Sexual's not just for women.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
At the dinner table last night we were talking about all of these recent accusations and our own personal experiences.
I have been in a position as an employer since 1986. When I was in my mid-20's I was a production manager with 40+ plus folks in my direct supervision. Over half were women. As a 20 something single guy, I will absolutely admit that a woman's looks had a factor in if she was hired. Guilty as charged. I even dated a couple of them, which was dumb. But at no time did I ever do anything that was inappropriate at work, or anywhere else. Just not me.
However, it certainly has happened to me. Pretty much throughout my career I have had sexual advances on me by women. It happens. I'll go out on a limb and bet guys right here has had it happen to them also. In fact, women can be worse than men!
I have had boobs pressed against me, I have had my ass grabbed, more than once...lots of sexual innuendos...plenty of it. I had a woman who was a good friend of my 1st wife that hit on me constantly. I couldn't say a word to this lady without her turning into something sexual. What the hell was I suppose to do? I would have never lived it down by all the guys at work if I complained.
I am 52 and I still deal with it. As late as last year.

At any rate. With all of these accusations and "me too's"...hell I will go ahead and say "me too". But I never once considered filing a complaint, I just dealt with it and moved on. Doesn't bother me. Hadn't thought about it much.
At the dinner table last night we were talking about all of these recent accusations and our own personal experiences.
I have been in a position as an employer since 1986. When I was in my mid-20's I was a production manager with 40+ plus folks in my direct supervision. Over half were women. As a 20 something single guy, I will absolutely admit that a woman's looks had a factor in if she was hired. Guilty as charged. I even dated a couple of them, which was dumb. But at no time did I ever do anything that was inappropriate at work, or anywhere else. Just not me.
However, it certainly has happened to me. Pretty much throughout my career I have had sexual advances on me by women. It happens. I'll go out on a limb and bet guys right here has had it happen to them also. In fact, women can be worse than men!
I have had boobs pressed against me, I have had my ass grabbed, more than once...lots of sexual innuendos...plenty of it. I had a woman who was a good friend of my 1st wife that hit on me constantly. I couldn't say a word to this lady without her turning into something sexual. What the hell was I suppose to do? I would have never lived it down by all the guys at work if I complained.
I am 52 and I still deal with it. As late as last year.

At any rate. With all of these accusations and "me too's"...hell I will go ahead and say "me too". But I never once considered filing a complaint, I just dealt with it and moved on. Doesn't bother me. Hadn't thought about it much.
Really? How many times has Helen hit on you? Wouldn't you mind?


Tell Me you'd not report that shit.......:poke:
At the dinner table last night we were talking about all of these recent accusations and our own personal experiences.
I have been in a position as an employer since 1986. When I was in my mid-20's I was a production manager with 40+ plus folks in my direct supervision. Over half were women. As a 20 something single guy, I will absolutely admit that a woman's looks had a factor in if she was hired. Guilty as charged. I even dated a couple of them, which was dumb. But at no time did I ever do anything that was inappropriate at work, or anywhere else. Just not me.
However, it certainly has happened to me. Pretty much throughout my career I have had sexual advances on me by women. It happens. I'll go out on a limb and bet guys right here has had it happen to them also. In fact, women can be worse than men!
I have had boobs pressed against me, I have had my ass grabbed, more than once...lots of sexual innuendos...plenty of it. I had a woman who was a good friend of my 1st wife that hit on me constantly. I couldn't say a word to this lady without her turning into something sexual. What the hell was I suppose to do? I would have never lived it down by all the guys at work if I complained.
I am 52 and I still deal with it. As late as last year.

At any rate. With all of these accusations and "me too's"...hell I will go ahead and say "me too". But I never once considered filing a complaint, I just dealt with it and moved on. Doesn't bother me. Hadn't thought about it much.
Really? How many times has Helen hit on you? Wouldn't you mind?


