Sharing Youtube discussion about LA homeless camps


Platinum Member
Jan 23, 2014
Central Ohio
So I watched a video about the fight between people who live there, verses the city allowing homeless people just destroy their property and ruin their lives. I got into a discussion with some apparent homeless supporter. My first thought was "Ok, let's dump them on your property and see how you like walking out your front door to step in human poop every day." But I decided to go a different direction. Thought I'd open my comment for response.

Richard K
This is disgusting. The city officials should be ashamed.

I hope to god you are homeless one day so you learn a little humility. May the next time you say “i help those who need or want it” or allude to being that type of person, be your last.

@DiscordedBraeburn See that's the problem. I've worked at the homeless shelters. The people who don't want to be there, get a job. They find work, they earn a living, and then they move out of the shelter. We provide free job training. We provide free job placement. We provide free health clinic services. Free food. Free clothing. Even a free package bundle for moving into your apartment, with bed sheets, towels and other things you need when you start with nothing.

And yet we have people that lay in the cot, do nothing, go no where, and refuse to even attempt to better their lives.

My church has what is called the a Samartian offering. A special officer to help people in dire need within the church. Plus I have family, and extended family, all which would be willing to help me, and I them, if needed. Then I even have friends who would put me up for a short time until I could find work and my own place. On top of that, I am extremely conservative in my spending. I have no less than $5,000 in my bank account at all times, and no bills.

Before you end up homeless... where is your money that you saved, by spending less than you make? Where is your savings you have for a rainy day? Where is your family that you have maintained good relations with? Where is your extended family? Where is your church that you have been faithful to? Where are your close friends?

This is my problem with people today. You cuss out your family and tell them to get lost. You make no attempt save money. You have no close friends. You swear off the church. You cut all ties, cut friendships, have a trail of broken relationships behind you, and then.... you turn around when your life implodes, and pretend as if society itself owes you for your irresponsible behavior.

No. You dug your hole, and now you get to dig yourself out. Learn to take responsibility for your choices. Join a church, and be part of it. Get with your family, and apologize for your actions. Get friends, and treat them like they are worth knowing. Find a spouse, and treat someone as being more important than yourself. And save your money, and stop blowing it on things you don't need, so that when bad things happen... AND THEY WILL... you will have money to deal with it.
Homeless people that defecate on sidewalks and peoples yards have serious mental issues or drug problems.

There are many homeless people who don't do those things.

What we're seeing is a huge increase in drug addicts (largely because of China flooding the US with addictive harmful substances)
but also a decrease in opportunities and motivation.
Prior to the 1970s urban homelessness was largely confined to skid row neighborhoods. The residents were mainly young white males who were mostly migratory workers who followed crops or moved in and out of lumber camps. That all changed when gentrification leveled entire city districts, and the single occupancy hotels that the migratory workers lived in became boutique hotels or upscale housing.

Capitalism commodifies everything.

Since investment capital circulates primarily through the built environment, public space itself has become a basic urban commodity.

Privatize profits.
Socialize cost.
Pretend you're surprised.:omg:

What Causes Homelessness? Start With Capitalism.
Homeless people that defecate on sidewalks and peoples yards have serious mental issues or drug problems.

There are many homeless people who don't do those things.

What we're seeing is a huge increase in drug addicts (largely because of China flooding the US with addictive harmful substances)
but also a decrease in opportunities and motivation.

There is no decrease in opportunities. That is just flat out not true.

You want to make between $40K to $80K a year? Go to McDonald's. Show up every day. Show up on time. Work the entire time. Get along with your co-workers.

Last I saw the stats over 80% of all store managers made over $40K, and all started as hourly employees.

There are opportunities EVERYWHERE. You can join a free, company sponsored truck driver training, and be making $35,000 to start..... by the end of the year. This year. By end of this year.

If you are telling me there fewer opportunities, then what the heck are all those immigrants, that are still coming here, doing?

