Shooter was a Turkish Immigrant

Don't be a fucking sheep your whole life!

Liberals are Islamophobic. They have an irrational fear of criticizing Islam or Moslems.
We don't make sweeping generalizations about an entire religion or race. That would be poor reasoning and poor logic: whereas you guys love to think without reason or logic.

So 50 year old men having sex with 9 year old little girls and killing people who leave the religion is fine with you. After all, you wouldn't want to make a sweeping critique of Islam now would you.
We told you people and whoops there it is. He's a Muslim. These people do not fit in our society. He went to the mall to punish his girlfriend and take our others with her.

He was a fucked up loser that was getting "revenge" on his ex for breaking up with him.

There are lots and lots of white "christian" men in jail for the same thing. And they were known to cite their religious and cultural beliefs about the ex "obeying" them when they committed the crime.

Maybe we should deport or build a wall around every white guy.
Well, you know, here's the deal. The RW thinks that if a Muslim commits a crime, that means we should not allow Muslims in the country because they are bad people.

So, I think, sticking with thinking along the same lines, that if a man commits an act of domestic violence against a woman, that means all men are criminals or potential ones, and, therefore, we should not allow any more men to enter this country, and strangle them at birth as well, the fucked up SOBs. Yep. That's what we should do. All men are evil because they are abusers. And BTW, the presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%. Therefore, it is obvious that all guns should be eliminated in America, because all guns are bad.

Let's file your post under "Liberalism is a mental disease"

Subheading "Suicide"
"liberalism is a mental disease". You just come up with that on your own or are you regurgitating what your handlers have taught you. You`re a good parrot and you deserve a cracker.
Exactly. She's reciting RW propaganda. She's a recognized fool on this board.
Don't be a fucking sheep your whole life!

Liberals are Islamophobic. They have an irrational fear of criticizing Islam or Moslems.
We don't make sweeping generalizations about an entire religion or race. That would be poor reasoning and poor logic: whereas you guys love to think without reason or logic.

So 50 year old men having sex with 9 year old little girls and killing people who leave the religion is fine with you. After all, you wouldn't want to make a sweeping critique of Islam now would you.
This is not modern day Islam: this is propaganda you've been fed. You people are incapable of critical thinking and therefore completely susceptible to propaganda.
Well, you know, here's the deal. The RW thinks that if a Muslim commits a crime, that means we should not allow Muslims in the country because they are bad people.

So, I think, sticking with thinking along the same lines, that if a man commits an act of domestic violence against a woman, that means all men are criminals or potential ones, and, therefore, we should not allow any more men to enter this country, and strangle them at birth as well, the fucked up SOBs. Yep. That's what we should do. All men are evil because they are abusers. And BTW, the presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%. Therefore, it is obvious that all guns should be eliminated in America, because all guns are bad.

I cannot quite follow how that is satire?

More like a non sequitur to me.

Knowing 99% of Middle Eastern Muslims would not cause us any harm in this country does not bring me much comfort. Because it doesn't take too many zealot militants in the name of Allah to destroy scores, hundreds or thousands of innocent lives.
Like the Polish Magazine's cover read --- "Does Europe Want to Commit Suicide?".
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Don't be a fucking sheep your whole life!

Liberals are Islamophobic. They have an irrational fear of criticizing Islam or Moslems.
We don't make sweeping generalizations about an entire religion or race. That would be poor reasoning and poor logic: whereas you guys love to think without reason or logic.

So 50 year old men having sex with 9 year old little girls and killing people who leave the religion is fine with you. After all, you wouldn't want to make a sweeping critique of Islam now would you.
This is not modern day Islam: this is propaganda you've been fed. You people are incapable of critical thinking and therefore completely susceptible to propaganda.
Islam hasn't had a New Testament or even a reformation. THAT is the problem. They are a thousand years behind.
Don't be a fucking sheep your whole life!

Liberals are Islamophobic. They have an irrational fear of criticizing Islam or Moslems.
We don't make sweeping generalizations about an entire religion or race. That would be poor reasoning and poor logic: whereas you guys love to think without reason or logic.