Tell Me you'd not report that shit.......:poke:

Before or after I vomited?
At the dinner table last night we were talking about all of these recent accusations and our own personal experiences.
I have been in a position as an employer since 1986. When I was in my mid-20's I was a production manager with 40+ plus folks in my direct supervision. Over half were women. As a 20 something single guy, I will absolutely admit that a woman's looks had a factor in if she was hired. Guilty as charged. I even dated a couple of them, which was dumb. But at no time did I ever do anything that was inappropriate at work, or anywhere else. Just not me.
However, it certainly has happened to me. Pretty much throughout my career I have had sexual advances on me by women. It happens. I'll go out on a limb and bet guys right here has had it happen to them also. In fact, women can be worse than men!
I have had boobs pressed against me, I have had my ass grabbed, more than once...lots of sexual innuendos...plenty of it. I had a woman who was a good friend of my 1st wife that hit on me constantly. I couldn't say a word to this lady without her turning into something sexual. What the hell was I suppose to do? I would have never lived it down by all the guys at work if I complained.
I am 52 and I still deal with it. As late as last year.

At any rate. With all of these accusations and "me too's"...hell I will go ahead and say "me too". But I never once considered filing a complaint, I just dealt with it and moved on. Doesn't bother me. Hadn't thought about it much.

It is interesting how, to a guy "It ain't no thang", but then again, we don't get pregnant either.

But it does bring up a point my wife made the other day. Women are well known to use their sexuality to attain. She brought that up when we recently went car shopping and noticed (as did I), that when the sales lady at the Dealership first started helping us, she was showing a modest amount of cleavage, but by the time we returned from the test drive, there was MUCH MORE showing.

In another case I had taken over a position from a female and the female owners would often tell the story about how, when the women who I replaced would get close to closing a deal, she would always wear a revealing top.

In a way, this thing swings both ways.
Yes, it happens.

Yes, women do it, too.

For the Board: what are you doing to end harassment in the work place, people?
Yes, it happens.

Yes, women do it, too.

For the Board: what are you doing to end harassment in the work place, people?

As usual in our overly sensitive "safe place" crowd...the slightest irritation and it's call in the national guard.
We are sexual creatures. It is what we are. Men and women. We need to stop this nonsense of "Zero tolerance" and take back common sense. There is NO place anywhere, anytime for aggressive/overt sexual harassment and sexual assault. That must be dealt with immediately and severely. But getting your ass grabbed? Is it really that bad? I didn't like it considering one of the women who did it was my 1st wife's boss!
Point being. We need to calm down. Separate serious offences from just being human. Separate the clowns from the predators.
Yes, it happens.

Yes, women do it, too.

For the Board: what are you doing to end harassment in the work place, people?

As usual in our overly sensitive "safe place" crowd...the slightest irritation and it's call in the national guard.
We are sexual creatures. It is what we are. Men and women. We need to stop this nonsense of "Zero tolerance" and take back common sense. There is NO place anywhere, anytime for aggressive/overt sexual harassment and sexual assault. That must be dealt with immediately and severely. But getting your ass grabbed? Is it really that bad? I didn't like it considering one of the women who did it was my 1st wife's boss!
Point being. We need to calm down. Separate serious offences from just being human. Separate the clowns from the predators.
I understand the gist of what you are saying, but your path is not enough..
Yes, it happens.

Yes, women do it, too.

For the Board: what are you doing to end harassment in the work place, people?

As usual in our overly sensitive "safe place" crowd...the slightest irritation and it's call in the national guard.
We are sexual creatures. It is what we are. Men and women. We need to stop this nonsense of "Zero tolerance" and take back common sense. There is NO place anywhere, anytime for aggressive/overt sexual harassment and sexual assault. That must be dealt with immediately and severely. But getting your ass grabbed? Is it really that bad? I didn't like it considering one of the women who did it was my 1st wife's boss!
Point being. We need to calm down. Separate serious offences from just being human. Separate the clowns from the predators.
I understand the gist of what you are saying, but your path is not enough..

So, as a women, tell us what we should do?
Yes, it happens.

Yes, women do it, too.

For the Board: what are you doing to end harassment in the work place, people?

