Sharks & Sardines


Sep 23, 2010
Congressional Democrats backed their president’s play in everything he did. Now, they are all caught in the net for Benghazi no matter how they try to wiggle out:

In the event you missed it, the Democratic-Socialist Left has been absolutely giddy about the statement released on July 31, 2014 by the Republican majority House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) pertaining to their investigation into Benghazi. The type of giddy that Chris Matthews described in 2008 when he said “I felt this thrill going up my leg” as he listened to then-Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama speak.

The giddiness, of course, relates to the reported finding that there was no deliberate wrongdoing by the Obama administration in the 2012 attack in Benghazi. A closer examination of the facts, however, suggests a potentially embarrassing case “premature elation,” at least in the case of Benghazi.

This is where the Select Committee baited the hook for a big fish; my emphasis in this excerpt:

First, we must take a look at exactly what was said, who said it, and the context in which it was said. On July 31, 2014, HPSCI Minority member Mike Thompson stated that the HPSCI findings “confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order [to U.S. forces] was given[ii].” Upon declassification and release, the conclusion of the report is expected to be non-controversial and conform to the findings of the previous individual agency reports. But what is the HPSCI and do they have all of the information that should be made available to them?

The deception of the House Benghazi report
By Doug Hagmann August 11, 2014

The deception of the House Benghazi report

If Rep. Gowdy is worth his salt his committee will reel in the biggest fish of all with this:

If no military assets were withheld why weren’t they sent to relieve the men fighting for their lives since no one knew how long the men under attack would hold out?

Any false answer to that question automatically opens the door to finding out who made the decision to NOT send help. A decision had to be made. Abandoning Americans in battle is not a military decision that materializes out of thin air.

Refusing to send help is not the same as issuing a stand down order; so the next question is: Did the commander in chief make that decision? If not, did he learn about it in time to countermand the decision?

Bottom line: Somebody is going down for it. The leading candidates are the commander in chief, Leon Panetta, and General Martin Dempsey. The White House will probably throw one or two high ranking military officers into the mix, maybe even Hillary Clinton or a national security advisor, but I doubt if Trey Gowdy will settle for a sardine when he has a giant shark on the hook.

New political acronyms like RINO and DINO? :)

Sharks = Stupid Hostile Arrogant Republican Killing Solidarity

Sardines = Stupid Arrogant Rich Democrat Insanely Never Even Smiling? :)
The White House will probably throw one or two high ranking military officers into the mix, maybe even Hillary Clinton

New political acronyms like RINO and DINO? :)

Sharks = Stupid Hostile Arrogant Republican Killing Solidarity

Sardines = Stupid Arrogant Rich Democrat Insanely Never Even Smiling? :)

To Delta4Embassey: I’m not sure where your acronyms would place Hillary Clinton if Barack Taqiyya sacrifices her for Benghazi:

Clinton slipped the knife between Obama’s shoulder blades during an interview with The Atlantic:


This would be the same Hillary Clinton that once hailed Syrian dictator Bashar Assad as a “reformer.” The Hillary Clinton who accomplished absolutely nothing during her term as Secretary of State, except racking up frequent flyer miles. Now we’re supposed to believe she was silently fuming over all the obvious mistakes her irresponsible boss was making?

Hillary stabs Obama in the back on Iraq
By: John Hayward
8/11/2014 09:00 AM

Hillary stabs Obama in the back on Iraq | Human Events
I can smell the “horseshit” on this one:

Hillary Clinton and congressmen alike have called on Obama to arm Syria’s rebels. But the president fumed at lawmakers in a private meeting for suggesting he should’ve done more.

President Obama got angry at lawmakers who suggested in a private meeting that he should have armed the Syrian rebels, calling the criticism “horseshit.”


Obama and Hillary Clinton gave dueling interviews in which they publicly split on whether the security and humanitarian catastrophe in Syria could have been avoided if the United States had played a larger role. Obama’s outburst on July 31, one week prior, reveals the criticism was already getting to him, even before the White House tried to deflect Clinton’s remarks as pre-presidential political posturing.

Exclusive: Obama Told Lawmakers Criticism of His Syria Policy is 'Horsesh*t'
World News 08.11.14
Josh Rogin

Exclusive: Obama Told Lawmakers Criticism of His Syria Policy is ?Horsesh*t? - The Daily Beast

Who is right and who is wrong matters little. Congressional Democrats distancing themselves from the president is their one hope in the midterms. Taqiyya the Liar will do and say whatever it takes to help them win in November.

