Shades Of Nazi Germany: Biden Wants Americans To Report / Turn In 'Radicalized' Friends And Family To His Govt


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!


BIG BROTHER: Biden Administration Wants

Americans To Report ‘Radicalized’ Friends

And Family To Government

For four years, the left insisted that Trump was a fascist dictator. Even people in politics and media echoed this falsehood.
Now we have the Joe Biden administration urging Americans to snitch on their family and friends to the government.

(This could be considered a little 'over-kill' since the FISA Court proved the FBI has been illegally, Un-Constitutionally committing FISA Court Fraud and spying on Americans, reporters, the media, Congress, USSC Justices, political party Candidates and their trams...and are still doing it under Wray.)

President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.

Biden doesn't need to ask anyone to rat on their friends or family - he just needs to turn on his TV and watch foreign/Democrat-funded and protected domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM constantly looting, destroying, burning , attempting to burn federal agents alive, injuring 14 Secret Service members, permanently closing minority-owned small businesses and racking a combined total of BILLIONS of dollars in damage to communities all over the US.
- Perhaps someone should report VP Harris for heping bail these domestic terrorists out of jail to return to committing act of terrorism...and for calling on these domestic terrorists to continue committing violence after the election, which they have done?!

Joe Biden, making the STASI great again.
Just pretend he was talking about Muslims and y’all would be throwing a parade.
Weak, most Muslims in the USA are secular and assimilate.
Most conservatives in the USA are not violent extremists either, but some are.

What Biden said is no different than what Republicans said about violent extremists Muslims.
Just pretend he was talking about Muslims and y’all would be throwing a parade.
Weak, most Muslims in the USA are secular and assimilate.
Most conservatives in the USA are not violent extremists either, but some are.

What Biden said is no different than what Republicans said about violent extremists Muslims.
Everyone said that post 9/11, not only "republicans". As it relates to terrorists acts, be that Boston Bombers or Omar Mateen Pulse Nightclub, both immigrants/first generation are vastly over represented as perps.
In Nazi Germany, "radicalized" people were reported?

You got your history wrong. In Nazi Germany, radicalized people were provided with weapons and sent to Poland and Russia to slaughter civilians and gas Jews.
Most conservatives in the USA are not violent extremists either, but some are.

What Biden said is no different than what Republicans said about violent extremists Muslims.

Sadly, most of you Nazi democrats are violent extremists, some overtly, many covertly.

What Biden said is no different than what Hitler said about Jews.
Serious question, did you run into a concrete pylon on a motorcycle doing 110 without a helmet?

Did an elephant step on your head? Did you lay in front of a bulldozer for a Marxist protest and it ran over your head?
Would it matter? There is no vital organ in the dense skull of a bed wetting leftist parasite.
In Nazi Germany, "radicalized" people were reported?

You got your history wrong. In Nazi Germany, radicalized people were provided with weapons and sent to Poland and Russia to slaughter civilians and gas Jews.
In Nazi America, democrats provide legal support and pallets of bricks for ANTIFA to slaughter civilians and attack Whites.
Just pretend he was talking about Muslims and y’all would be throwing a parade.
Weak, most Muslims in the USA are secular and assimilate.
Most conservatives in the USA are not violent extremists either, but some are.

What Biden said is no different than what Republicans said about violent extremists Muslims.

Actually, you are making an understatement here. Virtually Zero conservativates in America are violent extremists.

I never met a solitary one, and probably never will.

The Bidenesque idea that "violent conservatism" is a threat is a load of shit. Similar to the bullshit that Big Brother put out about Emmanuel Goldstein and the Brotherhood back in the day.

Just something to frighten weak-minded individuals by the all-powerful Liberal State, to divert people's eyes from the real problem.
Just pretend he was talking about Muslims and y’all would be throwing a parade.
Weak, most Muslims in the USA are secular and assimilate.
Most conservatives in the USA are not violent extremists either, but some are.

What Biden said is no different than what Republicans said about violent extremists Muslims.
Everyone said that post 9/11, not only "republicans". As it relates to terrorists acts, be that Boston Bombers or Omar Mateen Pulse Nightclub, both immigrants/first generation are vastly over represented as perps.
Question why it is that Republicans don’t want violent extremists in their own party rooted out.
Just pretend he was talking about Muslims and y’all would be throwing a parade.
Weak, most Muslims in the USA are secular and assimilate.
Most conservatives in the USA are not violent extremists either, but some are.

What Biden said is no different than what Republicans said about violent extremists Muslims.

Actually, you are making an understatement here. Virtually Zero conservativates in America are violent extremists.

I never met a solitary one, and probably never will.

The Bidenesque idea that "violent conservatism" is a threat is a load of shit. Similar to the bullshit that Big Brother put out about Emmanuel Goldstein and the Brotherhood back in the day.

Just something to frighten weak-minded individuals by the all-powerful Liberal State, to divert people's eyes from the real problem.
I never met a violent extremists Muslim either but they have existed.

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