. soldiers be armed?

However.................the OP said that all military people on all bases here in CONUS should be armed.

Actually, if you read through the OPs statements, he thinks all US military should be disarmed, if not outright disbanded and hung for war crimes.

I do.
If a criminal murders, he is sent to gaol and, if ever released, is not allowed to own a weapon.
Your military criminals, and political masters, have murdered millions.
I propose:
All bomber crews that dropped bombs on Cambodia, or any other country you were not at war with, be arrested and tried for murder.
All CIA drone operators that have caused death, the same.
All other military be confined to the continental United states when armed.
The keepers of illegal prisoners in black sites be arrested.
All presidents, politicians involved, and military heads at these times are equally guilty so should also be arrested - including Obama.
"I was just following orders" doesn't work.

I would go as far as to amend my OP, changing it to, "Should U.S. soldiers be armed when outside the United states?".

The answer to that is a clear, NO.
Yo................Stupid Fucker Called Ollie, give me your honest opinion..............

Do you really think that all those in your platoon should be armed?

How about everyone you ever known on the various bases you've served?

I'm guessing that you could find a person or two who you thought should never be issued a weapon.

I know that over the 20 years plus that I've served in the Navy, I could think of a person or two.

Not everyone on a military base should be armed. Wanna talk about the recent shooting in Norfolk that occurred between two gate guards?

Go ahead...............ask me about it and I'll provide the link.

Oh come one now. Of course I know something about it, seems there was a disagreement/argument...Shit happens...

And in 22 years yes I sent one person off the range. Didn't trust him to keep in his firing lane.

I trusted every single person in my Platoons. Right up till the day I sent 2 of them home with other than honorable discharges......

But that's not what this anti-american is trying to tell us, he wants America to lay down her arms..... Are you OK with that?

The only people who are currently armed on a military base are the security patrols and the police force.

It's been that way for quite a while, at least since I joined.

However.................the OP said that all military people on all bases here in CONUS should be armed.

I say they shouldn't because there is no overpowering reason to arm everyone, and things worked out just fine for the most part. Arming everyone on base isn't going to stop any shootings, although it may increase them.

No..............not every military person should be carrying while walking around base UNLESS it is part of their normal duties.

Um, no. The OP said that the USA should disarm, 100%..... Reading comprehension problem?

And I know the Navy doesn't use firearms much but during my 22 years I probably was under arms about half the time....
I don't know, the more this asshole talks the more I'm in favor of bombing Indonesia.

I very much think he is a minority in his extreme beliefs.

I know that during the 2004 Tsunami, the US was the single largest donator of supplies, manpower, and money by a large margin. And most Indonesians are grateful for this aid. In fact, even many private and corporate donors in the US put other nations and international organizations to shame.

The US alone donated almost $3 billion dollars. The 3 US companies of Dow Chemicals, Microsoft and Dell donated over $11 million.

The African Union donated $100,000.

Coca-Cola donated $10 million.

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent donated $6.6 million.

Save the Children USA donated $25 million.

OPEC donated $0.

Exxon-Mobile donated $5 million.

Iran donated 221 tons of food, and $675,000.

Israel donated $600,000, 150 doctors, 150 tons of supplies, and over 75,000 volunteers to assist in disaster recovery.

Kuwait donated $10 million.

Australia donated over $1.3 billion.

China donated $63 million.

Norway donated over $265 million.

Yes, Fred has a huge problem in telling the good guys from the bad guys. While we were calling sailors and Marines back from shore leave to rush them to the scene of the disaster to help in rescue and recovery, you had Imams saying that Indonesia was being punished for their wicked ways.

One thing I recognize is extremists, and I pay as much attention to them as the stuff I scrape off of my shoes after walking through a cow pasture. And the racist and bigoted Fred says nothing of importance, because he is blinded with hate.

But I bet if you ask the common person in Indonesia and not the lunatics you would find them far more thankful.
However.................the OP said that all military people on all bases here in CONUS should be armed.

Actually, if you read through the OPs statements, he thinks all US military should be disarmed, if not outright disbanded and hung for war crimes.

I do.
If a criminal murders, he is sent to gaol and, if ever released, is not allowed to own a weapon.
Your military criminals, and political masters, have murdered millions.
I propose:
All bomber crews that dropped bombs on Cambodia, or any other country you were not at war with, be arrested and tried for murder.
All CIA drone operators that have caused death, the same.
All other military be confined to the continental United states when armed.
The keepers of illegal prisoners in black sites be arrested.
All presidents, politicians involved, and military heads at these times are equally guilty so should also be arrested - including Obama.
"I was just following orders" doesn't work.

I would go as far as to amend my OP, changing it to, "Should U.S. soldiers be armed when outside the United states?".

The answer to that is a clear, NO.

It would be easier just to arrest all the world's muslims, they want us all dead anyways, so they'd deserve guantanamo.
However.................the OP said that all military people on all bases here in CONUS should be armed.