The CEO of Walmart right now, started off working at a Walmart warehouse unloading trucks. Hourly worker. He was doing that while going to college.

Phil Robertson, was a drunk that worked at a bar. He started whittling duck callers, and now makes multi-millions.

You can do anything in this country. Anything. There are opportunities absolutely everywhere.

What we're seeing is a huge increase in drug addicts (largely because of China flooding the US with addictive harmful substances)

While I agree we have a problem with drugs, I don't believe the problem has anything to do with China. You trying to blame the supplier, for the actions of the user.

We've played that game. We have tried just locking up the suppliers. Not solution.

The problem is, we need to actually kill people. Singapore is right in the middle of the drug triangle. In nearly every direction there are drug cartels. And yet Singapore has some of the lowest rates of useage in the entire region. And it's not hard to understand why. You get caught with drugs in Singapore, they hang you. You die.

When you see people being put to death... consistently... you tend to change your behavior before you join them.

If we started shooting the dealers and traffickers, instead of letting them out over and over until a search warrant gets Taylor killed... then we wouldn't have these problems. You realize that right? Her boyfriend was already in prison, was released, and that's how a search warrant got issued for Taylors apartment. If we had put a bullet in his head the first time he was dealing drugs, Taylor would be alive today.

That's what needs fixed. Has nothing to do with China. If China didn't supply drugs, someone else would.

As for motivation.... I agree somewhat. We need a reformation of morals. Get people back into church. Learn how to live life right. Stop spreading Socialist lies that you can't succeed. Start admiring people who work their way up, instead of claiming they must have had an unfair advantage.
Prior to the 1970s urban homelessness was largely confined to skid row neighborhoods. The residents were mainly young white males who were mostly migratory workers who followed crops or moved in and out of lumber camps. That all changed when gentrification leveled entire city districts, and the single occupancy hotels that the migratory workers lived in became boutique hotels or upscale housing.

Capitalism commodifies everything.

Since investment capital circulates primarily through the built environment, public space itself has become a basic urban commodity.

Privatize profits.
Socialize cost.
Pretend you're surprised.:omg:

What Causes Homelessness? Start With Capitalism.

So then how do you explain the mass homelessness of Venezuela which has no Capitalism? Or Cuba which up till recently had no Capitalism? Or China? Or North Korea?

Why is it the most socialized cities in America, that spend the most on social programs, even for the homeless, have the highest rates of homeless?

I don't believe anything you posted.
So then how do you explain the mass homelessness of Venezuela which has no Capitalism? Or Cuba which up till recently had no Capitalism? Or China? Or North Korea?
Do you have any links for homelessness in Cuba or Venezuela both of which are victims of US economic sanctions targeting their poorest citizens.

New York and Los Angeles are among the five cities on the planet with the largest homeless populations.

Story Map Journal
Why is it the most socialized cities in America, that spend the most on social programs, even for the homeless, have the highest rates of homeless?
I suspect the answer to that question requires looking at the relationship between homelessness and intergenerational poverty.

I come in contact with the homeless every day in my neighborhood, and I've experienced the condition a number of times during my lifetime.

Blacks are far more likely to find themselves on the streets than Whites, and you can't separate that from official US governmental policies over that past century, at least:

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

"Today African-American incomes on average are about 60 percent of average white incomes.

"But African-American wealth is about 5 percent of white wealth. Most middle-class families in this country gain their wealth from the equity they have in their homes.

"So this enormous difference between a 60 percent income ratio and a 5 percent wealth ratio is almost entirely attributable to federal housing policy implemented through the 20th century.

"African-American families that were prohibited from buying homes in the suburbs in the 1940s and '50s and even into the '60s, by the Federal Housing Administration, gained none of the equity appreciation that whites gained."
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So then how do you explain the mass homelessness of Venezuela which has no Capitalism? Or Cuba which up till recently had no Capitalism? Or China? Or North Korea?
Do you have any links for homelessness in Cuba or Venezuela both of which are victims of US economic sanctions targeting their poorest citizens.

