Should the Duggar Family Sue the Oprah Winfrey Franchise?

What's this all about? What would you suggest?

  • It's a political hit. Duggars sue.

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • It's a simple revelation. It's fair to use someone's juvenile record to expose and destroy them.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • It's a random revelation. Not sure if the Duggars should sue or not.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • It's a random revelation. But the Duggars should sue anyway.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jeri is presuming to an unwarranted authority over others. Jeri has no authority to call the Bible infallible or that she is an authority.

Such is called wrongful dominion.
Josh Duggar has no juvenile record to be unsealed, because he was never charged. So let's put that bit of fiction to rest. What has been brought to light is the allegations against him, which he has confirmed.

Oprah reported the allegations, which one is required by law, in most cases, to do. As a victim of child sexual abuse, do you honestly think she would do otherwise. Oprah did not publicize the allegations, or make them public in any way. So there are no grounds for a lawsuit against her for anything.

The Duggars would never had have made full disclosure had someone not publicized these things first.

Do you have a reliable source and link that says he confessed to raping his sisters? The story / report I read said he touched them. Question for you. Did you make a full disclosure of the past sins of your children when you applied for your job? No? Me neither. It was never required. It still isn't.
God can forgive all he wants my friend, that is for the spiritual realm, render unto ceaser what is ceaser's and whatnot, there are people that are in jail for the rest of their lives because they had cannabis on their person when a police officer questioned them, these are men and women who were not hurting anyone at all, however they will spend the rest of their days in a cell while someone who claims moral superiority gets to apologize for RAPING at least five little girls and never see anything other than a counselor.
According to the report I read he never raped anyone. He touched his sisters. He should not have done it and he confessed his sins and sought forgiveness. He is forgiven. It's settled.
I do not know what strange fairytale land you live in sir but even if he only touched his 5 year old sister that is still what we here in America call Rape to do otherwise is to try and protect someone from their own actions, I would never wish this on anyone nor do I mean to insinuate it but if you walked in on a random 14 year old not raping but touching your 5 year old daughter do you mean to tell me you would be fine with him saying he was sorry?

Give me your source and the link which says he was charged with rape or else withdraw your accusation against him. Tell me, have you ever had sex with someone outside of marriage? Ever had an abortion? Every stole something? Told a lie? Read your horoscope?

If so, did you repent? Do you believe you were forgiven? Why can God not forgive this man as he has forgiven you your own sins? Do you think there is some difference between sins? Your sin and his? Some believe the sin they would never commit is far worse than those they themselves are guilty of. They are mistaken.

Sin is sin.

One act of disobedience in the garden was called sin and look at what it has cost the world! Again I repeat sin is sin! If you have been forgiven of your sins who do you think it is that wants to remind you of them? Satan. If Duggar has been forgiven of his sins (and he has) who do you think wants to use your tongue to accuse him?

Do not be an accuser of the brethren. Don't be a mouthpiece for Satan.
I am an agnostic actually so I do not believe in your whole repentance scheme, to think that you know the will of whatever it is that created us, if it has a will in the traditional sense, is arrogant, we can continue that discussion privately if you would like, as to the matter at hand, he has not been charged because the statute of limitations ran out, because his parents who full well knew what he had done thought that therapy was enough for their little boy, that does not make him innocent, especially when you yourself have stated that he has admitted what he has done and apologized, guilty is guilty, and if you rape anyone that puts you on the list of despicable people just by a traditional moral standing.

Why do you say he raped his sisters when the report says he touched them? Is there a new report that he raped them? Please provide a reliable source and link. Otherwise refrain from using the word rape. It is not being honest to accuse him of rape if he didn't rape them.
I am going to explain this one more time for you nice and slow, TOUCHING A 4 OR 5 YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL WHEN YOU ARE 14 IS RAPE so even if he "only touched them" as he has already admitted to doing, that is indeed rape, clear and simple
Josh Duggar has no juvenile record to be unsealed, because he was never charged. So let's put that bit of fiction to rest. What has been brought to light is the allegations against him, which he has confirmed.

Oprah reported the allegations, which one is required by law, in most cases, to do. As a victim of child sexual abuse, do you honestly think she would do otherwise. Oprah did not publicize the allegations, or make them public in any way. So there are no grounds for a lawsuit against her for anything.

The Duggars would never had have made full disclosure had someone not publicized these things first.

Do you have a reliable source and link that says he confessed to raping his sisters? The story / report I read said he touched them.[/QUO
Jeri is presuming to an unwarranted authority over others.

