Sex in the USA


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Something I wrote and had presence of mind to copy to Notepad recently. :)

The way we regard sex and sexuality in the US of late is disturbing. No one goes through grade school dreaming of the day they become a crime statistic, but everyone goes through grade school dreaming of the day they have sex. Yet we continually say things like 'kids should be protected from sex.' We hide it away like it's something bad, we make laws affecting this, and put the message out in the Zeitgeist that 'sex is bad.'

I myself grew up with a Dad fond of shooing me out of the room so he could watch something on cable with nudity and or sexuality. Kids learn about hypocrisy early when their parents do this, "I shouldn't watch this because it's dirty. But you are?" ..."Mom! Dad's watching something dirty!" :)

Wasn't until I was 10-12 I saw my first porn magazine (this was well before the internet came into existence.) As I recall it was "Club" magazine my friend's Dad had in his dresser. This was the first time I got a good look at women naked. Around this same time my cousin and I began fooling around duriung family visits sneaking off to do what kids do. Though we never had actual intercourse, we did manage to get into each other's beds and kiss and body rub. It was this way in fact I had my first 'partner-sex' climax. Not knowing anything but it felt good at that time, I thought I was peeing on her. Resolution in full effect I embarassingly got off and dressed and slinked out of the room for my own. 30+ years later I still have guilt about that for the mess I must have made. So my sexual life began (such as it was) began a bit earlier than the average. Had a Spanish girlfriend later when we were both 13 and that was my first frenchkissing experience :) Various other experiences with peers up until a friend of my Mom's got kinda flirty and not having been raised to feel ashamed of sex I initiated some touching with her and she reciprocated leading to an 'affair' at 16 for the summer. She was my first proper sexual experience and we did pretty much everything you can do. :) At least until my Mom's kissass boyfriend found out and told my Mom who threatened her with the law (being 2 years under the aoc.) And thus beginning my intense hatred of aoc laws. :)

Sex can be the very best thing we can do with another person. And having had only positive experiences with it myself, I still can't understand why people take such a dim view of it. It's fun, it feels good, and everybody wants to do it (who's being honest anyway.) Even asexuals enjoy masturbating if not partner-sex, but I've yet to meet anyone who was completely non-sexual. So if everyone wants to do it (to some degree) why is it depicted as the worst thing imaginable? I think on this question a lot.

Some of my working hypotheses include: it's a population issue. Encourage and socially condone sex, and people make more babies which are a burden on any society. This at least makes some kind of sense. But falls down then when you consider how the government not only discourages sex asw ith aoc legislation, but then also tries to control birth control and abortion. If we were concerned about sex and population shouldn't we encourage the things that mitigate it?

Another notion much more pessimistic is that as the world's bully and beginner of wars, we want our population fearful since fearful people grant their governments more control over them to keep them safe. A public free to have sex will see strangers as potential sex partners, not potential threats as benefits a warlike government. It's hard to imagine people in power perpetuating something like this, but it fits the circumstances and goings-on.

Religion too plays a big part. Christianity is the defacto religion of our country in both numbers and traditions. All our holidays are religiously-inspired from the Judaeo-Christian traditions. While we've made inroads with secularism, and have a secular version of every religious holiday (Santa, Easter Bunny, etc. have nothing to do with the religious holidays.) But despite this increasing secularism, we're still a very religious-influenced culture. Christianity is decidely anti-sex. Both it's main figure, and main disciple were seemingly celibate and in the case of Paul flatout encouraged celibacy. So if a majority of your nation's people are a religious tradition down on sex, that that culture will reflect that makes sense.

