Shooting at the DC Holocaust Museum

you want to compare how many people environmentalists have killed with how many christians have killed in the last 25 years?

I bet you dont.

It's irrelevant to the point.

Don't tell me you're an environmentalist AND militant Muslim-lover...that would be a big pill to choke down.

No, actually, it's not irrelevant. If your assertion is that liberals are MORE violent than righties then lets look at WHO actually has killed people in the last 15 fucking years. Talk shit all you want but we both know why you dont want to tally who has more kills in their pocket.

No problem with that at all.

This is for the people who like to keep a countdown of the war dead. Because there are some who are against the war, that have a morbid fascination with this.


External Source

The total military dead in the Iraq war between 2003 and this month stands at about 3,133. This is tragic, as are all deaths due to war, and we are facing a cowardly enemy unlike any other in our past that hides behind innocent citizens. Each death is blazoned in the headlines of newspapers and Internet sites. What is never compared is the number of military deaths during the Clinton administration: 1,245 in 1993; 1,109 in 1994; 1,055 in 1995; 1,008 in 1996. That's 4,417 deaths in peacetime but, of course, who's counting?


4,417 Military deaths during Clinton's non-war administration.


3,133 under Bush during a War.


Hopefully this will give some perspective to those people who like to hype the war dead.
Military Deaths Clinton vs Bush, page 1
The leftwing fringe in this nation doesn't seem to have as many gun toting suicide by police types as the right wing.

Now certainly the Islamic nutter who murdered recruiter is the enemy of the right winger fringers in American, but the Islamic nutters aren't on the left.

They're in another political universe entirely.
It's irrelevant to the point.

Don't tell me you're an environmentalist AND militant Muslim-lover...that would be a big pill to choke down.

No, actually, it's not irrelevant. If your assertion is that liberals are MORE violent than righties then lets look at WHO actually has killed people in the last 15 fucking years. Talk shit all you want but we both know why you dont want to tally who has more kills in their pocket.

No problem with that at all.

This is for the people who like to keep a countdown of the war dead. Because there are some who are against the war, that have a morbid fascination with this.


External Source

The total military dead in the Iraq war between 2003 and this month stands at about 3,133. This is tragic, as are all deaths due to war, and we are facing a cowardly enemy unlike any other in our past that hides behind innocent citizens. Each death is blazoned in the headlines of newspapers and Internet sites. What is never compared is the number of military deaths during the Clinton administration: 1,245 in 1993; 1,109 in 1994; 1,055 in 1995; 1,008 in 1996. That's 4,417 deaths in peacetime but, of course, who's counting?


4,417 Military deaths during Clinton's non-war administration.


3,133 under Bush during a War.


Hopefully this will give some perspective to those people who like to hype the war dead.
Military Deaths Clinton vs Bush, page 1

there is no source, for the numbers being used in this blog...the numbers are from 2007 not through jan 20 2009 to show the full picture alllbiz...

Also NOTE, this IS NOT INCLUDING the number of military killed under bush that were NOT war says specifically it is comparing the WAR DEATHS IN IRAQ ONLY to the NONWAR deaths under clinton instead of ALL MILITARY DEATHS under Bush compared to ALL MILITARY DEATHS under Clinton....apples and oranges.

In addition to this, I think it is so demeaning to our service members that have lost their lives in this war and their families when you compare them to soldiers that died due to an accident. These men and women that lost their lives in iraq protecting us, deserve more than that.....

Not all, but most of the anti-semitism I've seen in the US has come from the left, not the right. It's been gaining in at least the past 7 years.
Another day, another nut, another murder. What does that say about a society that claims reason and liberty and justice for all?

The zeitgeist of the times is similar to when Clinton won election. Power corrupts and the loss of power by the right wing conservatives has created an atmosphere where the most nonsensical speech is condoned under the blanket of free speech and partisanship.

Last night purposely I switched between Fox and MSNBC for contrast. If fear were a object, Fox would have no room for anything else. Constant exaggerated propaganda is their forte. One wonders why? What motivates an entire network to be so steeped in fear?

The conservatives who deny words are not responsible for a setting that creates this action are either lying to themselves or too dumb to understand the power of words. There is no third option.

Clinton elected January 20, 1993 / Oklahoma City April 19, 1995
Looks to me like the government's warning that the right wing fringe would get all stirred up due to the election of a Black POTUS is turning out to be correct.

