Should this child receive asylum or be deported? Republicans think it depends

The FBI refused to allow independent verification of their so-called "findings." It then claimed it could not afford to independently verify them. Does that sound the slightest bit suspicious to you?

So tell us, Mr. Waco expert, where is the evidence that they weren't legal? Are there any sworn affidavits that they weren't? Is there a report from any forensics lab showing they weren't legal? Is there any published evidence that there were explosives in the Waco compound? What about the warrant? Has that ever been published? Oh, that's right, it was sealed by the same judge who issued it.

Even if you could produce all this evidence, which you can't, would that justify slaughtering dozens innocent women and children?

The FBI and the ATF have been caught contradicting themselves and making incriminating statements countless times. Their explanations just don't add up.

Keep in mind that all the Waco defendants were declared "not guilty" by a jury of their peers. You have to be a special kind of bootlicker not to notice the unholy stench rising from this case.

BTW, the local sheriff visited the compound on several occasions because of complaints he had received. He was allowed to walk right into the building without any shots being fired. He inspected their weapons on these occasions and deemed them legal.
The FBI can refuse or grant anything it it wishes .
Congress has not questioned their results for over 20 years .

Actually, not. The FBI cannot legally refuse to provide defence counsel with reasonable access to evidence that might exonerate the defendants, and that's exactly what it did.

Here's a clue for you: none of the Waco defendants were convicted of anything. A jury pronounced the FBI's charges to be bogus. That counts a lot more than the opinion of a gang of paid-off humbug politicians.
You wish a jury virdict can be voided at any time if new evidence is found.

Huh? That seems to be what you want, not me.
How can anyone be deaf while typing?
This is not about me .
I'm just pointing out the massive flaws in your knowledge of the law and your general lack of sanity.

You can't even post intelligible English, let alone point out flaws in anyone's logic.
The FBI can refuse or grant anything it it wishes .
Congress has not questioned their results for over 20 years .

Actually, not. The FBI cannot legally refuse to provide defence counsel with reasonable access to evidence that might exonerate the defendants, and that's exactly what it did.

Here's a clue for you: none of the Waco defendants were convicted of anything. A jury pronounced the FBI's charges to be bogus. That counts a lot more than the opinion of a gang of paid-off humbug politicians.
You wish a jury virdict can be voided at any time if new evidence is found.

Huh? That seems to be what you want, not me.
How can anyone be deaf while typing?
This is not about me .
I'm just pointing out the massive flaws in your knowledge of the law and your general lack of sanity.

You can't even post intelligible English, let alone point out flaws in anyone's logic.
Oh no not the you're stupid ploy again.
Actually, not. The FBI cannot legally refuse to provide defence counsel with reasonable access to evidence that might exonerate the defendants, and that's exactly what it did.

Here's a clue for you: none of the Waco defendants were convicted of anything. A jury pronounced the FBI's charges to be bogus. That counts a lot more than the opinion of a gang of paid-off humbug politicians.
You wish a jury virdict can be voided at any time if new evidence is found.

Huh? That seems to be what you want, not me.
How can anyone be deaf while typing?
This is not about me .
I'm just pointing out the massive flaws in your knowledge of the law and your general lack of sanity.

You can't even post intelligible English, let alone point out flaws in anyone's logic.
Oh no not the you're stupid ploy again.

You get that a lot, don't you?
the Texas Dept of Public Safety doesn't support your case. In fact, it supports the Davidians:

If such beatings had occurred, it would have been impossible to conceal the evidence left on those little bottoms from the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas Child Protective Services. Both agencies went to Mount Carmel Center, on more than one occassion, to investigate Marc Breault's hearsay allegations, and both agencies cleared Koresh of any wrongdoing. This is a matter of public record, yet CRI "researchers" fail to make mention of it.
As for the ATF and the FBI, it's easy to believe they massacred innocent Americans and then tried to cover their tracks. The FBI has a history of doing exactly that, and the BATF has a history of using storm trooper tactics against innocent Americans. The Randy Weaver incident is a classic example.

As for the Texas Rangers:

It is a principle in Anglo-Saxon law that destruction of evidence is prima facie indication of guilt. In Brief History, we saw the Time, May 3, 1993 photograph of the destruction of evidence at the Mt. Carmel Center.