Such is called wrongful dominion.

? I'm telling you what the Word of God says about the matter, Jake. If God's Word is not the final authority whose is? Oprah's? Please think about what you have been saying on this thread!
Just so you are clear, your "word of god" was written by the hand of man.
Josh Duggar has no juvenile record to be unsealed, because he was never charged. So let's put that bit of fiction to rest. What has been brought to light is the allegations against him, which he has confirmed.

Oprah reported the allegations, which one is required by law, in most cases, to do. As a victim of child sexual abuse, do you honestly think she would do otherwise. Oprah did not publicize the allegations, or make them public in any way. So there are no grounds for a lawsuit against her for anything.

The Duggars would never had have made full disclosure had someone not publicized these things first.
So who publicized the allegations? If Oprah knew the statute of limitations were over then what purpose was it of hers to report it knowing it could be disasterous for the christian family in the publics eye knowing they have a new tv show? Lets face it. The blue gum negress wanted to publically destroy this family.
Josh Duggar has no juvenile record to be unsealed, because he was never charged. So let's put that bit of fiction to rest. What has been brought to light is the allegations against him, which he has confirmed.

Oprah reported the allegations, which one is required by law, in most cases, to do. As a victim of child sexual abuse, do you honestly think she would do otherwise. Oprah did not publicize the allegations, or make them public in any way. So there are no grounds for a lawsuit against her for anything.

The Duggars would never had have made full disclosure had someone not publicized these things first.

Do you have a reliable source and link that says he confessed to raping his sisters? The story / report I read said he touched them. Question for you. Did you make a full disclosure of the past sins of your children when you applied for your job? No? Me neither. It was never required. It still isn't.
Disclosure of your sins or anyone elses? No, Rape is not just a sin it is a crime, not everything in this world has to go back to your god
Jeri is presuming to an unwarranted authority over others. Jeri has no authority to call the Bible infallible or that she is an authority.

Such is called wrongful dominion.

The Bible is the infallible Word of God. It is perfect. I am a servant of the LORD and I am not speaking in my own authority but telling you what the Scriptures say, Jake.
Jeri is presuming to an unwarranted authority over others. Jeri has no authority to call the Bible infallible or that she is an authority.

Such is called wrongful dominion.

The Bible is the infallible Word of God. It is perfect. I am a servant of the LORD and I am not speaking in my own authority but telling you what the Scriptures say, Jake.
The bible is a book Jeremiah that is all.
Josh Duggar has no juvenile record to be unsealed, because he was never charged. So let's put that bit of fiction to rest. What has been brought to light is the allegations against him, which he has confirmed.

Oprah reported the allegations, which one is required by law, in most cases, to do. As a victim of child sexual abuse, do you honestly think she would do otherwise. Oprah did not publicize the allegations, or make them public in any way. So there are no grounds for a lawsuit against her for anything.

The Duggars would never had have made full disclosure had someone not publicized these things first.

Do you have a reliable source and link that says he confessed to raping his sisters? The story / report I read said he touched them.[/QUO
Jeri is presuming to an unwarranted authority over others.

Such is called wrongful dominion.

? I'm telling you what the Word of God says about the matter, Jake. If God's Word is not the final authority whose is? Oprah's? Please think about what you have been saying on this thread!
Just so you are clear, your "word of god" was written by the hand of man.
God was in these mens heart speaking to them as they wrote. Have you discovered God in your heart?
Josh Duggar has no juvenile record to be unsealed, because he was never charged. So let's put that bit of fiction to rest. What has been brought to light is the allegations against him, which he has confirmed.

Oprah reported the allegations, which one is required by law, in most cases, to do. As a victim of child sexual abuse, do you honestly think she would do otherwise. Oprah did not publicize the allegations, or make them public in any way. So there are no grounds for a lawsuit against her for anything.

The Duggars would never had have made full disclosure had someone not publicized these things first.
So who publicized the allegations? If Oprah knew the statute of limitations were over then what purpose was it of hers to report it knowing it could be disasterous for the christian family in the publics eye knowing they have a new tv show? Lets face it. The blue gum negress wanted to publically destroy this family.
Is there anything wrong with wanting to destroy a group of people who present themselves as idols and role models yet perform or cover up attrocities?
Jeri is presuming to an unwarranted authority over others. Jeri has no authority to call the Bible infallible or that she is an authority.

Such is called wrongful dominion.