But all this aside, we so blatant about our hypocrisy about sex it boggles my mind. Do people not see this hypocrisy and lunacy? We talk a great deal about protecting kids from the dangers of sex. We even have laws about not letting kids see sexually explicit materials. Yet I can't help but notice we don't have similar laws about protecting them from violent images. It's illegal in every state (presumedly, only checked ones I've lived in) to show a kid pornography. It is not illegal though to show them explicit violence. Gotta wonder what the deal is with that. Pretty much every kid wants to see sex by the time they hit puberty. Very few wanna look at ISIL beheading videos as recreation. So what our we saying to kids but violence is good, sex is bad. Then we scratch our heads when rape becomes a pandemic claiming we can't udnerstand why we're so rapey. Maybe because kids have grown up seeing violence including sexual violence, but have been forbidden from seeing positive-sexuality? It's like we're sending the message the only thing to be done with women is terrorize, carve them up, and rape them. We don't let kids see anything else. Modern premium cable T&A movies (isn't any kind of porn nor softcore) Show breasts, butts, and brief distant shots of female-genitalia. But no penises, no penetration, no anything one usually wants to see if they're watching "porn." As someone who enjoys porn, I'd rather watch static or a test pattern than any of that garbage. They're not even having sex. The man's limp and just 'smashing' himself against the woman and she's conspicuously concealing that with her palm. And while there's lots of girl-girl content, I've never seen boy-boy. Though interestingly, on PPV (if you have digital cable) there are seemingly hardcore selections available for about $15 a pop including gay, lesbian,and most recently I've noticed a tab for transsexual porn. I've yet to see any of these the cost being objectionable when I can get identical content for free, but judging by the descriptions and titles, I assume it's XXX. The stuff on so-called Skinimax isn't even X though.

No scientific study ever conducted found an association or correlation or causation between non-violent pornography and sexual violence (violent pornography is more suspect.) And where such material is available, sex crmes go down. Where's it's forbidden and banned, sex crimes go up. I wonder then if this is why violent material is readily available? If people can see simulated or even real violence, they get a "The Purge" like benefit and get those impulses out harmlessly. Whereas if violent faire is banned real violence is the result? But given how violent our society is, if this is the 'less violent' version I shudder to think about the alternative.

But the problem remains. Because we are a very violent people, that we restrict positive depictions of non-violent sexuality doesn't make much sense. Especially when we allow violent content. Being a fan of the "Archer" animated series, I watch with bemusement the content warning of every episode saying there' language, violence, and occasionally sex and nudity. Uh it's cell animation. Who's being protected from naked cartoon characters? Other cartoons characters? To say nothing of shows like "South Park" on Comedy Central. A number of episodes now being censored with text from CC saying like, "Comedy Central has censored this scene for your protection." Because the one showing Cartman crapping from his mouth might...What exactly? Have people shoving food up their rectums to see if that actually works? If anyone did that I'd think that's more a problem with their minds than they saw something on tv. :) Yet they don't censor violent content even in the same episode. And we blur or black box censor all nudity, even in non-sexual contexts like Discovery's "Naked and Afraid" survival show. Ya, cause a mosquito bitten rashy naked women a week without bathing or makeup might lead me to...What? Discourage my girlfriends from bathing and get bug bitten because that's so hot?

We desperately need to get our society and culture caught up with the 21st century. We're embarassing the hell out of our parents perpetuating this lunatic-asylum logic.

(apologies for any typos, desperately need to marry an editor.) :)
wow, I grew up naïve.... never had anything even CLOSE to that kind of stuff happen to me.

my first "romantic" feelings didn't happen until my teens when I had my 1st boyfriend in the 8th grade...
I'm not going to get specific about the details, but, I felt it important to save myself so I held off for a long time, but, other things happened... but not until I was in college ....

guess we all have differing experiences....
wow, I grew up naïve.... never had anything even CLOSE to that kind of stuff happen to me.

my first "romantic" feelings didn't happen until my teens when I had my 1st boyfriend in the 8th grade...
I'm not going to get specific about the details, but, I felt it important to save myself so I held off for a long time, but, other things happened... but not until I was in college ....

guess we all have differing experiences....