Where are our resident NAZIs?

Why aren't they here applauding the recent attack on the holcaust museum and lauding Von Braum as a hero to their cause?

Bullshit. One attack means nothing. The man is crazy. What I want to know is how he got any gun at all. He already served time for a previous crime. It was several years so had to be a felony, barring him from legally owning firearms.

I suspect the crackpot did it as his last Hurrah, hoping to die in the process.

Get back to us when this happens a bunch of times.

Using your logic we need to deploy the Army into our cities to protect us from all those Gangs that are terrorizing us.

Try three attacks. George Tiller and that guy who shot up a Unitarian church cause he hated liberals.

So I'm getting back to you, asswipe. 3 marks a trend.
Not all, but most of the anti-semitism I've seen in the US has come from the left, not the right. It's been gaining in at least the past 7 years.

Somehow I suspect you are confusing criticism with Israel with anti-semitism.
The leftwing fringe in this nation doesn't seem to have as many gun toting suicide by police types as the right wing.

Huh... so we're talking public perception... Golly... that would tend towards requiring one to bring into account the vehicle by which public perception is rooted...

And given that the MEDIA is predominantly Leftwing... it serves reason that such a perception would be expected...

Now certainly the Islamic nutter who murdered recruiter is the enemy of the right winger fringers in American, but the Islamic nutters aren't on the left.

FALSE... The Islamic Nutters are DEAD CENTER in the ideological left... Can one point to ANY EXAMPLE OF RIGHT WING ISLAM? Anyone see a capitalist, free market, Liberty advocate wonking their way through Islam? I've sure as hell never seen such an example..

They're in another political universe entirely.
Yeah, the composition of the ideological left's universe, has always been a mystery...
No, actually, it's not irrelevant. If your assertion is that liberals are MORE violent than righties then lets look at WHO actually has killed people in the last 15 fucking years. Talk shit all you want but we both know why you dont want to tally who has more kills in their pocket.

No problem with that at all.

This is for the people who like to keep a countdown of the war dead. Because there are some who are against the war, that have a morbid fascination with this.


External Source

The total military dead in the Iraq war between 2003 and this month stands at about 3,133. This is tragic, as are all deaths due to war, and we are facing a cowardly enemy unlike any other in our past that hides behind innocent citizens. Each death is blazoned in the headlines of newspapers and Internet sites. What is never compared is the number of military deaths during the Clinton administration: 1,245 in 1993; 1,109 in 1994; 1,055 in 1995; 1,008 in 1996. That's 4,417 deaths in peacetime but, of course, who's counting?


4,417 Military deaths during Clinton's non-war administration.


3,133 under Bush during a War.


Hopefully this will give some perspective to those people who like to hype the war dead.
Military Deaths Clinton vs Bush, page 1

there is no source, for the numbers being used in this blog...the numbers are from 2007 not through jan 20 2009 to show the full picture alllbiz...

Also NOTE, this IS NOT INCLUDING the number of military killed under bush that were NOT war says specifically it is comparing the WAR DEATHS IN IRAQ ONLY to the NONWAR deaths under clinton instead of ALL MILITARY DEATHS under Bush compared to ALL MILITARY DEATHS under Clinton....apples and oranges.

In addition to this, I think it is so demeaning to our service members that have lost their lives in this war and their families when you compare them to soldiers that died due to an accident. These men and women that lost their lives in iraq protecting us, deserve more than that.....


ROFLMNAO... A leftist comes to lament the demeaning of the War Dead...

I left the US Military in 1983... and I've spoken to this many times... we lost over 2000 US troops in PEACE TIME in 1981... this from an article I read in Stars and Stripes at the time, which was reporting on the oft touted 'job safety' issue...

Being the the US Military is and has ALWAYS BEEN a denagerous business, without regard to war...

But this is a little discussed issue and comes with the terroritory... it's part of the job... but where a LEFTIST who has NOT ONCE in ANY THREAD WHICH I"VE READ OF THE HUNDREDS of POSTS which I've read of this member... NOT ONCE has she ever defended the US Military in general or the individuals who PROUDLY SERVE in the service of their nation, from the incessant onslaught of denigration HEAPED UPON THEM BY HER OWN IDEOLOGICAL COMRADES...

