Shiva: Master of Carnage (Capitalism)


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a hypothetical capitalism-opus by Lord Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) proceeding through a 'labyrinth' of capitalism-naysayers so he can finally arrive at the 'intellectual madness' of the nihilistic being Carnage (a humanoid flesh-morphing alien of pure piracy-sentimentalism).



Shiva contended with the cannibal Leatherface and talked to him about the sanity of anarchy in a profit-driven world. Leatherface believed in the liberty of crime, while Shiva insisted that Wall Street encouraged as much teamwork as it did private fantasy. Shiva concluded that Wall Street idealism protects the 'cartilage' of population dynamics in the modern commercial world.


Shiva contended with the predatory alien-creature known as the Xenomorph. The Xenomorph was a caustic being who preyed on humility and vulnerability, and Shiva defiantly suggested that capitalism forgives fatigue. The Xenomorph was resolute about the fact that capitalism is by definition competitive and does not pity the lethargy of the fatigued/labored. Shiva however insisted that was about the private dignity of technology-employed lifestyle (consumer) comforts. Shiva concluded that protects the 'cartilage' of networking faith among consumers.


Shiva contended with Pennywise, the demonic clown who preyed upon the everyday sensibilities regarding the uncertainties of human traffic. Pennywise was the ultimate 'Devil's Advocate,' and he insisted that capitalism promoted the thrill of piracy (e.g., Bill Gates of Microsoft) as much as it did the private dignity of meritocracy-based (or aesthetics-based) social celebrity (e.g., Steve Jobs of Apple Computers). However, Shiva felt the need to retort, since both Microsoft and Apple were considered intellectual properties, so he replied to Pennywise that capitalism requires creativity which, in principle, defies the absurdist notion that competition creates only wrath/pride. Shiva concluded that the Super Bowl (NFL) protects the 'cartilage' of consumerism/media marketing euphoria.


Shiva contended with Jason Voorhees, a hockey-mask wearing and machete-wielding forest-stalker who never forgave humans for trespassing into the realms of Mother Nature with eco-pollution. Shiva showed Jason copies of comic books about Poison Ivy (DC Comics), a fictional complex eco-terrorist involved in intricate revolutionary schemes. Jason seemed to think Poison Ivy was a superficial token of commercialism consciousness, but Shiva showed him that Poison Ivy is as much an eyesore or heartbreak as she is a deity or teacher. Shiva concluded that storybooks and movies protect the 'cartilage' of commerce beauty.


SHIVA: I have contained many demons in the universe!
CARNAGE: Yet, you have yet to deal with me.
SHIVA: I will become your master...
CARNAGE: I am no one's pupil!
SHIVA: Do you argue capitalism is flawed?
CARNAGE: Nothing is perfect...capitalism is competition.
SHIVA: So by 'additive evil,' competitive capitalism can lead to betrayal?
CARNAGE: Betrayal is the unpredictable reality of all contract constructions.
SHIVA: A contract is a wager, and risk can be assessed analytically/mathematically.
CARNAGE: Sometimes risk is completely unpredictable...
SHIVA: A contract by definition reveals profitability for multiple parties.
CARNAGE: Profitability guarantee is impossible, inducing instincts to exploit.
SHIVA: We can't deny the protective 'cartilage' of the World Bank.
CARNAGE: Terrorism will wreck the World Bank.
SHIVA: Risk-reduction hyperbole is a sign of trust...
CARNAGE: There's nothing wrong with 'inferno-storytelling.'
SHIVA: The cartilage of idealism protects the skeleton of bureaucracy!
CARNAGE: All laws are meant to be reviewed.



He Said, She Said

Every Lord of capitalism requires perspectives from the female gender, so here's Shiva and his wife Kali contending with two Machiavellian robots Cyclonus (male) and Sora (female) about capitalism-aesthetics and ethos.



CYCLONUS: Capitalism is a casino.
SORA: All casinos require brute-enforcement.

SHIVA: Risk is a game inciting pity.
KALI: Empathy is the key to industry!

CYCLONUS: No one has patience for a soft-hearted soul.
SORA: Capitalism is a shark-race!

SHIVA: Creativity inspires teamwork.
KALI: There's nothing dishonourable about the Bronze Medal (Olympics).

CYCLONUS: Only the champions become legends.
SORA: Immortality is never cheap...

SHIVA: The game of life is about guardianship and referees.
KALI: It's not about pirates and cutthroats.

CYCLONUS: It's simply exciting to see Wall Street as a contest!
SORA: Capitalism can be like cinema...

SHIVA: We glorify bank-robbery so we can forgive failure.
KALI: A credit card (e.g., American Express) symbolizes commerce-intellect.



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