The Bible is the infallible Word of God. It is perfect. I am a servant of the LORD and I am not speaking in my own authority but telling you what the Scriptures say, Jake.
We all strive to be servants, and, correct, you are speaking only as yourself. You are not an authority on Bible scripture, Jeri. Admit it and leave it.
Josh Duggar has no juvenile record to be unsealed, because he was never charged. So let's put that bit of fiction to rest. What has been brought to light is the allegations against him, which he has confirmed.

Oprah reported the allegations, which one is required by law, in most cases, to do. As a victim of child sexual abuse, do you honestly think she would do otherwise. Oprah did not publicize the allegations, or make them public in any way. So there are no grounds for a lawsuit against her for anything.

The Duggars would never had have made full disclosure had someone not publicized these things first.

Do you have a reliable source and link that says he confessed to raping his sisters? The story / report I read said he touched them.[/QUO
Jeri is presuming to an unwarranted authority over others.

Such is called wrongful dominion.

? I'm telling you what the Word of God says about the matter, Jake. If God's Word is not the final authority whose is? Oprah's? Please think about what you have been saying on this thread!
Just so you are clear, your "word of god" was written by the hand of man.
God was in these mens heart speaking to them as they wrote. Have you discovered God in your heart?
You have not.
I have read the Bible and I know it was written by men some 300 and more years after Jesus lived.
If God forgave David, surely he could forgive Judas. How do you know that Judas didn't ask for forgiveness?
I do not know if He did or did not, and you do not. Could Jesus have forgave Judas? Sure. Did he? Neither you nor I know. Nor does Jeri.

Could Jesus have forgave Judas? Absolutely! Jake! Had he only turned toward Christ instead of suicide after casting the 30 pieces of silver back he could have been forgiven! But he did not repent. Instead he took his own life. And as Jesus is God He knew all along what was in the heart of Judas. God knows the heart of every man, Jake.

I don't believe you, but unfortunately others do. How do you know Judas took his own life? And you don't know if he repented or not.

Because it is written:

While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name, those that thou gavest me. I have kept, and none have been lost, but the son of perdition, that the scriptures might be fulfilled.
John 17: 12

Judas was the one Jesus was speaking of. He was lost to Satan and today he is in hell.

Who was the author of the verse you cited?
If a man feels so unworthy and so ashamed in his soul that he seeks death, that, I my opinion, is a form of repentance.

Authorized King James Version Bible - I was quoting the words of Jesus Christ. He said he didn't lose any except the son of perdition - which was Judas. God's Word does not need your opinion or mine. God's Word stands on its own merit. Leave your opinion out of it and let us take God at His Word, Lilah.
Josh Duggar has no juvenile record to be unsealed, because he was never charged. So let's put that bit of fiction to rest. What has been brought to light is the allegations against him, which he has confirmed.

Oprah reported the allegations, which one is required by law, in most cases, to do. As a victim of child sexual abuse, do you honestly think she would do otherwise. Oprah did not publicize the allegations, or make them public in any way. So there are no grounds for a lawsuit against her for anything.

The Duggars would never had have made full disclosure had someone not publicized these things first.
So who publicized the allegations? If Oprah knew the statute of limitations were over then what purpose was it of hers to report it knowing it could be disasterous for the christian family in the publics eye knowing they have a new tv show? Lets face it. The blue gum negress wanted to publically destroy this family.

The 2006 police report was unearth by In Touch and a copy was mailed to Harpo Studios. Oprah cancelled the interview with the family and that's it.
KAuthorized King James Version Bible - I was quoting the words of Jesus Christ. He said he didn't lose any except the son of perdition - which was Judas. God's Word does not need your opinion or mine. God's Word stands on its own merit. Leave your opinion out of it and let us take God at His Word, Lilah.
Those are the Words of Men, that other men today attempt to make the Literal Words of God. The KJV, in which I read daily and have since I was six, inspires me daily, but it is not Literal. The words stand when they are wise yet fail when they are not.
Jeri is presuming to an unwarranted authority over others. Jeri has no authority to call the Bible infallible or that she is an authority.

Such is called wrongful dominion.

The Bible is the infallible Word of God. It is perfect. I am a servant of the LORD and I am not speaking in my own authority but telling you what the Scriptures say, Jake.
We all strive to be servants, and, correct, you are speaking only as yourself. You are not an authority on Bible scripture, Jeri. Admit it and leave it.

Josh Duggar has no juvenile record to be unsealed, because he was never charged. So let's put that bit of fiction to rest. What has been brought to light is the allegations against him, which he has confirmed.