I'm always surprised when I hear how late-bloomer'ish many people are. Might be a California thing and what they say about us is truer than we think. :) I can't imagine she and I were both in the throes of puberty then. Had been masturbating at whatever early age was wearing Batman two-piece pajammas, but don't remember sexual fantasies per se' so much as it just felt good. Guess much of it had a lot to do with just ever having been corrected and made to feel guilty about it. Even when my Mom started walking in on us. Rather than reading us the Riot Act she simply said, and this has since burned into my long-term memory, "There are other ways to satisfy those urges." Meaning masturbation. But that was about it. Guess absent the usual jihad-like reaction I developed in the way you would absent any sort of holy roller type reaction.

Even in church and temple I never got a anti-sex message.
Glad you got the pedophile rant off your chest. The reason we keep kids away from sex is they are too young to make mature decisions and sex has life long consequences. Disease and pregnancy to name a few.

Nudity is a different issue and I'd agree it makes no sense to hide a nipple but show heads getting blown off. But nudity and sex are not the same thing.
Glad you got the pedophile rant off your chest. The reason we keep kids away from sex is they are too young to make mature decisions and sex has life long consequences. Disease and pregnancy to name a few.

Nudity is a different issue and I'd agree it makes no sense to hide a nipple but show heads getting blown off. But nudity and sex are not the same thing.

Ability to make such decisions doesn't necessitate it being a good decision.

No one'd deny a child can decide to eat junk food and not do their homework. Doesn't mean it's a good decision though. Can consent to eating things not all too good for them just as they can sex. Doesn't take a heckuva lot neurological development to know something like sex feels good and is a lot of fun. While they may lack the understanding of consequences as with STIs and pregnancy, they can still have enough wherewithall to consent to doing something pleasant. And at its' core that's all sex is.

By the time kids hit puberty (currently happens on average of 11 and change) they've heard so much about sex that if they're not given the education to at least know there are risks, they're in much greater jeopardy than if they'd gotten it. And that's exactly what the statistics show. Absent sex ed, kids have sex around puberty's onset but get pregnant and diseases. In socities with ongoing early sex ed, by the time they have sex they aren't getting pregnant or diseased but about an eighth as much as our kids in the states. If people truly wanted to protect kdis then sex ed would be in evidence. So it's curious to me we do the very thing resulting in all the harm.
No one'd deny a child can decide to eat junk food and not do their homework. Doesn't mean it's a good decision though. Can consent to eating things not all too good for them just as they can sex. Doesn't take a heckuva lot neurological development to know something like sex feels good and is a lot of fun. While they may lack the understanding of consequences as with STIs and pregnancy, they can still have enough wherewithall to consent to doing something pleasant. And at its' core that's all sex is.
No, it isn't like eating junk food. Candy bars don't give you live long diseases or children or the emotional issues intimacy does. Many adults don't handle it too well, kids certainly can't. That's some fucked up rationalization there dude.
We are not a violent society, nor are we the world's bully.

We are not a "rapey" society.

We are a very religious influenced society. Considering the number of religious citizens, past and present, that makes complete sense.

Unless you think those people should be prevented from having their voices heard?
Wow. This sick bastard said that kids have the wherewithall to consent to "do something pleasant."

Hope this fuckhead pervert gets banned again. Ill report it as commanded to.
Something I wrote and had presence of mind to copy to Notepad recently. :)

The way we regard sex and sexuality in the US of late is disturbing. No one goes through grade school dreaming of the day they become a crime statistic, but everyone goes through grade school dreaming of the day they have sex. Yet we continually say things like 'kids should be protected from sex.' We hide it away like it's something bad, we make laws affecting this, and put the message out in the Zeitgeist that 'sex is bad.'