Informed persons know that destroying evidence is a crime. Therefore the US needed to find a mechanism whereby it could destroy evidence in the Mt. Carmel Center and plausibly deny it had done so. The US also had to fabricate a story to cover the deaths of the Davidians whom it had already killed, or intended to kill. The plan to insert C/S gas to drive the Davidians out was a good cover story. It provided such plausible denial. Tanks could charge up to the building under the ruse that gas was being inserted; the deaths, the destruction of the building, and the fire could be explained as having arisen from unintended consequences of that action. Alternately, the Branch Davidians could be blamed for the deaths and the fire.

But even after the event the perpetrators needed a cover for further alteration of the crime scene. The Texas Rangers provided that cover. After all, the Texas Rangers had been accomplices from the beginning, when they surrounded Mt. Carmel before the raid (Treasury Report, pg. 79). On April 20 the FBI pretended to turn over the crime scene to the Texas Rangers, and the Texas Rangers pretended to accept the responsibility (Washington Post, April 21, 1993).

Let us visit the principle of plausible denial once again: "The principle of plausible denial is simply if an operation or action is later disclosed, for example, as an action by the United States government, the government can plausibly deny it, deny any involvement or connection with the action." -- E. Howard Hunt, ex-CIA operative, quoted by Mark Lane in Plausible Denial.

That the Texas Rangers provided a layer of deniability for the US government for the US government was shown during the 1994 San Antonio trial of the surviving Branch Davidians, when Texas Rangers Captain Alan Byrnes and Fred Cummings testified. According to this testimony:

  1. The Texas Rangers had been asked to take over the investigation of the crime scene by the US Attorney's office and the ATF (Transcript, pg. 646).
  2. The Texas Rangers had complied with the request to give the crime scene investigation an appearance of independence (Transcript, pg. 629).
  3. All Rangers taking part in the crime-scene investigation had been deputized as US marshals, reporting to the US Attorney's office in Waco (Transcript, pg. 602).
  4. The Rangers had previously been put in charge of the criminal investigation of the Branch Davidians after the death of the four ATF agents. When they objected to the destruction of the crime scene throughout the siege, the FBI ignored their complaints (Transcript pg. 631). The Rangers continued on in their role anyway.
  5. They delivered the evidence they collected to the FBI (Transcript pg. 617).
  6. The remaining debris (possible evidence) was hauled away by the FBI and buried in a location unknown to the Texas Rangers. This occurred before defense attorneys were permitted to visit the ruins, as stated by defense attorney Jeff Kearney (Transcript pgs. 1081 and 1082).
  7. A section of the front door of the Mt. Carmel Center (bearing vital bullet hole evidence of "who shot first?") disappeared while the Texas Rangers were in control of the crime scene (Transcript pgs. 1090 and Transcript pgs. 1091).
  8. The Texas Rangers allowed the federal government to select the arson investigation team (Transcript pg. 668).
  9. The Texas Rangers hoisted the ATF flag up on the flagpole outside the concrete room at ATF request (Transcript pg. 643).
    Captain Byrnes also revealed that:
  10. Military doctors from Ft. Hood were going to attend survivors of the gas attack (Transcript pg. 609).
  11. The Texas Rangers were assigned to arrest all survivors over 18 years old and put them in jail (Transcript pg. 608). That is, the Rangers were to serve as processors of the paperwork.
But even this does not fully state the case:
During the trial, a defense attorney revealed that two hundred fifty (250) law enforcement officers searched the grounds each day, with only 33 Texas Rangers to supervise (Transcript, pg. 1090).

A newspaper photo (Washington Times, April 24, 1993) shows FBI agents searching the grounds for Davidian remains on April 23. No Texas Ranger supervisor is apparent in the photo or mentioned in the caption.

Two hundred fifty "law officers" --many of whom were FBI agents -- stomping over the crime scene each day could arguably destroy a crime scene more efficiently than a herd of elephants. Not only were the Rangers deputized to the federal government and put in charge of the crime scene that they were not able to control, but the Rangers' work force was stuffed with FBI and other officers to gather the evidence. Now who was truly in charge?

Then, on April 31, "authorities bulldozed the concrete bunker that was the compound's last standing remnant." (Dallas Morning News, May 1, 1993). This action destroyed the site in which the bodies were found--within two weeks of the alleged date of the deaths.

So much for the Texas Ranger's control of the integrity of the crime scene. The Texas Rangers simply allowed their name to be used in the pretense that a "law enforcement" process was in progress.

Give it up brifat! Going off topic isn't going to give you a reprieve from your FAILED status! In you last post, to which I'm responding, you don't even mention the weapons cache in the Davidian compound to say nothing about validated proof your assertion that there were no Illegal weapons there. You were provided ample proof the were hundreds of guns, explosives and grenades there, much of which was listed and validated as illegal, but now you change the narrative to dance away from your initial assertions.