It's a feeble contest this member brings and one which rings hollow... there's absolutely nothing American about the ideological left, they exist to LAMENT AND DENIGRATE THE US MILITARY and where one comes to even TRY and protest someone comparing War dead from Peacetime dead is ABSURD....

Those who died in peace time in the service of their nation ARE JUST AS HONORABLE IN THEIR DEMISE AS THOSE WHO DIED UNDER ENEMY FIRE...
Another day, another nut, another murder. What does that say about a society that claims reason and liberty and justice for all?

ROFLMNAO... Ahh yes... a jew Hater killing someone is lamented by a person who foments such hatred and has just managed to avoid killing anyone, based upon that hatred...

Hysterical! (in at least two senses and on several levels)

The zeitgeist of the times is similar to when Clinton won election. Power corrupts and the loss of power by the right wing conservatives has created an atmosphere where the most nonsensical speech is condoned under the blanket of free speech and partisanship.

Last night purposely I switched between Fox and MSNBC for contrast. If fear were a object, Fox would have no room for anything else. Constant exaggerated propaganda is their forte. One wonders why? What motivates an entire network to be so steeped in fear?

The conservatives who deny words are not responsible for a setting that creates this action are either lying to themselves or too dumb to understand the power of words. There is no third option.

Clinton elected January 20, 1993 / Oklahoma City April 19, 1995[/QUOTE]

Yeah... how about that... And the words of the ideological left... ZIONISTS! The incessant assertions of MURDEROUS JEWS... who abuse their pwoer over the INNOCENT PALESTINIANS...

The chronic lamenting of the POWERFUL CORPORATIONS, abusing their power over the POWERLESS victims of their oppression... They're in large measure, run by the Jews... isn't THAT TRUE?

Oh sure, you're careful to avoid saying that OUTRIGHT... as such is SO 1930s... But the message remains the same... YOU HATE CORPORATE POWER, YA HATE ISRAEL.... TWO VERY "JEWISH" institutions... and changing the words you use to denigrate both doesn't change the concept...

So spare us the enlightened perspective where you rationalize the destructive results of left-think and try to establish accountability for this or that wrong, at the feet of SPEECH which simply notes the indisputable destrustive elements of the policy for which you advocate.
Looks to me like the government's warning that the right wing fringe would get all stirred up due to the election of a Black POTUS is turning out to be correct.

Where are our resident NAZIs?

Why aren't they here applauding the recent attack on the holcaust museum and lauding Von Braum as a hero to their cause?

Bullshit. One attack means nothing. The man is crazy. What I want to know is how he got any gun at all. He already served time for a previous crime. It was several years so had to be a felony, barring him from legally owning firearms.

I suspect the crackpot did it as his last Hurrah, hoping to die in the process.

Get back to us when this happens a bunch of times.

Using your logic we need to deploy the Army into our cities to protect us from all those Gangs that are terrorizing us.

Try three attacks. George Tiller and that guy who shot up a Unitarian church cause he hated liberals.

So I'm getting back to you, asswipe. 3 marks a trend.

Does it? Now three (3) what? Be specific... Three attacks by 'right wingers'... I've yet to see a single example of a 'right winger' attacking anyone...

But I have seen three individuals who have succumbed to left-think, express their disregard for human life by murdering someone... and those individuals being erroneously declared to be RIGHT WINGERS....

The fact is that the hatred of Jews is a LEFTIST notion... PURELY and SIMPLY. It is a function of irrational class envy... PURELY, SOLELY, WHOLLY... a leftist concept... and wholly anathema to the ideological right.

Supremicists are not right wingers... or anything RESEMBLING Right Wingers.... Racial Supremecists are following a line of reasoning brought about and amplified by the ideological left; specifically the PROGRESSIVES... and more specifically their rallying around the notion of EUGENICS... Which was a VERY POPULAR CONCEPT, vastly more so than GLOBAL WARMING is today, but based upon the same populist psuedo science as Global Warming...

The Muskegee Experiment, where Black men were intentionally infected with Syphillus, was a Leftist experiment, of the Eugenics course... Although, the history demands that such a fact be isolated from any discussion of that issue... which serves reason given that the left is more often than not found as the arbiter of history, as they are mre often than not the AUTHORS of history...