New York and Los Angeles are among the five cities on the planet with the largest homeless populations.

Story Map Journal
Do you have any links to show the economic sanctions crippling the poorest citizens in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, or any other Murican urban shithole that bums have infested?
Why is it the most socialized cities in America, that spend the most on social programs, even for the homeless, have the highest rates of homeless?
"I suspect the answer to that question requires looking at the relationship between homelessness and intergenerational poverty.

"I come in contact with the homeless every day in my neighborhood, and I've experienced the condition a number of times during my lifetime.

"Blacks are far more likely to find themselves on the streets than Whites, and you can't separate that from official US governmental policies over that past century, at least:

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

"Today African-American incomes on average are about 60 percent of average white incomes.

"But African-American wealth is about 5 percent of white wealth. Most middle-class families in this country gain their wealth from the equity they have in their homes.

"So this enormous difference between a 60 percent income ratio and a 5 percent wealth ratio is almost entirely attributable to federal housing policy implemented through the 20th century.

"African-American families that were prohibited from buying homes in the suburbs in the 1940s and '50s and even into the '60s, by the Federal Housing Administration, gained none of the equity appreciation that whites gained."
Most street bums are white, Karl.
Do you have any links to show the economic sanctions crippling the poorest citizens in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, or any other Murican urban shithole that bums have infested?
Does redlining qualify as an economic sanction?
How about the FHA's sanctions against creating any non-White subdivisions?

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

"The term 'redlining' ... comes from the development by the New Deal, by the federal government of maps of every metropolitan area in the country.

"And those maps were color-coded by first the Home Owners Loan Corp. and then the Federal Housing Administration and then adopted by the Veterans Administration, and these color codes were designed to indicate where it was safe to insure mortgages.

"And anywhere where African-Americans lived, anywhere where African-Americans lived nearby were colored red to indicate to appraisers that these neighborhoods were too risky to insure mortgages...."

"The vacancies in the white (public housing) projects were created primarily by the Federal Housing Administration program to suburbanize America, and the Federal Housing Administration subsidized mass production builders to create subdivisions that were 'white-only' and they subsidized the families who were living in the white housing projects as well as whites who were living elsewhere in the central city to move out of the central cities and into these white-only suburbs."
You need a residence address and a computer to find a job nowadays. The old day labor and get cash at the end of the day has been gone for decades. You can hire someone to work daily if you're a little guy getting small jobs here and there, but if that guy gets you use for daily labor for cash gets injured on the could be up the creek without a paddle with him suing you.
So then how do you explain the mass homelessness of Venezuela which has no Capitalism? Or Cuba which up till recently had no Capitalism? Or China? Or North Korea?
Do you have any links for homelessness in Cuba or Venezuela both of which are victims of US economic sanctions targeting their poorest citizens.

New York and Los Angeles are among the five cities on the planet with the largest homeless populations.

Story Map Journal

And that was before any US sanctions.

Now I will admit that today they don't have a housing crisis :) Because people fleeing the country in mass.

By the way, you are just lying. US sanctions are not targeting the poorest people. Not sure why you make up such crap, when you know the government has detailed lists of the sanctions, and why they were created.

Nearly all of the sanctions are targeted at clear corruption, and the destruction of the poor by the Venezuela government. Such as looting the oil wealth, and offshoring the money. Such as a food scheme running out of Brazil that offshores the money in the Caribbean.

Unless you are saying that Chavez's daughter making billions off government food contracts while the poor starve death, is perfectly fine with you....

Cuba also has a long history of housing shortages, even with people fleeing the country every chance they get.

Go watch this guy in Cuba, and see where he lives. And compare that to the absolute worst off, poorest, full time working people in the US.

Again, can't blame that on Sanctions. Name the sanction that prevents them from buying building supplies? Where is it. Name it. Show me that sanction.