As usual in our overly sensitive "safe place" crowd...the slightest irritation and it's call in the national guard.
We are sexual creatures. It is what we are. Men and women. We need to stop this nonsense of "Zero tolerance" and take back common sense. There is NO place anywhere, anytime for aggressive/overt sexual harassment and sexual assault. That must be dealt with immediately and severely. But getting your ass grabbed? Is it really that bad? I didn't like it considering one of the women who did it was my 1st wife's boss!
Point being. We need to calm down. Separate serious offences from just being human. Separate the clowns from the predators.
I understand the gist of what you are saying, but your path is not enough..

So, as a women, tell us what we should do?
Since you are bottom bang and female, you should tell us. ;)
Yes, it happens.

Yes, women do it, too.

For the Board: what are you doing to end harassment in the work place, people?

As usual in our overly sensitive "safe place" crowd...the slightest irritation and it's call in the national guard.
We are sexual creatures. It is what we are. Men and women. We need to stop this nonsense of "Zero tolerance" and take back common sense. There is NO place anywhere, anytime for aggressive/overt sexual harassment and sexual assault. That must be dealt with immediately and severely. But getting your ass grabbed? Is it really that bad? I didn't like it considering one of the women who did it was my 1st wife's boss!
Point being. We need to calm down. Separate serious offences from just being human. Separate the clowns from the predators.
I understand the gist of what you are saying, but your path is not enough..

So, as a women, tell us what we should do?
Since you are bottom bang and female, you should tell us. ;)

you sure have dim clever retorts lil guy. Much better then most third graders!
Yes, it happens.

Yes, women do it, too.

For the Board: what are you doing to end harassment in the work place, people?

As usual in our overly sensitive "safe place" crowd...the slightest irritation and it's call in the national guard.
We are sexual creatures. It is what we are. Men and women. We need to stop this nonsense of "Zero tolerance" and take back common sense. There is NO place anywhere, anytime for aggressive/overt sexual harassment and sexual assault. That must be dealt with immediately and severely. But getting your ass grabbed? Is it really that bad? I didn't like it considering one of the women who did it was my 1st wife's boss!
Point being. We need to calm down. Separate serious offences from just being human. Separate the clowns from the predators.
I understand the gist of what you are saying, but your path is not enough..

So, as a women, tell us what we should do?
Since you are bottom bang and female, you should tell us. ;)

you sure have dim clever retorts lil guy. Much better then most third graders!
You are so girlish, Pop23. I imagine that operation was hard at your age, but here you are all dolled up. :)
I think men and women often have different ideas/opinions of what constitutes sexual harassment.

That said.... I work with hundreds of women. There’s rarely a day when one doesn’t reach out to grab my hand while passing in a hall, or give a hug and peck on the cheek.
I’ve always seen it as their way of saying they like the job I’m doing.

As a guy, I would never initiate a move like that.
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I think men and women often have different ideas/opinions of what constitutes sexual harassment.

That said.... I work with hundreds of women. There’s rarely a day when one doesn’t reach out to grab my hand while passing in a hall, or give a hug and peck on the cheek.
I’ve always seen it as their way of saying they like the job I’m doing.

As a guy, I would never initiate a move like that.

I think that’s the point. We, men, have to be far more careful at the workplace, and perhaps that’s warranted. But it is a shame that a mere brush can bring such angst.
I think men and women often have different ideas/opinions of what constitutes sexual harassment.

That said.... I work with hundreds of women. There’s rarely a day when one doesn’t reach out to grab my hand while passing in a hall, or give a hug and peck on the cheek.
I’ve always seen it as their way of saying they like the job I’m doing.

As a guy, I would never initiate a move like that.

I think that’s the point. We, men, have to be far more careful at the workplace, and perhaps that’s warranted. But it is a shame that a mere brush can bring such angst.
I think it’ll take more than a mere brush with most companies.

What we’ve been hearing about is outrageous. If those guys weren’t smart enough to know they were crossing a line, they shouldn’t be making important decisions.

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