But such was the nature of the ideological left of the early 20th century; such is the roots, the foundation of the neo-left... and their means to reason has not improved... they're still the same impotent little minds who believe that the worlds problems can all be FIXED... if just the 'right' people had the POWER to get things done... and such is ALWAYS the means by which tyranny and oppression come to pass.
White Supremacist Groups are not part of the mainstream Right. Naturally certain media sources in this country and the Left would like it to be believed otherwise.

This person is just another example of how sick the human mind can get.
From Annies Source:

June 2002

June 4 - Members of the University of California faculty and Students for Justice in Palestine formally announced the launch of the "UC Faculty Divestment Campaign" with a press conference on the UC - Berkeley campus. So far, 126 UC professors have signed the Faculty Petition for Divestment from Israel. The petition calls for the University of California to "use its influence - political and financial - to encourage the United States government and the government of Israel to respect the human rights of the Palestinian people."

May 2002

May 14 - At the University of California - Irvine, an anti-Israel demonstration featured the display of mock “body bags” of Palestinians “murdered” by the Israeli army.

May 7 - Jewish students, faculty and campus visitors were verbally assaulted and threatened following a pro-Israel rally organized by Hillel members at San Francisco State University. A group of pro-Palestinian counter-demonstrators allegedly hurled epithets at a few dozen organizers, screaming slogans such as "Go back to Russia" and "Hitler did not finish the job." In response to the incident, the Anti-Defamation League has been in contact with the SFSU President Robert A. Corrigan with recommendations to respond to the incident and address issues of bias and anti-Semitism on campus. President Corrigan has assured ADL and the wider community that a full investigation is underway, and that any students involved in the episode could face disciplinary measures, including expulsion, or prosecution if the actions involve criminal violations. The university has requested that the District Attorney assign a member of the hate crime unit to aid in the investigation.

May 7 - The Muslim Student Association at UC - San Diego distributed fliers on campus titled, "The Jenin Massacre." At the same time, fliers appeared on campus with an anti-Semitic diatribe written by the right-wing extremist and former Klansman David Duke.

May 2 - Following the rejection of a divestment resolution before the UC - Berkeley student government, a group of 500 protesters gathered to object to the University administration's suspension of the Students for Justice in Palestine group.

May 1 - At the University of Maryland - College Park, students representing the Muslim Students Association and Organization of Arab Students set up a mock checkpoint and labeled a courtyard "Occupied Territory." At the checkpoint, signs were hanging from a table indicating one direction for Israelis and another for Palestinians. One student repeatedly read through a list of U.N. resolutions that Israel had allegedly violated over a microphone throughout the day.

April 2002

April 29 - May 3 - "LOCKED IN: A Week of Education About Palestine," a series organized and sponsored by Ohio's Oberlin College Students for a Free Palestine (SFP), will be featuring Palestinian movies, guest lectures and a planned introduction to the divestment from Israel campaign, during the week-long series of events.

April 28 - A rally held on the campus of Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona, featured a highly anti-Semitic Christian Patriot group condemning Israel and U.S. foreign policy. We Hold These Truths, as the group is known, is based in Scottsdale, Arizona and advocates an end to U.S. support for Israel.

April 25 - An anti-Israel demonstration at Southern Connecticut State University was staged to protest an on-campus appearance of former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak. Demonstrators included Palestinian, anti-globalization and Green Party representatives.

April 24 - The Muslim Student Association of University of California at San Diego sponsored a talk by Hatem al-Bazian, a speaker whose anti-Semitic and anti-American views were challenged by Hillel members, who placed fliers around campus that featured al-Bazian’s quotes. Muslim students who witnessed what Hillel members were doing began to scream and taunt the Jewish students; one allegedly made threats of physical harm.

April 20 - An Israeli couple, living near the University of Illinois campus was the target of vandalism. A rock was thrown through the students' front window (where an Israeli flag had been displayed) and their car, parked out front, was also vandalized.

April 20 - Students from the University of Iowa, Georgetown and George Washington University, among others, participated in Washington, D.C. protests orchestrated by pro-Palestinian groups to coincide with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee meeting and the IMF meeting.

