Sex Starting At 40 Bucks In LA


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
.....and the STDs are free.....But that's what they voted for, so there it is.

LOL.....If you look-up the street view for 7432 Figueroa you can see a couple of hookers with their tits hanging out in broad daylight.


Emboldened by new California laws that make it nearly impossible for cops to bust prostitutes, sex workers in Los Angeles’ red light district stalk for business wearing no more than thongs, G-strings and high heels in broad daylight.

A 40-block area of Figueroa Boulevard in South LA sees hundreds of prostitutes, some barely out of their teens, plying their trade since Gov. Gavin Newsom passed the controversial Safer Streets for All Act, which decriminalized loitering with the intent to work as a prostitute in January.

“Before, this type of activity only happened at night where most citizens wouldn’t see it, but now it’s 24/7,” one source told The Post.

“Now you can drive by at 2 p.m. and see it. Families drive by and see 10 girls on the corner, condoms on the ground.

.....and the STDs are free.....But that's what they voted for, so there it is.

LOL.....If you look-up the street view for 7432 Figueroa you can see a couple of hookers with their tits hanging out in broad daylight.


Emboldened by new California laws that make it nearly impossible for cops to bust prostitutes, sex workers in Los Angeles’ red light district stalk for business wearing no more than thongs, G-strings and high heels in broad daylight.

A 40-block area of Figueroa Boulevard in South LA sees hundreds of prostitutes, some barely out of their teens, plying their trade since Gov. Gavin Newsom passed the controversial Safer Streets for All Act, which decriminalized loitering with the intent to work as a prostitute in January.

“Before, this type of activity only happened at night where most citizens wouldn’t see it, but now it’s 24/7,” one source told The Post.

“Now you can drive by at 2 p.m. and see it. Families drive by and see 10 girls on the corner, condoms on the ground.

Are you sure you want to be so transparent on what America has become?
Yeah, we know that it's just the libs to blame, but foreigners don't make that distinction. You're laying it bare for all the world to see.

And if I might add, at a time when America needs to be seen in the eyes of the world as the last refuge of good!
Cities that are sewers of depravity, evil people, and gun murders on the streets that only trends upward?

Really? Is that what you want the world to see as being America?

You need to stick to your diplomacy on buying guns!
.....and the STDs are free.....But that's what they voted for, so there it is.

LOL.....If you look-up the street view for 7432 Figueroa you can see a couple of hookers with their tits hanging out in broad daylight.


Emboldened by new California laws that make it nearly impossible for cops to bust prostitutes, sex workers in Los Angeles’ red light district stalk for business wearing no more than thongs, G-strings and high heels in broad daylight.

A 40-block area of Figueroa Boulevard in South LA sees hundreds of prostitutes, some barely out of their teens, plying their trade since Gov. Gavin Newsom passed the controversial Safer Streets for All Act, which decriminalized loitering with the intent to work as a prostitute in January.

“Before, this type of activity only happened at night where most citizens wouldn’t see it, but now it’s 24/7,” one source told The Post.

“Now you can drive by at 2 p.m. and see it. Families drive by and see 10 girls on the corner, condoms on the ground.

The Whores in the Swamp are even more blatant about it.
Are you sure you want to be so transparent on what America has become?
Yeah, we know that it's just the libs to blame, but foreigners don't make that distinction. You're laying it bare for all the world to see.

And if I might add, at a time when America needs to be seen in the eyes of the world as the last refuge of good!
Cities that are sewers of depravity, evil people, and gun murders on the streets that only trends upward?

Really? Is that what you want the world to see as being America?

You need to stick to your diplomacy on buying guns!
Better whores that the Hoser .gov putting folks to death....I'd just STFU if I were you.
.....and the STDs are free.....But that's what they voted for, so there it is.

LOL.....If you look-up the street view for 7432 Figueroa you can see a couple of hookers with their tits hanging out in broad daylight.


Emboldened by new California laws that make it nearly impossible for cops to bust prostitutes, sex workers in Los Angeles’ red light district stalk for business wearing no more than thongs, G-strings and high heels in broad daylight.

A 40-block area of Figueroa Boulevard in South LA sees hundreds of prostitutes, some barely out of their teens, plying their trade since Gov. Gavin Newsom passed the controversial Safer Streets for All Act, which decriminalized loitering with the intent to work as a prostitute in January.

“Before, this type of activity only happened at night where most citizens wouldn’t see it, but now it’s 24/7,” one source told The Post.

