She's Done: Carly Fiorina Calls Islamic Civilization The Greatest In The World

No, it really doesn't.

It's actually very easy for me to wrap my head around not disregarding and trashing the legacy of the largest religion in the world simply because a few people who espoused it committed acts of terrorism.

In fact, I have a very hard time wrapping my head around why you would have an issue with it.

I have never understood the knee jerk reaction of many over here who felt the need at that time to trash Christianity in some bizarro defense of Islam.

And who continue to do so to this day. Now as to the legacy of Islam the Ottoman Empire was not at all as she was portraying it.

It was brutal. Successful. But brutal. Christian slaves really kept it ticking.

But from what I have read Carly seems to have very rose colored glasses on when she was giving this speech.

I'm not "trashing" Christianity. I'm pointing out that no religion is innocent.

The only way to discuss history is to examine events in the context of that time, not your personal modern moral compass. We don't hate on the Roman Empire for their crimes, or the Greeks, the Aztecs, the Incas or the various Christian kingdoms of Europe for what would be considered terrible atrocities today, because historical context matters.

For hundreds of years during the Ottoman Empire, it was quite literally the peak of human civilization at the time. At a time when questioning established thought was a crime punishable by death in Europe, the Ottomans were building networks of libraries advancing science, medicine and mathematics far beyond anything in Europe.
Strange thing

The Ottoman empire got it start from the Byzantine empire, the very empire the Ottoman Turks destroyed!

P.S. You may want to cross check examiner articles/blogs they can be inaccurate. Like Christianity starting libraries, hospitals and Universities--not true. Universities and libraries existed long before Christianity. Libraries were widespread as well--n Persia, India, China and Egypt even before the Greeks conquered it.

The Great Library at Alexandria was not Christian but Hellenic Greek. The Romans destroyed it.
OMG - she doesn't hate Muslims and actually knows some history. She's toast in the eyes of the right.

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