I myself grew up with a Dad fond of shooing me out of the room so he could watch something on cable with nudity and or sexuality. Kids learn about hypocrisy early when their parents do this, "I shouldn't watch this because it's dirty. But you are?" ..."Mom! Dad's watching something dirty!" :)

Wasn't until I was 10-12 I saw my first porn magazine (this was well before the internet came into existence.) As I recall it was "Club" magazine my friend's Dad had in his dresser. This was the first time I got a good look at women naked. Around this same time my cousin and I began fooling around duriung family visits sneaking off to do what kids do. Though we never had actual intercourse, we did manage to get into each other's beds and kiss and body rub. It was this way in fact I had my first 'partner-sex' climax. Not knowing anything but it felt good at that time, I thought I was peeing on her. Resolution in full effect I embarassingly got off and dressed and slinked out of the room for my own. 30+ years later I still have guilt about that for the mess I must have made. So my sexual life began (such as it was) began a bit earlier than the average. Had a Spanish girlfriend later when we were both 13 and that was my first frenchkissing experience :) Various other experiences with peers up until a friend of my Mom's got kinda flirty and not having been raised to feel ashamed of sex I initiated some touching with her and she reciprocated leading to an 'affair' at 16 for the summer. She was my first proper sexual experience and we did pretty much everything you can do. :) At least until my Mom's kissass boyfriend found out and told my Mom who threatened her with the law (being 2 years under the aoc.) And thus beginning my intense hatred of aoc laws. :)

Sex can be the very best thing we can do with another person. And having had only positive experiences with it myself, I still can't understand why people take such a dim view of it. It's fun, it feels good, and everybody wants to do it (who's being honest anyway.) Even asexuals enjoy masturbating if not partner-sex, but I've yet to meet anyone who was completely non-sexual. So if everyone wants to do it (to some degree) why is it depicted as the worst thing imaginable? I think on this question a lot.

Some of my working hypotheses include: it's a population issue. Encourage and socially condone sex, and people make more babies which are a burden on any society. This at least makes some kind of sense. But falls down then when you consider how the government not only discourages sex asw ith aoc legislation, but then also tries to control birth control and abortion. If we were concerned about sex and population shouldn't we encourage the things that mitigate it?

Another notion much more pessimistic is that as the world's bully and beginner of wars, we want our population fearful since fearful people grant their governments more control over them to keep them safe. A public free to have sex will see strangers as potential sex partners, not potential threats as benefits a warlike government. It's hard to imagine people in power perpetuating something like this, but it fits the circumstances and goings-on.

Religion too plays a big part. Christianity is the defacto religion of our country in both numbers and traditions. All our holidays are religiously-inspired from the Judaeo-Christian traditions. While we've made inroads with secularism, and have a secular version of every religious holiday (Santa, Easter Bunny, etc. have nothing to do with the religious holidays.) But despite this increasing secularism, we're still a very religious-influenced culture. Christianity is decidely anti-sex. Both it's main figure, and main disciple were seemingly celibate and in the case of Paul flatout encouraged celibacy. So if a majority of your nation's people are a religious tradition down on sex, that that culture will reflect that makes sense.

But all this aside, we so blatant about our hypocrisy about sex it boggles my mind. Do people not see this hypocrisy and lunacy? We talk a great deal about protecting kids from the dangers of sex. We even have laws about not letting kids see sexually explicit materials. Yet I can't help but notice we don't have similar laws about protecting them from violent images. It's illegal in every state (presumedly, only checked ones I've lived in) to show a kid pornography. It is not illegal though to show them explicit violence. Gotta wonder what the deal is with that. Pretty much every kid wants to see sex by the time they hit puberty. Very few wanna look at ISIL beheading videos as recreation. So what our we saying to kids but violence is good, sex is bad. Then we scratch our heads when rape becomes a pandemic claiming we can't udnerstand why we're so rapey. Maybe because kids have grown up seeing violence including sexual violence, but have been forbidden from seeing positive-sexuality? It's like we're sending the message the only thing to be done with women is terrorize, carve them up, and rape them. We don't let kids see anything else. Modern premium cable T&A movies (isn't any kind of porn nor softcore) Show breasts, butts, and brief distant shots of female-genitalia. But no penises, no penetration, no anything one usually wants to see if they're watching "porn." As someone who enjoys porn, I'd rather watch static or a test pattern than any of that garbage. They're not even having sex. The man's limp and just 'smashing' himself against the woman and she's conspicuously concealing that with her palm. And while there's lots of girl-girl content, I've never seen boy-boy. Though interestingly, on PPV (if you have digital cable) there are seemingly hardcore selections available for about $15 a pop including gay, lesbian,and most recently I've noticed a tab for transsexual porn. I've yet to see any of these the cost being objectionable when I can get identical content for free, but judging by the descriptions and titles, I assume it's XXX. The stuff on so-called Skinimax isn't even X though.

