Shawdow Gate - - Banned Video


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
This video runs a little over 1 hour 24 minutes. It relates to the shadow network of private contractors behind the treasonous deep state party's efforts to control the nation (and beyond) and to deny the American voters freedom of choice in selecting a President, based on their hatred of the policies being promoted and the efforts to expose and destroy the swamp that essentially rules our nation.

These contractors are hired by people like John Brennan, General James Jones, General Michael Hayden, General Stanley McChrystal and others to "legally" access a massive network of CIA information to perform seemingly innocuous tasks such as developing micro-targeting of campaign ads to people deemed likely to react favorably.

Please watch the entire video before commenting.

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Spam and fake news. Conspiracy theory garbage. Pure conspiracy theory in an alleged "Political Discussion Forum".
Kindly post legitimate links to information rebutting her claims. Your opinion won't get it.

BTW, you replied too quickly to have watched the entire video.
Last edited:
This video runs a little over 1 hour 24 minutes. It relates to the shadow network of private contractors behind the treasonous deep state party's efforts to control the nation (and beyond) and to deny the American voters freedom of choice in selecting a President, based on their hatred of the policies being promoted and the efforts to expose and destroy the swamp that essentially rules our nation.

These contractors are hired by people like John Brennan, General James Jones, General Michael Hayden, General Stanley McChrystal and others to "legally" access a massive network of CIA information to perform seemingly innocuous tasks such as developing micro-targeting of campaign ads to people deemed likely to react favorably.

Please watch the entire video before commenting.

<<< Q-TARD ALERT >>>
Spam and fake news. Conspiracy theory garbage. Pure conspiracy theory in an alleged "Political Discussion Forum".
Kindly post legitimate links to information rebutting her claims. Your opinion won't get it.

BTW, you replied too quickly to have watched the entire video.
No one is watching your wacky conspiracy theory hour and a half spam video. No one with any sense anyhow.

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