April 18 - A rally was held at Princeton University in support of divestment from Israel. In a statement published on the rally organizers Web site, Richard Falk, a recently retired Albert Milbank Professor of International Law and Practice at Princeton, and member of the U.N. Human Rights Commission team that seeks to investigate alleged human rights violations in the "occupied territories," called on University officials to "divest from companies profiting from business with Israel at this time... to express solidarity with victims of massive crimes against humanity and to call upon Israel to respect UN authority and the elemental rules of international law by withdrawing from occupied Palestinian territory."

April 18 - At University of Colorado - Boulder, fliers denouncing Israel and the "Jewish/Zionist Lobby" produced by the viruently anti-Semitic and racist National Alliance were found posted in numerous places on campus.

April 17 - At Columbia University, several graduate teaching assistants used departmental e-mail listserves to promote an on-campus anti-Israel rally. Several faculty members cancelled their classes to allow students to attend. One graduate student was sanctioned for misuse of departmental lists and one of the faculty members has since apologized.

April 15 - Al-Talib, the Muslim newsmagazine at UCLA and and Al Kalima, the Muslim newsmagazine at UC - Irvine, jointly published a highly anti-Israel publication entitled "Zionism: the Forgotten Apartheid." The magazine publicly lauds and promotes both Hamas and Hizbullah as legitimate and noteworthy resistance movements. The magazine has also been distributed at San Diego State University, UC - San Diego and the University of Southern California.

April 15 - A Jewish student at Illinois State University alleges he was threatened by a 30-year-old Palestinian graduate student. For several weeks, the Palestinian student has held pro-Palestinian protests/gatherings on the university’s quad. When asked to sign a petition in support of the Palestinians, the Jewish student questioned whether the petition addressed the issue of suicide bombings. At this point, the Palestinian student walked up to him and said the petition talked about how to blow the Jewish student's head off. The Jewish student reported the incident to campus police.

April 15 - Muslim student groups at University of California - Berkeley and UC - San Diego posted fliers featuring fabricated, distorted and out-of-context quotations from the Talmud and other rabbinical literature. Many of these anti-Semitic "quotations" are easily found on extremist Web sites. Samples include:
-- "A Jew is permitted to rape, cheat and perjure himself, but he must take care that he is not found out, so that Israel may not suffer."

-- "A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated."

-- "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts."

-- "When the Messiah comes, every Jew will have 2800 slaves."

Just more of the same... It's the same old Progessive/Fascist, rancid anti-Jew nonsense of the 1930s... wrapped up in Neo-Left jargin of the modren era...

It's been a long time returning, but with a Muslim King presently in charge of US power, we're going to be seeing much, MUCH more of it and with MUCH LESS CARE TO CONCEAL IT... and at EVERY OPPORTUNITY, anyone who opposses them will be attacked and oppressed as history indicates is the ONLY MEANS they have EVER EMPLOYED to stop it.

And this is because, there IS NO OTHER MEANS TO CONTEST IT. It is wholly unreasonable; thoroughly detached from lucidity... and as a result, where such is ARGUED, it LOSSES! Thus where the left has POWER, the need to argue it is set aside for the implementation of power.

This will not end well... as history has shown, it never does.
Last edited:
Not all, but most of the anti-semitism I've seen in the US has come from the left, not the right. It's been gaining in at least the past 7 years.

Somehow I suspect you are confusing criticism with Israel with anti-semitism.

And that would be because you know little about me:

Anti-Semitic/Anti-Israel Events on Campus

I don't get confused between the issues and the actions.

From your of the "anti-semitic" incidents...

use its influence - political and financial - to encourage the United States government and the government of Israel to respect the human rights of the Palestinian people."

Wow...thats so anti-semitic. I can just feel the hatred of Jews when they ask Israel to respect human rights. I suspected. You can't tell the difference between criticism of Israel and anti-semitism. Tool.
From Annies Source: Anti-Semitic/Anti-Israel Events on Campus

June 2002

June 4 - Members of the University of California faculty and Students for Justice in Palestine formally announced the launch of the "UC Faculty Divestment Campaign" with a press conference on the UC - Berkeley campus. So far, 126 UC professors have signed the Faculty Petition for Divestment from Israel. The petition calls for the University of California to "use its influence - political and financial - to encourage the United States government and the government of Israel to respect the human rights of the Palestinian people."

May 2002

May 14 - At the University of California - Irvine, an anti-Israel demonstration featured the display of mock “body bags” of Palestinians “murdered” by the Israeli army.