No scientific study ever conducted found an association or correlation or causation between non-violent pornography and sexual violence (violent pornography is more suspect.) And where such material is available, sex crmes go down. Where's it's forbidden and banned, sex crimes go up. I wonder then if this is why violent material is readily available? If people can see simulated or even real violence, they get a "The Purge" like benefit and get those impulses out harmlessly. Whereas if violent faire is banned real violence is the result? But given how violent our society is, if this is the 'less violent' version I shudder to think about the alternative.

But the problem remains. Because we are a very violent people, that we restrict positive depictions of non-violent sexuality doesn't make much sense. Especially when we allow violent content. Being a fan of the "Archer" animated series, I watch with bemusement the content warning of every episode saying there' language, violence, and occasionally sex and nudity. Uh it's cell animation. Who's being protected from naked cartoon characters? Other cartoons characters? To say nothing of shows like "South Park" on Comedy Central. A number of episodes now being censored with text from CC saying like, "Comedy Central has censored this scene for your protection." Because the one showing Cartman crapping from his mouth might...What exactly? Have people shoving food up their rectums to see if that actually works? If anyone did that I'd think that's more a problem with their minds than they saw something on tv. :) Yet they don't censor violent content even in the same episode. And we blur or black box censor all nudity, even in non-sexual contexts like Discovery's "Naked and Afraid" survival show. Ya, cause a mosquito bitten rashy naked women a week without bathing or makeup might lead me to...What? Discourage my girlfriends from bathing and get bug bitten because that's so hot?

We desperately need to get our society and culture caught up with the 21st century. We're embarassing the hell out of our parents perpetuating this lunatic-asylum logic.

(apologies for any typos, desperately need to marry an editor.) :)

Lots of fair points, if longwinded and observations made before. But yes we are a culture obsessed with violence in the positive and with sex in the negative. Anyone who leaves the country and spends time elsewhere -- even Canada -- notices the shift immediately as that burden dissipates from one's shoulders.

Not unrelated:

>> Bundling is probably the best known courtship practice of colonial America, even though very little research on the topic has ever been published. It appears to contradict the otherwise sexually strict mores of the Puritans. It meant that a courting couple would be in bed together, but with their clothes on. With fuel at a premium, it was often difficult to keep a house warm in the evenings. Since this is when a man would be visiting his betrothed in her home, they would bundle in her bed together in order to keep warm. A board might be placed in the middle to keep them separate, or the young lady could be put in a bundling bag or duffel-like chastity bag. The best protection against sin were the parents, who were usually in the same room with them. It may not have been good enough, however, as records indicate that up to one-third of couples engaged in premarital relations in spite of the public penalties, such as being fined and whipped, that often resulted (Ingoldsby 1995).

There was no dating per se in colonial times. A man would ask the parents for a young woman's hand in marriage and once they agreed courting could begin. The young couple had already determined that they were in love, of course. Parents would approve of bundling for their daughter with the man she intended to marry. Although it was not always this strictly controlled, it is clear that the women determined when and with whom bundling occurred. It provided the opportunity for some physical closeness in an otherwise strict society.

The beginning of bundling is unclear, though it does seem certain that it was a practice brought by the Puritans from Europe. Some feel that its origin can be traced to the Biblical story of Ruth and Boaz, where she laid at his feet and he invited her to "Tarry this night" (Ruth 3:6–13). Bundling was occasionally referred to as tarrying. << -- Bundling
We are not a violent society, nor are we the world's bully.