So 50 year old men having sex with 9 year old little girls and killing people who leave the religion is fine with you. After all, you wouldn't want to make a sweeping critique of Islam now would you.
This is not modern day Islam: this is propaganda you've been fed. You people are incapable of critical thinking and therefore completely susceptible to propaganda.

Erdogan is the current leader of Turkey, you moron.

Here....let me help:

  1. 1.
    belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now.

[President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan from Turkey when he said, ‘Islam is Islam. There are no modifiers [e.g., Islamic extremism]. Democracy is the train we ride to our ultimate objective.[ world domination.] It must be understood that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion. The Islamic movement will seize power as soon as it is able.:
Obama’s distorted strategy

Guess who elected him?

"Modern day" Muslims.
We told you people and whoops there it is. He's a Muslim. These people do not fit in our society. He went to the mall to punish his girlfriend and take our others with her.

He was a fucked up loser that was getting "revenge" on his ex for breaking up with him.

There are lots and lots of white "christian" men in jail for the same thing. And they were known to cite their religious and cultural beliefs about the ex "obeying" them when they committed the crime.

Maybe we should deport or build a wall around every white guy.
Well, you know, here's the deal. The RW thinks that if a Muslim commits a crime, that means we should not allow Muslims in the country because they are bad people.

So, I think, sticking with thinking along the same lines, that if a man commits an act of domestic violence against a woman, that means all men are criminals or potential ones, and, therefore, we should not allow any more men to enter this country, and strangle them at birth as well, the fucked up SOBs. Yep. That's what we should do. All men are evil because they are abusers. And BTW, the presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%. Therefore, it is obvious that all guns should be eliminated in America, because all guns are bad.

Let's file your post under "Liberalism is a mental disease"

Subheading "Suicide"
"liberalism is a mental disease". You just come up with that on your own or are you regurgitating what your handlers have taught you. You`re a good parrot and you deserve a cracker.
Exactly. She's reciting RW propaganda. She's a recognized fool on this board.

You are clearly one of those easily led fools.....i.e., what keeps Democrats in power.

.... this is associated more with Islam and not with any other 'religion:'Pederasty, child brides, honor killings, clitorectomies, stonings, wife beatings and blowing up every innocent they can find.

How stupid can these Liberals be??????
Don't be a fucking sheep your whole life!

Liberals are Islamophobic. They have an irrational fear of criticizing Islam or Moslems.
We don't make sweeping generalizations about an entire religion or race. That would be poor reasoning and poor logic: whereas you guys love to think without reason or logic.

So 50 year old men having sex with 9 year old little girls and killing people who leave the religion is fine with you. After all, you wouldn't want to make a sweeping critique of Islam now would you.
This is not modern day Islam: this is propaganda you've been fed. You people are incapable of critical thinking and therefore completely susceptible to propaganda.

So you think the Koran is a history book?

"A nine-year-old girl has the same sexual capacities like a woman of twenty and over." ~ Skeikh Mohamed Ibn Abderrahmane Al-Maghraoui

"It is incorrect to say that it's not permitted to marry off girls who are 15 and younger. A girl aged 10 or 12 can be married. Those who think she's too young are wrong and they are being unfair to her.
We hear a lot in the media about the marriage of underage girls. We should know that Shariah law has not brought injustice to women."
~ Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh

Data in the 2010 progress report to the United Nations on HIV in Malaysia prepared by the Ministry of Health reveals shocking statistics on the number of Muslim girls under the age of 14 who have undergone pre-marital HIV screening in order to get married.
The data shows that 32 girls under the age of 10 and 445 girls between the ages of 10 and 14 went through this testing in 2009 alone in preparation for marriage!

What is also significant is that this phenomenon is taking place in the more developed states in Malaysia, with the highest numbers recorded in Penang (195), Malacca (103) and Johor (87)

Saudi Arabia
Though there has been no exact figure of child marriages, some studies published in the media suggested that no less than 3,000 girls in the Kingdom were under 13 when they got married, while their husbands were at least 25 years their senior
Don't be a fucking sheep your whole life!

Liberals are Islamophobic. They have an irrational fear of criticizing Islam or Moslems.
We don't make sweeping generalizations about an entire religion or race. That would be poor reasoning and poor logic: whereas you guys love to think without reason or logic.