“Now you can drive by at 2 p.m. and see it. Families drive by and see 10 girls on the corner, condoms on the ground.


Great statement about the dignity of women, feminists.

.....and the STDs are free.....But that's what they voted for, so there it is.

LOL.....If you look-up the street view for 7432 Figueroa you can see a couple of hookers with their tits hanging out in broad daylight.


Emboldened by new California laws that make it nearly impossible for cops to bust prostitutes, sex workers in Los Angeles’ red light district stalk for business wearing no more than thongs, G-strings and high heels in broad daylight.

A 40-block area of Figueroa Boulevard in South LA sees hundreds of prostitutes, some barely out of their teens, plying their trade since Gov. Gavin Newsom passed the controversial Safer Streets for All Act, which decriminalized loitering with the intent to work as a prostitute in January.

“Before, this type of activity only happened at night where most citizens wouldn’t see it, but now it’s 24/7,” one source told The Post.

“Now you can drive by at 2 p.m. and see it. Families drive by and see 10 girls on the corner, condoms on the ground.

No different down in your parts...

Are you sure you want to be so transparent on what America has become?
Yeah, we know that it's just the libs to blame, but foreigners don't make that distinction. You're laying it bare for all the world to see.

And if I might add, at a time when America needs to be seen in the eyes of the world as the last refuge of good!
Cities that are sewers of depravity, evil people, and gun murders on the streets that only trends upward?

Really? Is that what you want the world to see as being America?

You need to stick to your diplomacy on buying guns!
Are you living in a bubble? Is there something new? Something we didn´t see in the movies and series?
Are you sure you want to be so transparent on what America has become?
Yeah, we know that it's just the libs to blame, but foreigners don't make that distinction. You're laying it bare for all the world to see.

And if I might add, at a time when America needs to be seen in the eyes of the world as the last refuge of good!
Cities that are sewers of depravity, evil people, and gun murders on the streets that only trends upward?

Really? Is that what you want the world to see as being America?

You need to stick to your diplomacy on buying guns!
Fuck off, Canadian!
Another great Libtard idea that is a disaster.

"Hey, lets allow street prostitution, what could possibly go wrong?"

Liberals screw up everything they touch.

One of the great cities of America has become a shithole because the Democrats fucking everything up.
One of the great conundrums of civilized society - generally ignored - is that men are biologically driven to want p*ssy. Take any moral consideration out of it. It is a biological drive that fuels the propagation of our species. Our women don't go into heat, so the male sex drive is what makes the world go around, so to speak.

Until relatively recently, society dictated (and many complied) that the only circumstance where men can get p*ssy is in the marital bed. This remains the position of the Catholic Church and many other "old time religions." The advent of The Pill and other contraceptive methods has made getting p*ssy more convenient and less messy than it ever was before, but the facts remain: Men want/need p*ssy, and with the birth of today's antagonistic feminism "we" have ARMIES of "incels," in addition to millions of men who are not getting their needs fulfilled at home. The traditional way of easing that biological stress is distasteful to some and unsatisfactory to most.

So there is a universal need for p*ssy. Like it or not.

Hence we have what has been termed, "the World's Oldest Profession," comprised of women who will make their private parts available, for a fee. And on the other side of the transaction, we have the aforementioned unsatisfied men who would employ those female private parts for a time, and willingly pay that fee. But society has long paid lip service to the ethos mentioned in the second paragraph above, to wit, the only acceptable p*ssy is that which is found in the marital bed, or - more recently - from a willing and compliant female, of which there is a limited supply.

As stated above, it is a conundrum. There is a clear biological need, and people willing to meet that need in the context of a consensual financial and physical transaction, but Society demands that that transaction be outlawed.

The situation in Los Angeles (California?) seems absurd, but it is just one more manifestation of the conundrum. Who is to blame? The women who wish to exploit society's need? The men who wish to have their biological needs met in the context of a financial transaction? The legislators who go through ridiculous hoops, paying lip service to the demand of Society that such conduct be outlawed? The cops who must enforce, or not enforce the perverse laws, as the case may be? The Journalists who showcase the absurd spectacle?

I blame it on the Pope.
He may have become somewhat biased against women.

It's been months since he's bought a pink gun, if ever?
LOL....I bought a purple Apollo Custom G-42 .380 for $100 bucks a few years back.....Traded it off towards a decent M1 Carbine.

Like this one.....

