Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?

We need to tax the holy shit out of the rich. They've been getting away with too much for too long. This is bullshit treating the rich so nice, letting them have tax cuts and seeing poor right folk doing their bidding for them. Well, fuck that! Force the rich to pay what the rest of us are paying.

They've been getting away with too much for too long.

Like what? Be specific.

letting them have tax cuts

Bush and Reagan gave everyone tax cuts.

Force the rich to pay what the rest of us are paying.

How much are you paying? Why do you think the rich are paying less?
I think the rich should ABSOLUTELY pay more because the majority of them are selfish and don't care about anybody but themselves! Trust me, if you are a millionaire, it is NOT going to hurt you if you just pay a little more in taxes. I believe that if you are a good and righteous person, you would want to help the poor or people that are less fortunate. It's as simple as that! People need to stop being so selfish.

"Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?"
NO....why you ask? (oh please ask why)
While all you broke low-life bastards were fucking around ditching school, not trying in school, dropping out and smoking weed I was busting my ass playing football, wrestling, taking all honors courses and studying until 2-3am every night. And where were all you noble, giving mother fuckers when I had to pony up tuition for my high dollar degree and work two or three jobs to cover it. Go fuck yourselves and pave your own path...stop riding my back and others like me.
None of this makes any sense to you bottom feeding leeches does it?
BFD lol. Unless you make more than 250k, Dems only want tax cuts for you, dupe. We're just as successful as you are, dingbat. Take a break and relax lol. And change the gd channel- you'll have a heart attack lol.

"We're just as successful as you are"
So everyone who WORKS is equally successful?
(Please answer this like I think you will just to confirm your level of Loon)
Only if everyone who argues, is equally successful. You usually just have fallacy for your Cause.
I'm talking about adult ed, not High Schools.

You don't want to save money? Moron.
Saving money (by the rich) been killing the country and middle class for 35 years. You would save more money with Dems, experience shows. If they had the power...

Saving money (by the rich) been killing the country and middle class for 35 years.

How is saving the money currently spent on educating the children of illegal aliens going to kill the country?
Revenue is too low to support infrastructure and adult education/training. The rich don't pay enough.

Revenue is too low to support infrastructure and adult education/training

Chicago could pay for more infrastructure if they weren't paying $13.5 K per year educating illegal alien students.
Chicago could pay more for infrastructure if we didn't have an "illegal" war on drugs.
I'm talking about adult ed, not High Schools.

You don't want to save money? Moron.
Saving money (by the rich) been killing the country and middle class for 35 years. You would save more money with Dems, experience shows. If they had the power...

Saving money (by the rich) been killing the country and middle class for 35 years.

How is saving the money currently spent on educating the children of illegal aliens going to kill the country?
Revenue is too low to support infrastructure and adult education/training. The rich don't pay enough.
When revenue is too low, the smart thing to do is reduce costs elsewhere. Does ANYONE truly believe that we cannot find billions of dollars in the current budget we could redirect into infrastructure?

Anyway, we don't have infrastructure problems. Obama promised us thousands of shovel ready jobs if we just gave him hundreds of billions to spend on infrastructure. Therefore, he has fixed the problems. You aren't saying he lied, are you?
the rich got their bailout, first.
Revenue is too low to support infrastructure and adult education/training. The rich don't pay enough.

Revenue is too low to support infrastructure and adult education/training

Chicago could pay for more infrastructure if they weren't paying $13.5 K per year educating illegal alien students.
So pass an immigration bill with a good SS ID card and END any more coming in. Considering the open invitation of no such thing by the GOP forever (and continuing with Trump and his useless wall etc etc), it's inhumane to throw out worthy (and needed) illegals, dupes.

Yup, end more coming in, boot millions of current illegals.
That's stupid, unfair bigotry talking.

Unfair to boot illegal aliens? Why?
let's get the first degrees, first.
I think the rich should ABSOLUTELY pay more because the majority of them are selfish and don't care about anybody but themselves! Trust me, if you are a millionaire, it is NOT going to hurt you if you just pay a little more in taxes. I believe that if you are a good and righteous person, you would want to help the poor or people that are less fortunate. It's as simple as that! People need to stop being so selfish.
The rich do pay more. Liberals are pathetic.

I waited for eight years for Obama to address the billionaires, but he did as was told and sucked them off instead.

Simple rhetoric plays well with people like Matthew. He hears, "get the rich", and starts foaming at the mouth, but then his leadership lies to him and goes after small business owner instead of the billionaire club.
Revenue is too low to support infrastructure and adult education/training. The rich don't pay enough.
When revenue is too low, the smart thing to do is reduce costs elsewhere. Does ANYONE truly believe that we cannot find billions of dollars in the current budget we could redirect into infrastructure?

