Should Mexicrats win the House...Trump to govern by EO.

Mexicrats are foaming at the mouth as they hope to win the House...not for the purpose of helping good Americans by writing effective legislation but to launch a barrage of taxpayer draining investigations leading to nowhere. Anyone paying attention knows how useless the Legislative Branch is...should Mexicrats take the House it’ll get a whole lot worse.
The good news is; EO’s will rain down from the Executive Branch and we will all be blessed with endless entertainment as Lefties will live in straight jackets and padded rooms.
Planning on losing already?

How is Trump going to Executive Order an impeachment?
Impeachment for what?

Because 3 million barely legal Mexicans, pole puffers, men in dresses and feminazis in Mexifornia didn’t want him in the Oval Office.
Mexicrats are foaming at the mouth as they hope to win the House...not for the purpose of helping good Americans by writing effective legislation but to launch a barrage of taxpayer draining investigations leading to nowhere. Anyone paying attention knows how useless the Legislative Branch is...should Mexicrats take the House it’ll get a whole lot worse.
The good news is; EO’s will rain down from the Executive Branch and we will all be blessed with endless entertainment as Lefties will live in straight jackets and padded rooms.
Once removed from office the dotard won't be able to give any orders

Yeah but...when that happens in 2024 Pence may slide in there and pick up where Donny T left off.
Who? Trump will be impeached by February.
No, he won't. Impeachment proceedings will likely never happen, because there are no high crimes to impeach him on.

Both sides like to throw out the word "impeachment" because it motivates their base, but, to actually start impeachment proceedings will never happen. Unless, that is, trump does something worthy of constitutional impeachment between now and then.
Clinton was impeached for lying about a blowjob. There is far more than enough grounds to impeach your orange traitor.
Mexicrats are foaming at the mouth as they hope to win the House...not for the purpose of helping good Americans by writing effective legislation but to launch a barrage of taxpayer draining investigations leading to nowhere. Anyone paying attention knows how useless the Legislative Branch is...should Mexicrats take the House it’ll get a whole lot worse.
The good news is; EO’s will rain down from the Executive Branch and we will all be blessed with endless entertainment as Lefties will live in straight jackets and padded rooms.
Once removed from office the dotard won't be able to give any orders
What high crimes and misdemeanors has he committed? You can't impeach a president just because you disagree with him.

For the left to have a shot at impeachment, they are going to have to prove high crimes.
RW said it best: Obstruction of justice, malfeasance, Money laundering, tax fraud........possibly treason

And the 25th amendement can (and should) be used too if Trump’s staff and/or congress suddenly remembers their oaths and the duties they swore to.

True, if those things are proven, there would be a case. The problem is, there is no proof. Certainly, in this divided political climate, it will almost be impossible to prove those things. Partisanship is so rampant these days, for every allegation made, whether true or false, there will be a rebuttal, also either true or false.

Also, as far as I can tell, only crimes committed while the president is in office are grounds for impeachment. I may be wrong, but I think any crimes before he took office are not on the table. From what I've read, it's a muddy subject.

On top of that, impeachment doesn't necessarily mean removal from office. Granted, I'm sure the left will do everything in their power to make that happen, and, if he is guilty, then rightly so.

However, if this happens and trump is removed, what you end up with is president pence. Not much will change.
Mexicrats are foaming at the mouth as they hope to win the House...not for the purpose of helping good Americans by writing effective legislation but to launch a barrage of taxpayer draining investigations leading to nowhere. Anyone paying attention knows how useless the Legislative Branch is...should Mexicrats take the House it’ll get a whole lot worse.
The good news is; EO’s will rain down from the Executive Branch and we will all be blessed with endless entertainment as Lefties will live in straight jackets and padded rooms.
Once removed from office the dotard won't be able to give any orders

Yeah but...when that happens in 2024 Pence may slide in there and pick up where Donny T left off.
Who? Trump will be impeached by February.
No, he won't. Impeachment proceedings will likely never happen, because there are no high crimes to impeach him on.

Both sides like to throw out the word "impeachment" because it motivates their base, but, to actually start impeachment proceedings will never happen. Unless, that is, trump does something worthy of constitutional impeachment between now and then.
Clinton was impeached for lying about a blowjob. There is far more than enough grounds to impeach your orange traitor.
True, but not removed from office. Also, I question that impeachment, because, while it was unethical, it doesn't rise to the level of high crimes.

That impeachment should have never happened.
Mexicrats are foaming at the mouth as they hope to win the House...not for the purpose of helping good Americans by writing effective legislation but to launch a barrage of taxpayer draining investigations leading to nowhere. Anyone paying attention knows how useless the Legislative Branch is...should Mexicrats take the House it’ll get a whole lot worse.
The good news is; EO’s will rain down from the Executive Branch and we will all be blessed with endless entertainment as Lefties will live in straight jackets and padded rooms.
Once removed from office the dotard won't be able to give any orders
What high crimes and misdemeanors has he committed? You can't impeach a president just because you disagree with him.

For the left to have a shot at impeachment, they are going to have to prove high crimes.
RW said it best: Obstruction of justice, malfeasance, Money laundering, tax fraud........possibly treason

And the 25th amendement can (and should) be used too if Trump’s staff and/or congress suddenly remembers their oaths and the duties they swore to.

True, if those things are proven, there would be a case. The problem is, there is no proof. Certainly, in this divided political climate, it will almost be impossible to prove those things. Partisanship is so rampant these days, for every allegation made, whether true or false, there will be a rebuttal, also either true or false.

Also, as far as I can tell, only crimes committed while the president is in office are grounds for impeachment. I may be wrong, but I think any crimes before he took office are not on the table. From what I've read, it's a muddy subject.

On top of that, impeachment doesn't necessarily mean removal from office. Granted, I'm sure the left will do everything in their power to make that happen, and, if he is guilty, then rightly so.

However, if this happens and trump is removed, what you end up with is president pence. Not much will change.
As evil as Pence is, he's lightyears better than the mad man mafioso you worship. His own staff works to protect the nation from him by treating him like a toddler. Taking papers off his desk so he'll forget, stroking his fragile ego, hiding information that would set off a tantrum... He can't be removed soon enough.
However, if this happens and trump is removed, what you end up with is president pence. Not much will change.

Pence is a good man, but a lot will change. Making deals isn't Pence's forte, and we would have to virtually start over with our dealings with North Korea and other states, and Un will have to get to know the current VP.

Further, Pence's mandate would be to roll back Gay Marriage and other priorities, which aren't Trump's priorities. Expect an executive order to end Gay Marriage.
if he isnt will you be here saying June instead?....just asking....
Next June, I’ll be trying to get Pence impeached.
just as i thought....i can take that as a "no i wont be".....its ok all these others who have said trump will be gone by now have not shown up either...
Trump should certainly be gone by now. Lucky for him, and us all I suppose, he has people on his staff taking papers off his desk, cooing at him softly to calm him during tantrums, and other babysitting work to stop him from destroying the nation. So republicans can still pretend he’s not completely unfit for the office.
sounds like an excuse.....will you be here saying Oooops or not?...
Saying oops to what, retard? :cuckoo:
there it is....wont answer a question so the name calling starts....if you aint man enough to admit you might be wrong just say so fuckhead....
This is about to get super entertaining...I’m hoping Trump sets records with EO’s over the next 24 months.
Hahahahahahahaha....the Party Of Filth was put on notice long ago. If they continue to resist governance for good Americans and continue to work for Mexico Donny T will make it rain EO’s in D.C.
I warned you obstructionist unAmericans...Trump would paddle your asses with EO's at some point....Let them rain down on the Congress Of Filth

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