Shameless... Pelosi Tells Protesters in 2006: "I’m a Fan of Disruptors"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Maybe she was refering to the Klingon disruptors!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
She can't help herself. Some of that plastic they used in her many facial plastic surgeries has leaked into her brain cavity. If you have noticed, she makes the majority of these dumb assed comments during hot weather when the plastic is mostly liquid. In the cooler months, when the plastic is more set, she just talks stupidly.:lol:
It says allot about the kooks she represents in San Fran.....She wins reelection by about 1 Million vote every time.
I'm sure the new crop of MSNBC drones will be along anytime now to tell us how Pelosi's blatent hypocrisy is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Yes..... We must:

[ame=]YouTube - Twitchy Woman[/ame]
Midnight Marauder - You and KK did a great job with this.... Love it. You should think about doing one on John Edward's love child!!!
Midnight Marauder - You and KK did a great job with this.... Love it. You should think about doing one on John Edward's love child!!!
Ooooh! Using the song, "Love Child!"

Excellent idea!

And thanks for the complement, but you can thank us alot more by spreading ALL our videos all around the innertubes, everywhere, LIBERALLY! Spread the wealth around!

Here's all the ones KK and I have collaborated on thus far. More are in the works as we speak!

Digital Noise Graffiti
[ame=]YouTube - Anti-war protest in DC march 19[/ame]
Midnight Marauder - You and KK did a great job with this.... Love it. You should think about doing one on John Edward's love child!!!
Ooooh! Using the song, "Love Child!"

Excellent idea!

And thanks for the complement, but you can thank us alot more by spreading ALL our videos all around the innertubes, everywhere, LIBERALLY! Spread the wealth around!

Here's all the ones KK and I have collaborated on thus far. More are in the works as we speak!

Digital Noise Graffiti

That could work ... just added actual hands to the models so they have even more detail now. Almost got beat timing down. No politician will be safe from DNG! None! :evil: Well ... except maybe Bush ... he made himself look like such a fool I feel sorry for him ... almost.

Where are those turds who called everyone 'racist' and 'neocon' for pointing out the hypocrisy of Queen Nan and the dems?

The silence is telling.

Where are those turds who called everyone 'racist' and 'neocon' for pointing out the hypocrisy of Queen Nan and the dems?

The silence is telling.
Oh stop it, you know there are two rules /sarcasim.
This cretin needs to be removed from Congress. The Democrats themselves should show some honor & integrity and at least remove her from her leadership position. She is disgrace to our Nation and our Constitution.
The ugly mafia princess!!! Frozen face nancy with shit for brains!!!
Nancy Pelosi reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizzard of Oz. The Dem congressmen are all of her flying monkeys!:lol:

I can hear the song now... Somewhere with the help from the Rainbow, Dems will rule...
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