Actually, if you read through the OPs statements, he thinks all US military should be disarmed, if not outright disbanded and hung for war crimes.

I do.
If a criminal murders, he is sent to gaol and, if ever released, is not allowed to own a weapon.
Your military criminals, and political masters, have murdered millions.
I propose:
All bomber crews that dropped bombs on Cambodia, or any other country you were not at war with, be arrested and tried for murder.
All CIA drone operators that have caused death, the same.
All other military be confined to the continental United states when armed.
The keepers of illegal prisoners in black sites be arrested.
All presidents, politicians involved, and military heads at these times are equally guilty so should also be arrested - including Obama.
"I was just following orders" doesn't work.

I would go as far as to amend my OP, changing it to, "Should U.S. soldiers be armed when outside the United states?".

The answer to that is a clear, NO.

Are you fucking high?:cuckoo:
It would be easier just to arrest all the world's muslims, they want us all dead anyways, so they'd deserve guantanamo.

Actually the majority of Muslims do not feel that way, and do not think that way. Do not go thinking that the ignorance of a vocal minority reflects the beliefs of the majority.

They could just as easily look at the Westboro Baptist Church, and think that is how most Baptists or Christians believe.
I know several Muslims and was even given a personal tour of a Mosque , by the Imam.... I think that's his title. Shared a cup of coffee and BS'd for about half an hour or so and not once was anything controversial brought up. Mostly we talked about stupid shit going on downtown. Same thing I'd talk to any neighbor about.
Generally a pretty good guy....
And two other friends are refugees from Iran, but still hold their Muslim faith.
Actually, if you read through the OPs statements, he thinks all US military should be disarmed, if not outright disbanded and hung for war crimes.

I do.
If a criminal murders, he is sent to gaol and, if ever released, is not allowed to own a weapon.
Your military criminals, and political masters, have murdered millions.
I propose:
All bomber crews that dropped bombs on Cambodia, or any other country you were not at war with, be arrested and tried for murder.
All CIA drone operators that have caused death, the same.
All other military be confined to the continental United states when armed.
The keepers of illegal prisoners in black sites be arrested.
All presidents, politicians involved, and military heads at these times are equally guilty so should also be arrested - including Obama.
"I was just following orders" doesn't work.

I would go as far as to amend my OP, changing it to, "Should U.S. soldiers be armed when outside the United states?".

The answer to that is a clear, NO.

It would be easier just to arrest all the world's muslims, they want us all dead anyways, so they'd deserve guantanamo.

There goes my point.
Extremist crap started a cycle of hate but your press, aimed at low power brains such as yours, blames the people you attacked.
There is no Muslim threat, only a threat from extremists, and that was caused by U.S. foreign policy over many years.
Actually, if you read through the OPs statements, he thinks all US military should be disarmed, if not outright disbanded and hung for war crimes.

I do.
If a criminal murders, he is sent to gaol and, if ever released, is not allowed to own a weapon.
Your military criminals, and political masters, have murdered millions.
I propose:
All bomber crews that dropped bombs on Cambodia, or any other country you were not at war with, be arrested and tried for murder.
All CIA drone operators that have caused death, the same.
All other military be confined to the continental United states when armed.
The keepers of illegal prisoners in black sites be arrested.
All presidents, politicians involved, and military heads at these times are equally guilty so should also be arrested - including Obama.
"I was just following orders" doesn't work.

I would go as far as to amend my OP, changing it to, "Should U.S. soldiers be armed when outside the United states?".

The answer to that is a clear, NO.

Are you fucking high?:cuckoo:

Why, what is acceptable about acts of mass murders of civilians in a county you arn't at war with?
If U.S. Carpet bombing in Cambodia was acceptable, you have to say 9/11 was equally so.
Both involved large scale killing of innocents and both were acts against people you were not at war with.
I don't believe either terrorist evils were reasonable but I do believe the guilty in both cases should be punished.
I do.
If a criminal murders, he is sent to gaol and, if ever released, is not allowed to own a weapon.
Your military criminals, and political masters, have murdered millions.
I propose:
All bomber crews that dropped bombs on Cambodia, or any other country you were not at war with, be arrested and tried for murder.
All CIA drone operators that have caused death, the same.
All other military be confined to the continental United states when armed.
The keepers of illegal prisoners in black sites be arrested.
All presidents, politicians involved, and military heads at these times are equally guilty so should also be arrested - including Obama.
"I was just following orders" doesn't work.

I would go as far as to amend my OP, changing it to, "Should U.S. soldiers be armed when outside the United states?".

The answer to that is a clear, NO.

Are you fucking high?:cuckoo:

Why, what is acceptable about acts of mass murders of civilians in a county you arn't at war with?
If U.S. Carpet bombing in Cambodia was acceptable, you have to say 9/11 was equally so.
Both involved large scale killing of innocents and both were acts against people you were not at war with.
I don't believe either terrorist evils were reasonable but I do believe the guilty in both cases should be punished.

