CDZ Should the US attempt to reduce beef consumption?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Let me first go on record as a steak lover. Give me a one pound prime rib cut medium rare with horseradish and I am a happy guy. But the Conservative in me, taking the term literally, says that beef consumption needs to be reduced because it isn't a healthy food, it takes too much water, too many drugs, and yes produces too much methane which is causing air pollution.
The water consumption is by the cows themselves but more from having to grow enormous amounts of Alfalfa to feed them. Other feeds don't keep the cows fat enough or healthy enough. Alfalfa also takes much more water than other grains and they have to grow it all year round.

As for drugs, cows are constantly pumped full of hormones and antibiotics and who knows what else. And through farts and burps they basically pollute the air to the same degree as cars.

So in spite of the beef industry and the drug industry who want us all to be eating steak and burgers day and night, Americans should strive to consume less. China is ahead of the US in this regard. They have set goals for their people to halve their consumption within the next few years. China's pollution problems are very serious which is the only reason they are stepping up. But I believe we need to do the same. I'm not saying go Vegan, but cutting back on red meat will make you healthier and will make better use of water and land and improve air quality.
I'll give up eating steak when Leonardo de Caprio and Al Gore stop flying around the planet trying to convince everyone else on the planet to give up minor joys . Mmmmmkay?
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