The reason they don't have building supplies, is because of socialism. Before Socialism, they made bricks in Cuba. Before socialism, they made cement in Cuba. You don't need to change a single US policy to start creating building supplies in Cuba.

Besides that, are not you people the ones always saying that US is 'exploiting the natural resources' of other countries? Now you are saying you WANT us to exploit them through trade?

On one hand you say we're making them poor by exploiting them in trade.
Now you are saying we're making them poor by excluding them in trade?

Which is it?

New York and Los Angeles are among the five cities on the planet with the largest homeless populations.

Yeah, that isn't surprising. Homeless people have specifically moved to NYC, because they know the government gives out tons of benefits to not working.

First, almost 10 percent of all currently homeless families in the New York City shelter system come from outside the city. Ms. A arrived from Florida. Surfing the Internet, she discovered that New York City has the best services for homeless families; so she is now in a shelter here.​

When you offer free stuff, people change how they live to get the free stuff. Instead of changing their lives to... oh I don't know... get a income, find an apartment... improve their lives....

Instead, when you offer they free stuff, they find ways to collect the free stuff. This includes traveling from Florida, all the way to New York, to get free stuff.

So! When you have laws in place that promote homelessness, you will get more homelessness.

Same with California. There should be zero surprise involved with finding out that homelessness increased in California, as soon as they provided more free care, and free shelter and free everything else. The moment they made it legal to live on the street, more people started living on the street.

This isn't a shock to anyone on the right-wing. Why you people don't get that, is beyond me.
You need a residence address and a computer to find a job nowadays. The old day labor and get cash at the end of the day has been gone for decades. You can hire someone to work daily if you're a little guy getting small jobs here and there, but if that guy gets you use for daily labor for cash gets injured on the could be up the creek without a paddle with him suing you.

Honestly, I doubt that. Few years back, I just walked into a company, and asked for an application. Filled it out, they offered me a job. Pretty decent one too.
So I watched a video about the fight between people who live there, verses the city allowing homeless people just destroy their property and ruin their lives. I got into a discussion with some apparent homeless supporter. My first thought was "Ok, let's dump them on your property and see how you like walking out your front door to step in human poop every day." But I decided to go a different direction. Thought I'd open my comment for response.

Richard K
This is disgusting. The city officials should be ashamed.

I hope to god you are homeless one day so you learn a little humility. May the next time you say “i help those who need or want it” or allude to being that type of person, be your last.

@DiscordedBraeburn See that's the problem. I've worked at the homeless shelters. The people who don't want to be there, get a job. They find work, they earn a living, and then they move out of the shelter. We provide free job training. We provide free job placement. We provide free health clinic services. Free food. Free clothing. Even a free package bundle for moving into your apartment, with bed sheets, towels and other things you need when you start with nothing.

And yet we have people that lay in the cot, do nothing, go no where, and refuse to even attempt to better their lives.

My church has what is called the a Samartian offering. A special officer to help people in dire need within the church. Plus I have family, and extended family, all which would be willing to help me, and I them, if needed. Then I even have friends who would put me up for a short time until I could find work and my own place. On top of that, I am extremely conservative in my spending. I have no less than $5,000 in my bank account at all times, and no bills.

Before you end up homeless... where is your money that you saved, by spending less than you make? Where is your savings you have for a rainy day? Where is your family that you have maintained good relations with? Where is your extended family? Where is your church that you have been faithful to? Where are your close friends?

This is my problem with people today. You cuss out your family and tell them to get lost. You make no attempt save money. You have no close friends. You swear off the church. You cut all ties, cut friendships, have a trail of broken relationships behind you, and then.... you turn around when your life implodes, and pretend as if society itself owes you for your irresponsible behavior.