Put down the crack pipe Fred, this has gone on long enough. :rolleyes:
Are you fucking high?:cuckoo:

Why, what is acceptable about acts of mass murders of civilians in a county you arn't at war with?
If U.S. Carpet bombing in Cambodia was acceptable, you have to say 9/11 was equally so.
Both involved large scale killing of innocents and both were acts against people you were not at war with.
I don't believe either terrorist evils were reasonable but I do believe the guilty in both cases should be punished.

Put down the crack pipe Fred, this has gone on long enough. :rolleyes:

I see you are unable to answer
Is mass murder of civilians acceptable?
You can't answer because, if you do, you either accept 9/11 as legitimate or admit U.S. mass murder in Cambodia as a massive crime.
All you can do is post another insult in some weak attempt to avoid tge question.
Why, what is acceptable about acts of mass murders of civilians in a county you arn't at war with?
If U.S. Carpet bombing in Cambodia was acceptable, you have to say 9/11 was equally so.
Both involved large scale killing of innocents and both were acts against people you were not at war with.
I don't believe either terrorist evils were reasonable but I do believe the guilty in both cases should be punished.

Put down the crack pipe Fred, this has gone on long enough. :rolleyes:

I see you are unable to answer
Is mass murder of civilians acceptable?
You can't answer because, if you do, you either accept 9/11 as legitimate or admit U.S. mass murder in Cambodia as a massive crime.
All you can do is post another insult in some weak attempt to avoid tge question.

Addiction is not the answer we can get you the help you need.
No one has managed to cite an instance of a U.S. soldier firing his weapon to defend America.
Can anyone?

Who cares. They are trained in the use of weapons. The idea that soldiers are disarmed on a military base is asinine. ALL soldiers are qualified to carry. Disarming them just makes it easy for the nutters to kill more.

It's just like being in private society in the US; more guns in the hands of more people leads to more deaths. It's simply a numbers game. Yes, you can make the argument that everyone should have the right to arm themselves for protection, but it is incumbent upon anyone supporting this to acknowledge that doing so will actually lead to many more deaths than it will save lives via people defending themselves.

Possessing a gun makes you less safe not more safe - Tulsa FBI |

I could easily add link after link supporting this. If you don't believe it, research it yourself. I'm not arguing against what you are saying; just putting the facts out there. If you and every gun owner in America feels that having thousands of people killed each year just so we all can own a gun, then you have the right to that belief. Personally, I think it's stupid. I have raised four boys who all have tempers. I would never have kept a gun in my house, but that is my choice. They are all alive, and all is well.
No one has managed to cite an instance of a U.S. soldier firing his weapon to defend America.
Can anyone?

Who cares. They are trained in the use of weapons. The idea that soldiers are disarmed on a military base is asinine. ALL soldiers are qualified to carry. Disarming them just makes it easy for the nutters to kill more.

It's just like being in private society in the US; more guns in the hands of more people leads to more deaths. It's simply a numbers game. Yes, you can make the argument that everyone should have the right to arm themselves for protection, but it is incumbent upon anyone supporting this to acknowledge that doing so will actually lead to many more deaths than it will save lives via people defending themselves.

Possessing a gun makes you less safe not more safe - Tulsa FBI |

I could easily add link after link supporting this. If you don't believe it, research it yourself. I'm not arguing against what you are saying; just putting the facts out there. If you and every gun owner in America feels that having thousands of people killed each year just so we all can own a gun, then you have the right to that belief. Personally, I think it's stupid. I have raised four boys who all have tempers. I would never have kept a gun in my house, but that is my choice. They are all alive, and all is well.

You do understand that your link is written by a blogger who has nothing to back up his numbers? I'm a hundred times safer while I have one of my guns on me.... Pisses me off everytime I get to one of those places where i have to leave it locked in the car...
It's just like being in private society in the US; more guns in the hands of more people leads to more deaths.

Sorry, that is a rather pointless statistic to be honest.

You can literally replace "guns" with anything and it will be accurate.

More cars in the hands of more people leads to more deaths.
More motorcycles in the hands of more people leads to more deaths.
More airplanes in the hands of more people leads to more deaths.
More ladders in the hands of more people leads to more deaths.

That is literally a worthless claim if you think logically on it.
Put down the crack pipe Fred, this has gone on long enough. :rolleyes:

Seriously on the forum almost 18 hours a days in the same thread for over a week. There is some kind of psychiatric issue here. Last time I saw this level of obsession was when I tried to tell someone wrestling was not real.
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Put down the crack pipe Fred, this has gone on long enough. :rolleyes:

I see you are unable to answer
Is mass murder of civilians acceptable?
You can't answer because, if you do, you either accept 9/11 as legitimate or admit U.S. mass murder in Cambodia as a massive crime.
All you can do is post another insult in some weak attempt to avoid tge question.

Addiction is not the answer we can get you the help you need.

As I predicted.
No way to answer so an insult instead.