Hillary Clinton’s problem is twofold. Congressional Democrats only have to treat the president like he has a communicable disease, while she has to win over the big money. If she fails to convince swing voters that she had nothing to do with Taqiyya’s policies it follows that Democrats across the board will distance themselves from her in 2016.

Happily, HillaryCare makes it impossible for Clinton to distance herself from the Affordable Care Act. Ditto congressional Democrats who voted for it.

NOTE: Everybody in the Administration is wrong about Syria. American taxpayers should not be paying for revolutions unless the revolutionaries can prove they are fighting to establish a limited government. Bottom line: It would have been better to ignore dictators like Assad and Ghadiffi than to go with jihadists. Muslims killing Muslims is the result in both scenarios, only Americans do not get blamed for it.

Incidentally, if Clinton is telling the truth she was closer to John Kerry’s views in Syria than she was to the president’s. Kerry has been a one-man wrecking crew; especially in the Middle East; so that gives Taqiyya the edge on this one if you believe the rift is the real thing. I will believe that horseshit smells like roses if Taqiyya actually lays Benghazi on Hillary Clinton.
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I’ve been waiting for the Trey Gowdy’s Special Committee to come to town the way a kid waits for Christmas because the attack in Benghazi is a movable feast rather than a fixed feast in that concerned Americans will feast on November 4, 2014, and again on November 8, 2016 should Hillary Clinton get the presidential nomination:
. . . the 2012 attack on the diplomatic compound in Libya is about to be thrust back into the spotlight around its September 11 anniversary.

The special House committee investigating Benghazi is finally expected to begin its work, in earnest, with its first hearing the week Congress returns from August recess.


Polls suggest that Clinton is vulnerable on Benghazi ahead of a potential 2016 presidential run, with members of both parties listing it as her biggest weakness.

Benghazi coming back with a vengeance in September
09/01/14 07:12 AM—Updated 09/01/14 07:14 AM
By Alex Seitz-Wald

Benghazi coming back with a vengeance in September MSNBC
Democrats and the entire liberal spin machine have been pooh-poohing Benghazi and Americans know why. Democrat strategy dismissing murdered Americans with an impatient wave of the hand has to be serious. That indisputable fact is going to hurt them in the midterms. It gets worse.

Democrats dumping Hillary Clinton in 2016 will not save them. No matter who the Democrats put up in 2016 Benghazi is going cost them votes across the board. Not as many votes as HillaryCare II, but more than enough to predict a landslide victory for conservative ideals if Karl Rove’s Republicans don’t blow it which is more than possible:

Karl Rove is at it once again. The so-called “strategist” is again confusing strategy with tactics, and is about to blow easy Senate pickups in Arkansas and North Carolina. This is not merely snatching defeat from the jaws of victory -- this is snatching defeat from the bowels of victory -- in astonishing tone-deaf fashion.

August 29, 2014
Why Karl Rove and the GOP Establishment Will Lose Again
By C. Edmund Wright

Articles Why Karl Rove and the GOP Establishment Will Lose Again
It looks like there are two controversies in play surrounding stand down orders. The first video is part of a Bret Baier interview that will be shown tonight at 10:00 pm:
The second video has the All Star Panel offering some insights:
NOTE: Learning the identity of “Bob” will rival the mystery that surrounded Deep Throat for decades. I can only hope he does not turn out to be the Bob in this video:

Jokes aside. As good as the knowledge about the first stand down order is —— there is a real fear it will be used to shield the identity of the person who issued the devastating second stand down order without knowing how long the men under attack could hold out.

The actions of Kris Paronto, Mark Geist, and John Tiegen can now be spliced into the existing time line. It’s fair to assume the White House is going to lie when the final time line is available. Bottom line: Once an accurate time line is available the appropriate coverup lies can then be spliced in to fit whatever scenario can pass the smell test —— sometimes called plausible deniability.
Except for FOX on occasion, I do not watch the Sunday talk shows. Today I checked the menus to see which show, if any, would do a segment on the bombshell dropped by Bret Baier when he interviewed Kris Paronto, Mark Geist, and John Tiegen. NOT ONE SUNDAY TALKIE GAVE THE SMOKING GUN A SEGMENT.

Parenthetically, someone asked me what good will it do if Rep. Trey Gowdy’s committee does uncover the whole truth? I had to admit that nobody is going to jail over Benghazi, but maybe the American people will come to understand the Democrats who are responsible for abandoning Americans fighting for their lives. Understand their betrayals, their ideology, their agenda, and most of all understand their hatred for this country when it comes to voting for them. That will be a good thing.
It’s too soon to tell if the stand down order has disappeared down Congress’ rat hole, but it’s beginning to look that way. I am still hoping that my faith in Trey Gowdy was not misplaced.

