Sharpton Vows To Shut NYC Down

It's also hilarious that somebody who knows nothing about being a cop deigns to tell others what cops should or shouldn't do.

They got off. End of story.
It's also hilarious that somebody who knows nothing about being a cop deigns to tell others what cops should or shouldn't do.

They got off. End of story.

No. It isn't the end of the story. There are Federal Civil Rights' Claims and Civil actions to be had.

Personally, I don't know if the judge made the right decision or not because I wasn't there and didn't hear the evidence. I know the judge has a good reputation or all parties wouldn't have agreed to him hearing the case without a jury.

But, psssssssssst... you don't know anything about being a police officer either.
It's also hilarious that somebody who knows nothing about being a cop deigns to tell others what cops should or shouldn't do.

Do I need to know anything about a cop to "deign" to tell them that they shouldn't pump 50 bullets into 3 unarmed innocent people?
Do I need to know anything about a cop to "deign" to tell them that they shouldn't pump 50 bullets into 3 unarmed innocent people?

Maybe they looked like they were armed and were behaving in an agressive manner.

You don't know, do you?
Pssst....just showing that it works both ways.

Not really, considering we are talking about how cops should act, rather than about complicated legal arguments. Its the difference between general knowledge about a profession and extremely specialized knowledge.

Maybe they looked like they were armed and were behaving in an agressive manner.

You don't know, do you?

Whatever the situation, someone screwed up.
so, the message is "being black at a stripclub you'd better assume the positions and handcuff yourself or an undercover cop who fucked up can just claim that he thought you had a gun."

fair enough.

I say let the shutdown begin.
Maybe they looked like they were armed and were behaving in an agressive manner.

You don't know, do you?

Does anyone? If the cops thought he was going to his car to get a gun, why did they allow him to get in his car?

And that's a seriously warped wingnut view you have that only allows cops to question cops.
People are so ready to make assumptions about situations they know nothing about.

And Larkinn, law isn't the only complicated profession. You don't die if you make a mistake.
People are so ready to make assumptions about situations they know nothing about.

Care to tell me what more I need to know that someone royally fucked up if 5 cops put 50 bullets into 3 unarmed, innocent, individuals?

And Larkinn, law isn't the only complicated profession. You don't die if you make a mistake.

Dying if you make a mistake has nothing to do with how complicated the profession is. Nor was it the argument I made.
Care to tell me what more I need to know that someone royally fucked up if 5 cops put 50 bullets into 3 unarmed, innocent, individuals?

Whether they acted criminally. Or whether the case was proven beyond a reasonable doubt. From what I hear, the reason the case was tossed was that the witnesses for the prosecution were terrible.

Does that mean the cops didn't mess up? Nope. And this shouldn't be the end of the question
Whether they acted criminally.

No, I don't think so. Whether they acted criminally or not is irrelevant to my belief they they fucked up royally. Could be an honest mistake, whatever, but they fucked up and 3 innocents are suffering for it.
bullshit. This is America, not some fucking gestapo-fest. Many a man goes out drinking and whoring it up on his bachelor party. blank check excuses like "oh, I thought he had a gun" used by shitty cops should not limit this American liberty.

Like I said, shut her down.
"...died in a hail of 50 bullets fired by a group of five police officers.

The shooting shocked the city and brought back memories of the deaths in other high-profile police shootings - in particular, the death of Amadou Diallo, an African peddler killed after police fired 41 shots at him in 1999. Both men were black and both were unarmed, although in both cases the officers appeared to have believed the suspect had a gun."
Lotsa Monday morning quarter backing going on here.

The only folks who know exactly what went on are the three victims and the five cops. Cops thought they were being fired on. Wouldn't surprise me, in the confusion, if one cop hearing another cop firing thought it was the suspects and opened up himself.

What I do love, is these folk who criticise the cops, because you know, if it had been them in that situation, they would have handled it perfectly...

Bottom line, I doubt it was racially motivated in any way, shape or form. These guys could have been little green men from Mars and the result would have been the same. It was the situation, not the people, that was the problem.
One of them fired once. One of them fired 3 times. One of them fired 31 times, pausing to reload. I wouldn't say they all concluded the same thing.

The fact that they shot at all means they felt deadly force was justified. How long the threat was around can depend on your viewpoint.

Really? I wasn't aware there was a national consensus on OJ's guilt.

Are you fucking kidding me..............:cuckoo:
I don't understand why the cops waited until the men were all in the car to confront them if what they say is true.

At the very least these cops should be relieved of duty.

And you have training and experience in police work? Do you tell your Doctor how to operate? Do you tell your mechanic how to fix your car? Do you tell your broker how to work your stocks?

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