One of the great conundrums of civilized society - generally ignored - is that men are biologically driven to want p*ssy. Take any moral consideration out of it. It is a biological drive that fuels the propagation of our species. Our women don't go into heat, so the male sex drive is what makes the world go around, so to speak.

Until relatively recently, society dictated (and many complied) that the only circumstance where men can get p*ssy is in the marital bed. This remains the position of the Catholic Church and many other "old time religions." The advent of The Pill and other contraceptive methods has made getting p*ssy more convenient and less messy than it ever was before, but the facts remain: Men want/need p*ssy, and with the birth of today's antagonistic feminism "we" have ARMIES of "incels," in addition to millions of men who are not getting their needs fulfilled at home. The traditional way of easing that biological stress is distasteful to some and unsatisfactory to most.

So there is a universal need for p*ssy. Like it or not.

Hence we have what has been termed, "the World's Oldest Profession," comprised of women who will make their private parts available, for a fee. And on the other side of the transaction, we have the aforementioned unsatisfied men who would employ those female private parts for a time, and willingly pay that fee. But society has long paid lip service to the ethos mentioned in the second paragraph above, to wit, the only acceptable p*ssy is that which is found in the marital bed, or - more recently - from a willing and compliant female, of which there is a limited supply.

As stated above, it is a conundrum. There is a clear biological need, and people willing to meet that need in the context of a consensual financial and physical transaction, but Society demands that that transaction be outlawed.

The situation in Los Angeles (California?) seems absurd, but it is just one more manifestation of the conundrum. Who is to blame? The women who wish to exploit society's need? The men who wish to have their biological needs met in the context of a financial transaction? The legislators who go through ridiculous hoops, paying lip service to the demand of Society that such conduct be outlawed? The cops who must enforce, or not enforce the perverse laws, as the case may be? The Journalists who showcase the absurd spectacle?

I blame it on the Pope.
Dude, a guy can water the flowers and execute self-control. I am not particularly good looking, though I am witty and charming, and I have bagged more wild pussy over the years than Animal Control. MOST MEN DO NOT PAY GROSS WHORES FOR A FUCK. I mean, at least I doubt they do. The number of whores needed would way exceed the demand. It takes a fucked up guy to want it so bad that he is willing to risk getting some sort of dirty fucking disease that causes health problems, may last for the rest of his life, and may kill him. What a fucking risk that is!!!!

I do not blame the Pope or organized religion. That particular cop-out is a manifestation of your inability intellectually and emotionally to function on a higher plane. It also evidences a certain degree of anger on your part. It is not just a desire to bang pussy that leads to prostitution. There is a pathological element to it whereby the john is willing to risk his life. For what? 5 minutes of lead up to a feeling that will last less than 5 second?!? Give me a fucking break!

True whores are for very young and adventurist guys 18-22 yrs old, mentally fucked-up adult men, and serial killers. No well-adjusted guy is going to be fucking professional whores. They will be with their wife or girlfriend, or they will be banging "Whoowahs" (e.g., bar sluts, ding bats, horny chicks, etc...).
Dude, a guy can water the flowers and execute self-control. I am not particularly good looking, though I am witty and charming, and I have bagged more wild pussy over the years than Animal Control. MOST MEN DO NOT PAY GROSS WHORES FOR A FUCK. I mean, at least I doubt they do. The number of whores needed would way exceed the demand. It takes a fucked up guy to want it so bad that he is willing to risk getting some sort of dirty fucking disease that causes health problems, may last for the rest of his life, and may kill him. What a fucking risk that is!!!!

I do not blame the Pope or organized religion. That particular cop-out is a manifestation of your inability intellectually and emotionally to function on a higher plane. It also evidences a certain degree of anger on your part. It is not just a desire to bang pussy that leads to prostitution. There is a pathological element to it whereby the john is willing to risk his life. For what? 5 minutes of lead up to a feeling that will last less than 5 second?!? Give me a fucking break!

True whores are for very young and adventurist guys 18-22 yrs old, mentally fucked-up adult men, and serial killers. No well-adjusted guy is going to be fucking professional whores. They will be with their wife or girlfriend, or they will be banging "Whoowahs" (e.g., bar sluts, ding bats, horny chicks, etc...).
BTW, I was just trying to not sound like a dick. I am fucking really good looking!
LOL....I bought a purple Apollo Custom G-42 .380 for $100 bucks a few years back.....Traded it off towards a decent M1 Carbine.

Like this one.....

Yo, I bet dat boi looked good hangin out yo waistband of yo ballin' shots!

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