We were thus cheered when the GOP-controlled House finally appointed a select investigative committee . . . although we were equally puzzled why it took so much prodding, why Republican leadership seemed so reluctant. Five months have elapsed since then, and the committee has not exactly been a bundle of energy.

The panel is chaired by Representative Trey Gowdy. We were buoyed by that, too: He is an impressive former prosecutor from South Carolina. To date, though, he has convened just the one, remarkably brief public hearing. It was on September 17, a few days after the second anniversary of the Benghazi massacre, during which terrorists killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans: Sean Smith, Ty Woods, and Glen Doherty.


To their credit, committee Republicans did a fine job debunking the Democrats’ narrative. Chairman Gowdy in particular was characteristically effective in showing that the ARB recommendations were essentially the same ones proposed, and quickly forgotten, after every terrorist attack on a government facility over the past three decades. He also pointed out that security for high-threat facilities was supposed to be personally approved by the secretary of state, not a subordinate — a problem given that, under Secretary Clinton, security in Benghazi was decreased despite attacks, threats, and expert assessments that clearly signaled an intensifying threat.

Still, there was no reason for committee Republicans to put themselves in a defensive posture. Chairman Gowdy decides what the hearing topics will be. In the days before the hearing, three security contractors assigned to protect the CIA annex in Benghazi went public with allegations that they’d been obstructed by superiors when they tried to come to the aid of the Americans under attack. The delay may have cost lives. Was that not more to the point of the select committee’s mission — more appropriate fodder for its much-anticipated first hearing — than the ARB recommendations?​


And Gowdy — the chairman who has access to the intelligence the committee has been gathering for five months, the accomplished prosecutor who is not fool enough to ask a key question to which he did not know the answer — did not fill in the information gap. He abruptly ended the hearing, content to leave the policy shrouded in mystery.​

October 11, 2014 4:00 AM
Why Won't Republicans Get to the Bottom of Benghazi?
It’s not just Democrats who don't want a full public airing.
By Andrew C. McCarthy

Why Won t Republicans Get to the Bottom of Benghazi National Review Online

ARB recommendations mean doodly-squat. If they were important to the truth Democrats would not focus on them. Who issued the order to stand down is the only information Americans want. The stand down order is the one and only lie that cannot be spun away with diplomatic jargon and State Department legalese.
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Two months in and..........nothing. Could it be that the OP is just telling fish tales?

So many words much time expended. And.......nothing.
Face it and get over it. .... :cool:

Benghazi is yesterday's news...... and the vast majority of the American public could care less about matter how much so called "new" evidence surfaces.


don't count on the people of the US "getting over it"
Flanders, the first story I heard explaining what happened was right after it happened - what I heard was the election was at hand but Egyptian leader Morsi and his MB brethren were demanding the release of the Blind Sheik from prison here behind closed doors to Obama admin - due to the nearness of Presidential debates - etc - Obama admin or State dept. came up with plan that the US Ambassador and staff would be kidnapped and held hostage by operatives in Benghazi - the Muslims would agree to an exchange of the Blind Sheik for the US Amb. & staff and Obama would come out a hero for saving their lives, etc. - the plan was set - the Navy Seals not knowing of this plan for a pre - arranged hostage exchange heard the stand down order but ignored it and ran to save the Ambassador - in spite of order to stand down - which led to the Muslims in Benghazi thinking they had been double crossed by CIA - so they videotaped the rape of the US Ambassador and photos - which later State Dept. denies - then because it was a last minute fix - they came up with the story of the youtube video protest even though no one over there had heard of the video. The reason the stand down order was given was because they were sure the exchange would go off with no problem - both sides had agreed - later it occurred to me that scenario is the only one that actually makes sense. It explained why Obama was so utterly distracted during the 1st debate with Romney - Benghazi had just happened and he was probably worried the story would get out - and his chance of re-election would be over - Still I wasn't sure until I saw Obama do the exchange with the soldier in Afghanistan. Then it seemed this was likely what happened - Benghazi was a botched kidnap - hostage exchange attempt so that the USA could hand over the Blind Sheik and Obama could still win his re-election.
Two months in and..........nothing. Could it be that the OP is just telling fish tales?

So many words much time expended. And.......nothing.

