Should a picture book of images from America's racist past be created for elementary school education?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Liberals tell us that Critical Race Theory is very important to educate our young children about that part of American history not being taught. If that is the case, then would it be appropriate to create a picture book containing images of Black people who were whipped, beaten or lynched to educate our youth? Would this be a good idea? Why or why not?
Liberals tell us that Critical Race Theory is very important to educate our young children about that part of American history not being taught. If that is the case, then would it be appropriate to create a picture book containing images of Black people who were whipped, beaten or lynched to educate our youth? Would this be a good idea? Why or why not?
those already exist,,
They did that for us kids back in the 1960s. The well-known photo of the black man with his back heavily scarred from whippings and others was shown and discussed. I am against censorship so I believe no information should be left out I also realize it can't be all done in one textbook but make history class mandatory in all grades and cover different aspects of our nation's history from one grade level to the next.
They did that for us kids back in the 1960s. The well-known photo of the black man with his back heavily scarred from whippings and others was shown and discussed. I am against censorship so I believe no information should be left out I also realize it can't be all done in one textbook but make history class mandatory in all grades and cover different aspects of our nation's history from one grade level to the next.
If memory serves the take away was "always take the hint the first time you are told". ;)
There aren't many pics of the million blacks forced into 'contraband camps' and starved to death by Lincoln's 'emancipation' or forced to work on government plantations, just a couple of maps. so it will be a rather lop-sided pictorial view.
They did that for us kids back in the 1960s. The well-known photo of the black man with his back heavily scarred from whippings and others was shown and discussed. I am against censorship so I believe no information should be left out I also realize it can't be all done in one textbook but make history class mandatory in all grades and cover different aspects of our nation's history from one grade level to the next.

Did they also hand out sex toys and faggot porn?
Liberals tell us that Critical Race Theory is very important to educate our young children about that part of American history not being taught. If that is the case, then would it be appropriate to create a picture book containing images of Black people who were whipped, beaten or lynched to educate our youth? Would this be a good idea? Why or why not?
Bet they won't even mention all those Irish and German skeletons buried in the river levees because of black privilege protecting them from dangerous work.
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I’m so old, I remember when America united around the brilliantly expressed notion that we should seek a society that judges a person not on the color of his or her skin, but on the content of his or her character.
They did that for us kids back in the 1960s. The well-known photo of the black man with his back heavily scarred from whippings and others was shown and discussed. I am against censorship so I believe no information should be left out I also realize it can't be all done in one textbook but make history class mandatory in all grades and cover different aspects of our nation's history from one grade level to the next.
In an ideal education system, that material could be presented and discussed in a rational way. Unfortunately, given the current state of our education system, that material would, in my opinion, more likely be used to engender fear, distrust and anger in young Black kids and guilt in young White kids. Not every teacher, but a lot of them would. Besides that, our kids are very far behind in core skills. I see no value in taking class time to teach anything related to "Critical Race Theory".
Don't forget the pictures of all the white Democrat politicians opposing freedom for American blacks -- the INNOCENT ines
I’m so old, I remember when America united around the brilliantly expressed notion that we should seek a society that judges a person not on the color of his or her skin, but on the content of his or her character.
A radical notion then and still a radical notion today

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