You are lost and all you have are those conspiracy voices rattling around in your head. Hell, you can't stay on topic...and you are probably trying to cover that fact by attempting again to derail the topic. You were wrong. You FAILED to prove you assertion. You FAILED...PERIOD!

You're confused, bro. I don't need to prove there was no legal weapons cash. If that was the basis of justice in this country, then the BATF and the FBI could set your house on fire, lob CS gas into your living room and then mow it down with armored personnel carriers. You and the FBI need to prove there were illegal weapons in the compound, and that you and they have singularly failed to do. A list published by the FBI is proof of nothing.

The stuff I posted shows why your FBI list is about as credible as Hillary claiming she never received any classified emails on her server.
False you are the plaintiff or complainant tho onus is on you to prove your claim.

Hmmmm . . . dead wrong. You are the one claiming the residents of Mt Carmel committed some crime for which they deserved to be shot and/or incinerated, including 25 children.

That's a hard row to how, brother.
Wrong I'm not claming anything .
If nothing else David Koresh held those people hostage for nearly two months .
The BD's fired first .

The FBI held them hostage and then it incinerated the majority of them. That's what all the survivors testified to in court.
You wish a jury virdict can be voided at any time if new evidence is found.

Huh? That seems to be what you want, not me.
How can anyone be deaf while typing?
This is not about me .
I'm just pointing out the massive flaws in your knowledge of the law and your general lack of sanity.

You can't even post intelligible English, let alone point out flaws in anyone's logic.
Oh no not the you're stupid ploy again.

You get that a lot, don't you?
only from dumb ass's like you .
Give it up brifat! Going off topic isn't going to give you a reprieve from your FAILED status! In you last post, to which I'm responding, you don't even mention the weapons cache in the Davidian compound to say nothing about validated proof your assertion that there were no Illegal weapons there. You were provided ample proof the were hundreds of guns, explosives and grenades there, much of which was listed and validated as illegal, but now you change the narrative to dance away from your initial assertions.

You are lost and all you have are those conspiracy voices rattling around in your head. Hell, you can't stay on topic...and you are probably trying to cover that fact by attempting again to derail the topic. You were wrong. You FAILED to prove you assertion. You FAILED...PERIOD!

You're confused, bro. I don't need to prove there was no legal weapons cash. If that was the basis of justice in this country, then the BATF and the FBI could set your house on fire, lob CS gas into your living room and then mow it down with armored personnel carriers. You and the FBI need to prove there were illegal weapons in the compound, and that you and they have singularly failed to do. A list published by the FBI is proof of nothing.

The stuff I posted shows why your FBI list is about as credible as Hillary claiming she never received any classified emails on her server.
False you are the plaintiff or complainant tho onus is on you to prove your claim.

Hmmmm . . . dead wrong. You are the one claiming the residents of Mt Carmel committed some crime for which they deserved to be shot and/or incinerated, including 25 children.

That's a hard row to how, brother.
Wrong I'm not claming anything .
If nothing else David Koresh held those people hostage for nearly two months .
The BD's fired first .

The FBI held them hostage and then it incinerated the majority of them. That's what all the survivors testified to in court.
BullShit :
Who started the fire that erupted a little more than six hours after the FBI began inserting the tear gas on April 19?
Although several of the surviving Branch Davidians insist that they did not start the fire, a panel of arson investigators concluded that the Davidians were responsible for igniting it, simultaneously, in at least three different areas of the compound. Unless they were deliberatley set, the probability of the three fires starting almost simultaneously was highly unlikely, according to fire experts. Furthermore, the videotapes show the use of accelerants that strongly increased the spread of the fire. Although one Branch Davidian stated that a FBI tank had tipped over a lantern, videotapes show that the tank had struck the building a minute and a half before the fire began. Also some of the surviving Davidians' clothing showed evidence of lighter fluid and other accelerants. In addition, FBI listening devices seemed to establish that the Davidians were overheard making statements such as, "Spread the fuel," some six hours before the fires began. (Joint Hearing of the Crime Subcommittee July 1995.)

FAQs | Waco - The Inside Story | FRONTLINE | PBS
Let me insult you and then I am done with a buttmunch like you.
You wouldn't know because you have your head to far up someone ass you are always trying to kiss.

Closer your mind and learn only that which you choose. Typical tea party

they have ALL been brainwashed by that lefty poem , emma lazurus , the school system , dumb parents and crafty lying politicians Rotagilla !!

That's hilarious coming from a brainwashed liberal turd like you.

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