So 50 year old men having sex with 9 year old little girls and killing people who leave the religion is fine with you. After all, you wouldn't want to make a sweeping critique of Islam now would you.
This is not modern day Islam: this is propaganda you've been fed. You people are incapable of critical thinking and therefore completely susceptible to propaganda.

So you think the Koran is a history book?

"A nine-year-old girl has the same sexual capacities like a woman of twenty and over." ~ Skeikh Mohamed Ibn Abderrahmane Al-Maghraoui

"It is incorrect to say that it's not permitted to marry off girls who are 15 and younger. A girl aged 10 or 12 can be married. Those who think she's too young are wrong and they are being unfair to her.
We hear a lot in the media about the marriage of underage girls. We should know that Shariah law has not brought injustice to women."
~ Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh

Data in the 2010 progress report to the United Nations on HIV in Malaysia prepared by the Ministry of Health reveals shocking statistics on the number of Muslim girls under the age of 14 who have undergone pre-marital HIV screening in order to get married.
The data shows that 32 girls under the age of 10 and 445 girls between the ages of 10 and 14 went through this testing in 2009 alone in preparation for marriage!

What is also significant is that this phenomenon is taking place in the more developed states in Malaysia, with the highest numbers recorded in Penang (195), Malacca (103) and Johor (87)

Saudi Arabia
Though there has been no exact figure of child marriages, some studies published in the media suggested that no less than 3,000 girls in the Kingdom were under 13 when they got married, while their husbands were at least 25 years their senior
Saudi Arabia seems to have a lot in common with Alabama, Louisiana, South Carolina, etc.
Own it Islamapologists, just own it.

What's funny (not really) is the govt and media are so quick to point out to us alarmists that the vast majority of Muslims here are peaceful so we should not assume bad things.

But this same media could not wait to tell us the shooter was most likely Hispanic. How dare they cruelly assume!
And why? You still trying to fake us out over the Islam problem?
Saudi Arabia seems to have a lot in common with Alabama, Louisiana, South Carolina, etc.


tu quoique argument
Tu quoque (pronounced /tuːˈkwoʊkwiː/, from Latin for "You, too" or "You, also") is a Latin term that describes a kind of logical fallacy. A tu quoque argument attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting his failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. It is considered an ad hominem argument, since it focuses on the party itself, rather than its positions.
Own it Islamapologists, just own it.

What's funny (not really) is the govt and media are so quick to point out to us alarmists that the vast majority of Muslims here are peaceful so we should not assume bad things.

But this same media could not wait to tell us the shooter was most likely Hispanic. How dare they cruelly assume!
And why? You still trying to fake us out over the Islam problem?

Yeah...I knew when I saw the pic that it was going to turn out to be a goat fugger....and here we are!!!
He was a fucked up loser that was getting "revenge" on his ex for breaking up with him.

There are lots and lots of white "christian" men in jail for the same thing. And they were known to cite their religious and cultural beliefs about the ex "obeying" them when they committed the crime.

Maybe we should deport or build a wall around every white guy.
Well, you know, here's the deal. The RW thinks that if a Muslim commits a crime, that means we should not allow Muslims in the country because they are bad people.

So, I think, sticking with thinking along the same lines, that if a man commits an act of domestic violence against a woman, that means all men are criminals or potential ones, and, therefore, we should not allow any more men to enter this country, and strangle them at birth as well, the fucked up SOBs. Yep. That's what we should do. All men are evil because they are abusers. And BTW, the presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%. Therefore, it is obvious that all guns should be eliminated in America, because all guns are bad.

Let's file your post under "Liberalism is a mental disease"

Subheading "Suicide"
"liberalism is a mental disease". You just come up with that on your own or are you regurgitating what your handlers have taught you. You`re a good parrot and you deserve a cracker.
Exactly. She's reciting RW propaganda. She's a recognized fool on this board.

You are clearly one of those easily led fools.....i.e., what keeps Democrats in power.

.... this is associated more with Islam and not with any other 'religion:'Pederasty, child brides, honor killings, clitorectomies, stonings, wife beatings and blowing up every innocent they can find.

How stupid can these Liberals be??????
Never ask a liberal "how stupid can you be"? They take it up as a personal challenge.

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