May 7 - Jewish students, faculty and campus visitors were verbally assaulted and threatened following a pro-Israel rally organized by Hillel members at San Francisco State University. A group of pro-Palestinian counter-demonstrators allegedly hurled epithets at a few dozen organizers, screaming slogans such as "Go back to Russia" and "Hitler did not finish the job." In response to the incident, the Anti-Defamation League has been in contact with the SFSU President Robert A. Corrigan with recommendations to respond to the incident and address issues of bias and anti-Semitism on campus. President Corrigan has assured ADL and the wider community that a full investigation is underway, and that any students involved in the episode could face disciplinary measures, including expulsion, or prosecution if the actions involve criminal violations. The university has requested that the District Attorney assign a member of the hate crime unit to aid in the investigation.

May 7 - The Muslim Student Association at UC - San Diego distributed fliers on campus titled, "The Jenin Massacre." At the same time, fliers appeared on campus with an anti-Semitic diatribe written by the right-wing extremist and former Klansman David Duke.

May 2 - Following the rejection of a divestment resolution before the UC - Berkeley student government, a group of 500 protesters gathered to object to the University administration's suspension of the Students for Justice in Palestine group.

May 1 - At the University of Maryland - College Park, students representing the Muslim Students Association and Organization of Arab Students set up a mock checkpoint and labeled a courtyard "Occupied Territory." At the checkpoint, signs were hanging from a table indicating one direction for Israelis and another for Palestinians. One student repeatedly read through a list of U.N. resolutions that Israel had allegedly violated over a microphone throughout the day.

April 2002

April 29 - May 3 - "LOCKED IN: A Week of Education About Palestine," a series organized and sponsored by Ohio's Oberlin College Students for a Free Palestine (SFP), will be featuring Palestinian movies, guest lectures and a planned introduction to the divestment from Israel campaign, during the week-long series of events.

April 28 - A rally held on the campus of Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona, featured a highly anti-Semitic Christian Patriot group condemning Israel and U.S. foreign policy. We Hold These Truths, as the group is known, is based in Scottsdale, Arizona and advocates an end to U.S. support for Israel.

April 25 - An anti-Israel demonstration at Southern Connecticut State University was staged to protest an on-campus appearance of former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak. Demonstrators included Palestinian, anti-globalization and Green Party representatives.

April 24 - The Muslim Student Association of University of California at San Diego sponsored a talk by Hatem al-Bazian, a speaker whose anti-Semitic and anti-American views were challenged by Hillel members, who placed fliers around campus that featured al-Bazian’s quotes. Muslim students who witnessed what Hillel members were doing began to scream and taunt the Jewish students; one allegedly made threats of physical harm.

April 20 - An Israeli couple, living near the University of Illinois campus was the target of vandalism. A rock was thrown through the students' front window (where an Israeli flag had been displayed) and their car, parked out front, was also vandalized.

April 20 - Students from the University of Iowa, Georgetown and George Washington University, among others, participated in Washington, D.C. protests orchestrated by pro-Palestinian groups to coincide with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee meeting and the IMF meeting.

April 18 - A rally was held at Princeton University in support of divestment from Israel. In a statement published on the rally organizers Web site, Richard Falk, a recently retired Albert Milbank Professor of International Law and Practice at Princeton, and member of the U.N. Human Rights Commission team that seeks to investigate alleged human rights violations in the "occupied territories," called on University officials to "divest from companies profiting from business with Israel at this time... to express solidarity with victims of massive crimes against humanity and to call upon Israel to respect UN authority and the elemental rules of international law by withdrawing from occupied Palestinian territory."

April 18 - At University of Colorado - Boulder, fliers denouncing Israel and the "Jewish/Zionist Lobby" produced by the viruently anti-Semitic and racist National Alliance were found posted in numerous places on campus.

April 17 - At Columbia University, several graduate teaching assistants used departmental e-mail listserves to promote an on-campus anti-Israel rally. Several faculty members cancelled their classes to allow students to attend. One graduate student was sanctioned for misuse of departmental lists and one of the faculty members has since apologized.

April 15 - Al-Talib, the Muslim newsmagazine at UCLA and and Al Kalima, the Muslim newsmagazine at UC - Irvine, jointly published a highly anti-Israel publication entitled "Zionism: the Forgotten Apartheid." The magazine publicly lauds and promotes both Hamas and Hizbullah as legitimate and noteworthy resistance movements. The magazine has also been distributed at San Diego State University, UC - San Diego and the University of Southern California.