Oprah reported the allegations, which one is required by law, in most cases, to do. As a victim of child sexual abuse, do you honestly think she would do otherwise. Oprah did not publicize the allegations, or make them public in any way. So there are no grounds for a lawsuit against her for anything.

The Duggars would never had have made full disclosure had someone not publicized these things first.

Do you have a reliable source and link that says he confessed to raping his sisters? The story / report I read said he touched them. Question for you. Did you make a full disclosure of the past sins of your children when you applied for your job? No? Me neither. It was never required. It still isn't.
Disclosure of your sins or anyone elses? No, Rape is not just a sin it is a crime, not everything in this world has to go back to your god

Where is the source and link I asked for where it says rape? You don't have it?
Josh Duggar has no juvenile record to be unsealed, because he was never charged. So let's put that bit of fiction to rest. What has been brought to light is the allegations against him, which he has confirmed.

Oprah reported the allegations, which one is required by law, in most cases, to do. As a victim of child sexual abuse, do you honestly think she would do otherwise. Oprah did not publicize the allegations, or make them public in any way. So there are no grounds for a lawsuit against her for anything.

The Duggars would never had have made full disclosure had someone not publicized these things first.

Do you have a reliable source and link that says he confessed to raping his sisters? The story / report I read said he touched them.[/QUO
Jeri is presuming to an unwarranted authority over others.

Such is called wrongful dominion.

? I'm telling you what the Word of God says about the matter, Jake. If God's Word is not the final authority whose is? Oprah's? Please think about what you have been saying on this thread!
Just so you are clear, your "word of god" was written by the hand of man.
God was in these mens heart speaking to them as they wrote. Have you discovered God in your heart?
I have my faith and my beliefs, I do not need to be given a story and a set of instructions to have my own personal relationship with the power above, to claim that your religion is the only path to "salvation" is just a fear mongering tactic as old as... well the church, if "god" so loves the world why would he reveal himself to so few people if it was in his capability to do so?
Josh Duggar has no juvenile record to be unsealed, because he was never charged. So let's put that bit of fiction to rest. What has been brought to light is the allegations against him, which he has confirmed.

Oprah reported the allegations, which one is required by law, in most cases, to do. As a victim of child sexual abuse, do you honestly think she would do otherwise. Oprah did not publicize the allegations, or make them public in any way. So there are no grounds for a lawsuit against her for anything.

The Duggars would never had have made full disclosure had someone not publicized these things first.
So who publicized the allegations? If Oprah knew the statute of limitations were over then what purpose was it of hers to report it knowing it could be disasterous for the christian family in the publics eye knowing they have a new tv show? Lets face it. The blue gum negress wanted to publically destroy this family.

The 2006 police report was unearth by In Touch and a copy was mailed to Harpo Studios. Oprah cancelled the interview with the family and that's it.

Can you please post a reliable source and link to the report where it says "rape", Lilah? Thank you.
I do not know if He did or did not, and you do not. Could Jesus have forgave Judas? Sure. Did he? Neither you nor I know. Nor does Jeri.

Could Jesus have forgave Judas? Absolutely! Jake! Had he only turned toward Christ instead of suicide after casting the 30 pieces of silver back he could have been forgiven! But he did not repent. Instead he took his own life. And as Jesus is God He knew all along what was in the heart of Judas. God knows the heart of every man, Jake.

I don't believe you, but unfortunately others do. How do you know Judas took his own life? And you don't know if he repented or not.

Because it is written:

While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name, those that thou gavest me. I have kept, and none have been lost, but the son of perdition, that the scriptures might be fulfilled.
John 17: 12

Judas was the one Jesus was speaking of. He was lost to Satan and today he is in hell.

Who was the author of the verse you cited?
If a man feels so unworthy and so ashamed in his soul that he seeks death, that, I my opinion, is a form of repentance.

Authorized King James Version Bible - I was quoting the words of Jesus Christ. He said he didn't lose any except the son of perdition - which was Judas. God's Word does not need your opinion or mine. God's Word stands on its own merit. Leave your opinion out of it and let us take God at His Word, Lilah.

Who wrote the verse you cited? Jesus didn't write it because he only spoke Aramaic and couldn't write.
My opinions are valuable to me and my relationship with whomever I place my faith is personal and doesn't need your approval.
I believe you know me well enough to know that I find vindication to be a sign of weakness, Jake. My knowledge of Scripture is not on trial here.
Straw man faileth. Your testimony that the Bible is Literal and your authority from it are on trial here.

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