Sheriff Clarke says it right on Hannity "there are no winners in Charlottetown"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
He also stated it accurately, that the media couldn't help themselves to try and attach this to Trump. It's disgusting and sadly predictable.

GOP and Conservatives need to not take the bait with this once again and have some in the media replay this same old dead tired accusation. To hell with Neo Nazi's, ANTIFA and the whole lot of these useless, busy bodies. Some on the alt-left like to use these conmen to push their agenda while Trump, the president of the United State has had more threats against him than any president in modern history, and he hasn't even been in office a year.

America has far too many serious issues, most if not all inherited by former incompetent leaders. There's a crazy nutjob in N Korea who is now in hiding and has the potential to kill many thousands of Americans and their allies, and this is the disingenuous focus, to try and associate a crazy racist with Trump?

The dark side is strong, but the light is stronger. Trust in the light my friend. As long as your ready to die for what's right, then your life will not have been in vain. We are entering into strange times, so be not fearful of these times. The Lord shall not forsake us in our times of tribulation and/or trials in life.
BLM was attached to Obama...and Trump has done little to discourage White Supremacists and Alt-right. Double standard?
Sheriff Clarke abandoned his post as one of the most failed Sheriff's in America for whatever the fuck he's doing now. He is a small man who sought fame over duty, and in his wake left one of the most crime ridden areas in the nation. He has zero credibility.
Sheriff Clarke abandoned his post as one of the most failed Sheriff's in America for whatever the fuck he's doing now. He is a small man who sought fame over duty, and in his wake left one of the most crime ridden areas in the nation. He has zero credibility.

If you are going to tell me with a straight face that Trump could have said anything to avoid the media pile on and absurd claims about him than I will state that is is YOU that lacks credibility.

You know as well as I do that any scent of race problems, police brutality, legal and righteous deportation of illegal immigrants will always be presented as "Trump has empowered this activity". Comical really, federal agents upholding the law and doing their jobs is now considered by some in their far left corners as "racist".

Sheriff Clarke is a little too intense for me, I can't say he and I see eye to eye on all issues, maybe not even on most and I hope he didn't bring his "passion" to the work on a day to day basis when he was a cop. However he at least calls out the hypocrisy where it exists, and he has a great deal of experience seeing it first hand. When a man speaks his mind and doesn't hide his feelings I can at least respect him, and know that we can debate, even if we don't always agree. Better than being a coward and stabbing one in the back.
BLM was attached to Obama...and Trump has done little to discourage White Supremacists and Alt-right. Double standard?
No Obama created BLM when he advocated "Shoot a skin to watch him spin" in the Zimmerman case. The biggest stone cold bigot president since genocide Jackson created the Proto-NAZI party.
BLM was attached to Obama...and Trump has done little to discourage White Supremacists and Alt-right. Double standard?

I certainly haven't seen "White Supremacists" riot and burn businesses. I haven't seen them attack people with clubs or pelt them with urine or paint filled balloons for wearing a cap that they find offensive........ANTIFA and BLM?

BTW, I have no use for people that believe the tint of their skin makes them "special" or "superior" any more than I do commie snowflakes that believe the world owes them a giving......all of this shit is being staged and orchestrated and it should be obvious to anyone that is paying attention.
Sheriff Clark terrifies the Left because he is a Black man that looks straight into the camera and tells it likes it is.
Yeah...just like he was programmed to do. He isn't black ...he gets his color from all the kool-aid leechimg through.

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