We are not a "rapey" society.

We are a very religious influenced society. Considering the number of religious citizens, past and present, that makes complete sense.

Unless you think those people should be prevented from having their voices heard?

Those three dynamics are a package. You might say they're "bundled".
While they may lack the understanding of consequences as with STIs and pregnancy, they can still have enough wherewithall to consent to doing something pleasant. And at its' core that's all sex is.

Wake up.

That still says nothing about pedophilia. The operative verb there is "consent". Which relates to desires and values, which, as I read it, is what the entire diatribe is about -- cultural values of sex versus those of violence, and how they're addressed as values.

I don't see anything legalistic in there. Y'all are really trying to stretch a square peg to fit a round hole here, no pun intended.
While they may lack the understanding of consequences as with STIs and pregnancy, they can still have enough wherewithall to consent to doing something pleasant. And at its' core that's all sex is.

Wake up.

That still says nothing about pedophilia. The operative verb there is "consent". Which relates to desires and values, which, as I read it, is what the entire diatribe is about -- cultural values of sex versus those of violence, and how they're addressed as values.

I don't see anything legalistic in there. Y'all are really trying to stretch a square peg to fit a round hole here, no pun intended.
Yea well, you have to blatantly ignore his ample threads hes created arguing against age of consent laws....

Then see the threads where he brags about making milk and cookies for the neighborhood kids......

Then see posts like i just showed you....

Combine it all with at minimum half wit.....but be pressing for full....

And put 2 and 2 together. If you cant, well hey, theres a sucker born every millisecond on the millisecond.
While they may lack the understanding of consequences as with STIs and pregnancy, they can still have enough wherewithall to consent to doing something pleasant. And at its' core that's all sex is.

Wake up.

That still says nothing about pedophilia. The operative verb there is "consent". Which relates to desires and values, which, as I read it, is what the entire diatribe is about -- cultural values of sex versus those of violence, and how they're addressed as values.

I don't see anything legalistic in there. Y'all are really trying to stretch a square peg to fit a round hole here, no pun intended.
Yea well, you have to blatantly ignore his ample threads hes created arguing against age of consent laws....

Then see the threads where he brags about making milk and cookies for the neighborhood kids......

Then see posts like i just showed you....

Combine it all with at minimum half wit.....but be pressing for full....

And put 2 and 2 together. If you cant, well hey, theres a sucker born every millisecond on the millisecond.

I do not get why some people are obsessed with ignoring THIS topic in favor of other topics.
Do we understand the difference between "this" and "that"?

HOW MANY threads is this thread?

I make it one.

Maybe it's my math?

wow, I grew up naïve.... never had anything even CLOSE to that kind of stuff happen to me.

my first "romantic" feelings didn't happen until my teens when I had my 1st boyfriend in the 8th grade...
I'm not going to get specific about the details, but, I felt it important to save myself so I held off for a long time, but, other things happened... but not until I was in college ....

guess we all have differing experiences....
I want to hear detaill!!!!!!!!

wow, I grew up naïve.... never had anything even CLOSE to that kind of stuff happen to me.

my first "romantic" feelings didn't happen until my teens when I had my 1st boyfriend in the 8th grade...
I'm not going to get specific about the details, but, I felt it important to save myself so I held off for a long time, but, other things happened... but not until I was in college ....

guess we all have differing experiences....
I want to hear detaill!!!!!!!!


really.. calm yourself!!!! :itsok:
wow, I grew up naïve.... never had anything even CLOSE to that kind of stuff happen to me.

my first "romantic" feelings didn't happen until my teens when I had my 1st boyfriend in the 8th grade...
I'm not going to get specific about the details, but, I felt it important to save myself so I held off for a long time, but, other things happened... but not until I was in college ....

guess we all have differing experiences....
I want to hear detaill!!!!!!!!

Loosen your bum!

really.. calm yourself!!!! :itsok:

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