Anyway, we don't have infrastructure problems. Obama promised us thousands of shovel ready jobs if we just gave him hundreds of billions to spend on infrastructure. Therefore, he has fixed the problems. You aren't saying he lied, are you?
Only $200 billion, dupe. We need trillions to make up for 35 years of Reaganist ignoring growing problems....
Obama and Bubba Clinton were Reaganists? Who knew?
Not likely, dupe. Both obstructed by the New BS GOP. Reaganism rolls on.
Evidence that either one made valid attempts to fix infrastructure that were thwarted? Obama got literally hundreds of billions in extra funding, yet did nothing.

President Obama signed into a law a five-year, $305 billion highway bill on Friday, with just hours to spare before the scheduled expiration of the nation's road and transit spending.

Funding had been set to expire at midnight.

The new law, paid for with gas tax revenue and a package of $70 billion in offsets from other areas of the federal budget, calls for spending approximately $205 billion on highways and $48 billion on transit projects over the next five years. It also reauthorizes the controversial Export-Import Bank’s expired charter until 2019.

The measure is the first long-term national transportation spending package in a decade. It follows a string of temporary patches that began before Obama entered office.

Ending the pattern of short stopgap funding fixes has been a priority this year for both the Obama administration and Republican leaders in Congress.

Source: Obama signs $305B highway bill
The GOP only wants to defend Reaganist tax rates, keep deregulation and block progress, genius. They never pass ANYTHING, dupe. The greedy idiot rich love things as is...
The less the government does the better it is for the people
Well you must love the total bs of the last 35 years, chump. "I know, another tax cut for the rich!"
if you say they don't pay taxes now, then how is it they can get a tax break? I mean dude, be consistent at least.
How much did Mr. Trump pay in personal income taxes, and why is He asking for a tax break, if he doesn't pay personal income taxes?
He paid whatever he was legally obligated to pay
Unless you can prove he actually cheated he has done nothing wrong
why does a rich guy need a tax break? is he not "rich enough"?
The less the government does the better it is for the people
Well you must love the total bs of the last 35 years, chump. "I know, another tax cut for the rich!"
if you say they don't pay taxes now, then how is it they can get a tax break? I mean dude, be consistent at least.
How much did Mr. Trump pay in personal income taxes, and why is He asking for a tax break, if he doesn't pay personal income taxes?
He paid whatever he was legally obligated to pay
Unless you can prove he actually cheated he has done nothing wrong
why does a rich guy need a tax break? is he not "rich enough"?
he didn't get a tax break he paid the taxes he was legally obligated to pay just like you
I think the rich should ABSOLUTELY pay more because the majority of them are selfish and don't care about anybody but themselves! Trust me, if you are a millionaire, it is NOT going to hurt you if you just pay a little more in taxes. I believe that if you are a good and righteous person, you would want to help the poor or people that are less fortunate. It's as simple as that! People need to stop being so selfish.

Plus help pay for the endless bs wars and what can only be described as extravagant military spending that often times produces nothing but garbage.

so do you people actually think that poor people are incapable of being selfish?
Only if they have a, "wealth" of it.
The GOP only wants to defend Reaganist tax rates, keep deregulation and block progress, genius. They never pass ANYTHING, dupe. The greedy idiot rich love things as is...
The less the government does the better it is for the people
Well you must love the total bs of the last 35 years, chump. "I know, another tax cut for the rich!"
if you say they don't pay taxes now, then how is it they can get a tax break? I mean dude, be consistent at least.
How much did Mr. Trump pay in personal income taxes, and why is He asking for a tax break, if he doesn't pay personal income taxes?

The short answer; Trump wants to make sure all his cronies get out of paying any taxes just he did.
Now we know how Mr. Trump got the electoral vote?
I say he hasn't paid a dime in two decades. So let's put the shoe on the other foot. Prove to me has paid fed taxes during the last two decades.
Yes....we see your limited intelligence at, that link?

Now the personal attacks start and you question my intelligence.

That link?

Trump could have avoided US federal taxes for 18 years, NYT reports. ... According to the report, Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income taxreturn - a deduction that would have legally allowed him to avoid paying federal tax for up to 18 years.Oct 1, 2016
So if it's legal, why the incessant whining over it?
dear, Mr. Trump and the poor pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay;

don't whine; be Patriotic.
The GOP only wants to defend Reaganist tax rates, keep deregulation and block progress, genius. They never pass ANYTHING, dupe. The greedy idiot rich love things as is...
The less the government does the better it is for the people
Well you must love the total bs of the last 35 years, chump. "I know, another tax cut for the rich!"
if you say they don't pay taxes now, then how is it they can get a tax break? I mean dude, be consistent at least.
How much did Mr. Trump pay in personal income taxes, and why is He asking for a tax break, if he doesn't pay personal income taxes?

It's none of yours or my business how much President Trump paid in taxes. He didn't ask for a tax break, he took all the legal deductions he qualified for, just like you or I would. The laws Congress wrote are the issues, not whether people who qualified for a tax deduction of credit took what they were legally allowed.
The right wing Only complains when the poor only the pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay.
Well it's that part where he lived a life of champagne wishs & caviar dreams that chaps my ass. That makes what trumps doing a scam.