April 15 - A Jewish student at Illinois State University alleges he was threatened by a 30-year-old Palestinian graduate student. For several weeks, the Palestinian student has held pro-Palestinian protests/gatherings on the university’s quad. When asked to sign a petition in support of the Palestinians, the Jewish student questioned whether the petition addressed the issue of suicide bombings. At this point, the Palestinian student walked up to him and said the petition talked about how to blow the Jewish student's head off. The Jewish student reported the incident to campus police.

April 15 - Muslim student groups at University of California - Berkeley and UC - San Diego posted fliers featuring fabricated, distorted and out-of-context quotations from the Talmud and other rabbinical literature. Many of these anti-Semitic "quotations" are easily found on extremist Web sites. Samples include:
-- "A Jew is permitted to rape, cheat and perjure himself, but he must take care that he is not found out, so that Israel may not suffer."

-- "A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated."

-- "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts."

-- "When the Messiah comes, every Jew will have 2800 slaves."

Anti-Semitic/Anti-Israel Events on Campus

Just more of the same... It's the same old Progessive/Fascist, rancid anti-Jew nonsense of the 1930s... wrapped up in Neo-Left jargin of the modren era...

It's been a long time returning, but with a Muslim King presently in charge of US power, we're going to be seeing much, MUCH more of it and with MUCH LESS CARE TO CONCEAL IT... and at EVERY OPPORTUNITY, anyone who opposses them will be attacked and oppressed as history indicates is the ONLY MEANS they have EVER EMPLOYED to stop it.

And this is because, there IS NO OTHER MEANS TO CONTEST IT. It is wholly unreasonable; thoroughly detached from lucidity... and as a result, where such is ARGUED, it LOSSES! Thus where the left has POWER, the need to argue it is set aside for the implementation of power.

This will not end well... as history has shown, it never does.

You rants are scarily similar to Von Brunns. Get help...seriously.
Somehow I suspect you are confusing criticism with Israel with anti-semitism.

And that would be because you know little about me:

Anti-Semitic/Anti-Israel Events on Campus

I don't get confused between the issues and the actions.

From your of the "anti-semitic" incidents...

use its influence - political and financial - to encourage the United States government and the government of Israel to respect the human rights of the Palestinian people."

Wow...thats so anti-semitic. I can just feel the hatred of Jews when they ask Israel to respect human rights. I suspected. You can't tell the difference between criticism of Israel and anti-semitism. Tool.

Speaking of anti-Semetic :rolleys: When one side is held to a totally different standard by the very same members of the international community that applaud the efforts of Iran's proxies to kill and maim civilians in Israel, while churning out reams of condemnations for the response, that is not 'human rights'. That is hiding behind a phrase that is to apply only in one direction. Tool or not, you are showing your true colors.
And that would be because you know little about me:

Anti-Semitic/Anti-Israel Events on Campus

I don't get confused between the issues and the actions.

From your of the "anti-semitic" incidents...

use its influence - political and financial - to encourage the United States government and the government of Israel to respect the human rights of the Palestinian people."

Wow...thats so anti-semitic. I can just feel the hatred of Jews when they ask Israel to respect human rights. I suspected. You can't tell the difference between criticism of Israel and anti-semitism. Tool.

Speaking of anti-Semetic :rolleys: When one side is held to a totally different standard by the very same members of the international community that applaud the efforts of Iran's proxies to kill and maim civilians in Israel, while churning out reams of condemnations for the response, that is not 'human rights'. That is hiding behind a phrase that is to apply only in one direction. Tool or not, you are showing your true colors.

Please show me the members of the international community who applaud the efforts of anyone to kill Israeli civilians.

And what exactly are my true colors?

Funny you didn't respond to my point and instead changed the topic. Asking Israel to stop abusing human rights is NOT anti-semitism. It is just simly not, and fuckwads like you who claim it is take away from the very real threat of actual anti-semitism. Someone shooting up the Holocaust museum= anti-semitism. Someone criticizing Israel= not anti-semitism. The more you cry wolf whenever anyone criticizes Israel, the more you will be ignored when you actually see real incidents of anti-semitism.

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