No. You dug your hole, and now you get to dig yourself out. Learn to take responsibility for your choices. Join a church, and be part of it. Get with your family, and apologize for your actions. Get friends, and treat them like they are worth knowing. Find a spouse, and treat someone as being more important than yourself. And save your money, and stop blowing it on things you don't need, so that when bad things happen... AND THEY WILL... you will have money to deal with it.

Talking to people who are virtue signaling losers. Just imagine this.

That's them....
Do you have any links to show the economic sanctions crippling the poorest citizens in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, or any other Murican urban shithole that bums have infested?
Does redlining qualify as an economic sanction?
How about the FHA's sanctions against creating any non-White subdivisions?

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

"The term 'redlining' ... comes from the development by the New Deal, by the federal government of maps of every metropolitan area in the country.

"And those maps were color-coded by first the Home Owners Loan Corp. and then the Federal Housing Administration and then adopted by the Veterans Administration, and these color codes were designed to indicate where it was safe to insure mortgages.

"And anywhere where African-Americans lived, anywhere where African-Americans lived nearby were colored red to indicate to appraisers that these neighborhoods were too risky to insure mortgages...."

"The vacancies in the white (public housing) projects were created primarily by the Federal Housing Administration program to suburbanize America, and the Federal Housing Administration subsidized mass production builders to create subdivisions that were 'white-only' and they subsidized the families who were living in the white housing projects as well as whites who were living elsewhere in the central city to move out of the central cities and into these white-only suburbs."

Does redlining qualify as an economic sanction?

No, it does not. The left-wing has lied about what redlining was for decades now.

What is one of the ways that people fall into foreclosure? We saw this extensively during the sub-prime crash. What was it? It was having a house, that was declining in value. You borrow $100,000 to purchase a house, and in few years, the house is worth $80,000. Now you owe more money than the house is worth.

Then usually you end up trapped in the house, because you can't sell it, for the cost of how much you owe. Which results in bankruptcy and foreclosure.

Now, the irony here is that when banks made bad loans during the 2008 crash, left-wingers like you said, the banks should be held accountable for making loans that they should not have.

Well.... redlining is the banks not making loans they believe are risky. The point of redlining was that certain areas of the city, where crime was increasing, and property values were falling, they didn't want to make loans that were likely to fail, because they were in those declining areas.

So which is it George? You tell me. Should banks be held accountable for the loans they make, and thus they should have the freedom to not make loans they believe are bad?

Or is redlining "economic sanctions", and banks should NOT be held accountable for making loans that end up going bad?

Because you can't have it both ways. You can't say "You must make loans you think are risky, and then you must be held accountable when those risky loans fail!".

That is not a logical position. It's one other the other. You tell me.
Most street bums are white, Karl.
Not in my hood, Ayn.
Any thoughts on why Black incomes today are about 60% of whites' or why Blacks possess about 5% of white's wealth?

Sure. Economic choices.

Sharon won $10 Million dollars. She blew it. She blew all the money, and it was gone. Just 10 years later, she's riding a bus to a part time job, because she's broke, and doesn't even have a car.

Steve Jobs got $10 Million too. But he invested it in a small computer graphic studio, and a decade later, put out Toy Story. He sold Pixar to Disney for about $10 Billion.

Rich people are rich, because they act wisely with money.
Poor people are poor, because they act foolishly with money.

Same is true of incomes.

I had a manager who showed up every day at 8 AM. He would leave at 6 PM, eat dinner with his wife, and come back at 8 PM, and work until he was satisfied, and go home. 11 PM, even midnight.

I worked for a different manager at the same company a year later. He would come in at 9 AM, maybe. He would sit in his office. And leave at 5 PM. One day we had some expensive product, missing in his warehouse. They asked him to look for it. He refused. The Project Administrator at the main building, threatened to come to the warehouse and find the product herself. He still refused. And left at 5 PM, without the product found.

Now, I think you can guess which manager was paid more than the other, and I think you can take a wild stab at which one was black, and which was white.

People get paid differently, because they work differently. It's that simple.

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