Scams are illegal. What Trump did was not. Even you SHOULD be able to see the difference.

My dad was a self employed businessman and when he suffered substantial losses that reduced his taxable income to zero or even near zero, our lifestyle took a big hit as well. In other words we felt it. That's the real world. By the way, how does your wife like that new trumps ass cologne you're wearing
My dog's farts are smarter than that lame attempt at an insult. Please pay the receptionist on your way out and try again next week.

Yes scams are illegal and trump should be sitting in prison right now for the scams he pulled

Show where he his write-off was illegal. Failing that, give it up.

You started with the lame insults. Not me. And I'm sorry you have to suffer through your dog farts. Not ;)
Really? Cite the insult. Failing that, give it up.
So how much business does he do with Russia/ Saudi? Nobody cares about his write offs.
That other guy certainly does.
the right wing complains the poor don't pay any personal income tax (like Mr. Trump).
Scams are illegal. What Trump did was not. Even you SHOULD be able to see the difference.

My dog's farts are smarter than that lame attempt at an insult. Please pay the receptionist on your way out and try again next week.

Yes scams are illegal and trump should be sitting in prison right now for the scams he pulled

Show where he his write-off was illegal. Failing that, give it up.

You started with the lame insults. Not me. And I'm sorry you have to suffer through your dog farts. Not ;)
Really? Cite the insult. Failing that, give it up.
So how much business does he do with Russia/ Saudi? Nobody cares about his write offs.
That other guy certainly does.
the right wing complains the poor don't pay any personal income tax (like Mr. Trump).

The bottom 47% pay what they are legally obligated to pay Trump paid what he was legally obligated to pay

I really can't understand why this baffles you so

IMO everyone should pay a flat percentage of their gross income and that's all
flat tax ends that problem right?

But that would only bring out something no one has talked about much: Nearly half of Americans don't pay ANY income tax. And some of those even get money back from the government, in the form of "Earned Income Tax Credit" or other such disguised-Welfare subsidies.

How do you offer an income tax cut to people who don't pay any?

The flat tax will have the effect of placing the same percentage tax on those people, as on those who DO already pay income taxes. In other words, it will INCREASE their taxes, from zero to 15% or whatever the percentage is.
Why offer a capital gains preference that benefits mostly the wealthy, but does not ensure Jobs Booms, for the rest of us?
flat tax ends that problem right?

But that would only bring out something no one has talked about much: Nearly half of Americans don't pay ANY income tax. And some of those even get money back from the government, in the form of "Earned Income Tax Credit" or other such disguised-Welfare subsidies.

How do you offer an income tax cut to people who don't pay any?

The flat tax will have the effect of placing the same percentage tax on those people, as on those who DO already pay income taxes. In other words, it will INCREASE their taxes, from zero to 15% or whatever the percentage is.
Why offer a capital gains preference that benefits mostly the wealthy, but does not ensure Jobs Booms, for the rest of us?
we shouldn't we should tax ALL income at the same rate no matter where it comes from
We need to tax the holy shit out of the rich. They've been getting away with too much for too long. This is bullshit treating the rich so nice, letting them have tax cuts and seeing poor right folk doing their bidding for them. Well, fuck that! Force the rich to pay what the rest of us are paying.
I wonder why Obama never addressed the billionaires? He talked about it, but none of the plans he put forth did. He always targeted the small business owner, never the billionaire. The Dems are absolute phonies on this topic. Their actions never match their rhetoric.
Yes scams are illegal and trump should be sitting in prison right now for the scams he pulled

Show where he his write-off was illegal. Failing that, give it up.

You started with the lame insults. Not me. And I'm sorry you have to suffer through your dog farts. Not ;)
Really? Cite the insult. Failing that, give it up.
So how much business does he do with Russia/ Saudi? Nobody cares about his write offs.
That other guy certainly does.
the right wing complains the poor don't pay any personal income tax (like Mr. Trump).

The bottom 47% pay what they are legally obligated to pay Trump paid what he was legally obligated to pay

I really can't understand why this baffles you so

IMO everyone should pay a flat percentage of their gross income and that's all
there is no, "bafflement" only the abomination of hypocrisy regarding the poor.

the right wing, makes it seem, like the poor are not capitally worth equal protection of the law with our current regime.
Show where he his write-off was illegal. Failing that, give it up.

Really? Cite the insult. Failing that, give it up.
So how much business does he do with Russia/ Saudi? Nobody cares about his write offs.
That other guy certainly does.
the right wing complains the poor don't pay any personal income tax (like Mr. Trump).

The bottom 47% pay what they are legally obligated to pay Trump paid what he was legally obligated to pay

I really can't understand why this baffles you so

IMO everyone should pay a flat percentage of their gross income and that's all
there is no, "bafflement" only the abomination of hypocrisy regarding the poor.

the right wing, makes it seem, like the poor are not capitally worth equal protection of the law with our current regime.

they have all the protection anyone else does

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