Where there is smoke there's fire but the truth is that we've gone way beyond Benghazi now. They are not going to be able to impeach Obama no matter what they do. He isn't leaving. I do not believe he will leave in 2016 either. He's there to stay.
I’ve been waiting for the Trey Gowdy’s Special Committee to come to town the way a kid waits for Christmas because the attack in Benghazi is a movable feast rather than a fixed feast in that concerned Americans will feast on November 4, 2014, and again on November 8, 2016 should Hillary Clinton get the presidential nomination:
. . . the 2012 attack on the diplomatic compound in Libya is about to be thrust back into the spotlight around its September 11 anniversary.

The special House committee investigating Benghazi is finally expected to begin its work, in earnest, with its first hearing the week Congress returns from August recess.


Polls suggest that Clinton is vulnerable on Benghazi ahead of a potential 2016 presidential run, with members of both parties listing it as her biggest weakness.

Benghazi coming back with a vengeance in September
09/01/14 07:12 AM—Updated 09/01/14 07:14 AM
By Alex Seitz-Wald

Benghazi coming back with a vengeance in September MSNBC
Democrats and the entire liberal spin machine have been pooh-poohing Benghazi and Americans know why. Democrat strategy dismissing murdered Americans with an impatient wave of the hand has to be serious. That indisputable fact is going to hurt them in the midterms. It gets worse.

Democrats dumping Hillary Clinton in 2016 will not save them. No matter who the Democrats put up in 2016 Benghazi is going cost them votes across the board. Not as many votes as HillaryCare II, but more than enough to predict a landslide victory for conservative ideals if Karl Rove’s Republicans don’t blow it which is more than possible:

Karl Rove is at it once again. The so-called “strategist” is again confusing strategy with tactics, and is about to blow easy Senate pickups in Arkansas and North Carolina. This is not merely snatching defeat from the jaws of victory -- this is snatching defeat from the bowels of victory -- in astonishing tone-deaf fashion.

August 29, 2014
Why Karl Rove and the GOP Establishment Will Lose Again
By C. Edmund Wright

Articles Why Karl Rove and the GOP Establishment Will Lose Again

I believe soon the country is going to be totally flipped upside down in chaos and eventually a nuclear strike by Russia at which time no one will be in charge - it will be the fall of the US. I was watching this woman give her testimony last night. She is an elderly Christian woman who was being interviewed by a Jewish man concerning her book - Out of Hitlers Hell - her testimony was so shocking of what she went through - she was with another woman who said that she saw America was going to face the same fate - I would like to find the interview I found about her story rather than to attempt to tell it myself. It is too important. After this elderly Christian woman told the story of how God protected her from the Russian soldiers ( she was 7 yrs old at the time ) who had planned to rape her - she tells the story of how the nazi nurse who had greatly harmed her - was repeatedly raped by the Russian soldiers and the LORD confirmed to me this is how it shall be in America. These democrats who have defended the enemy and shown such vile hatred towards the Christians and Jews shall suffer the same fate for themselves and their families as that nazi nurse did who supported Hitler with such enthusiasm - the very pit they have dug for the Christians and Jews is the one they are about to fall into themselves - with the Russians, Chinese, Nicaragua and Cuban communists who will invade and decimate them in the coming invasion. They have no idea but last night I saw it plain as day and perhaps if they heard this Christian woman's story they might wake up. I don't know. Truly I feel great pity for all these people defending abortion, socialism, every imaginable evil they defend in the name of political correctness - their money will not be able to save them in that hour. Nothing will. They spent their time mocking God -mocking holiness, mocking Gods servants - they have refused every call for repentance and when this judgment breaks forth it will be too late for them.

note added on for Flanders - Oh my Gosh! Forgive me, Flanders! Let me correct myself! I believe I had her age wrong - the photo I saw of her last night was when she was age 7 and she was between 10 and 12 when the trouble began - I have to buy her book! She gives her story on this video and I decided to make a thread out of it because the title of the book is, Trapped in Hitler's Hell - I need to make note of that correction! - Here she is in this interview - she was a young Jewish girl who gave her heart to Jesus Christ at age 8 and became a Christian - then when the war happened she actually saw how God protected her - keeping her from being raped by Russian soldiers while the Nazi woman who she had encountered before and had caused her great harm ended up raped numerous times by the Russian Soldiers and was subjected to horrific abuse - the Nazi nurse later learned the compassion of Christ through this child who took pity on her in her darkest hour - it sounds like an amazing book - I cannot wait to read it! I love how God always protects His Own Children! Truly amazing! She has had such a Romans 8:28 life! I love it! It did cause me to wonder that had the Nazi nurse kept her hands off this child of God - would she still have suffered such horrific things? I do not know but I do know the LORD was clearly telling me to warn others that this is their future if they don't repent now. So I have made a thread on the religion forum about it. Here it the link:
Trapped in Hitler s Hell US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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