Sex Abuser Hysteria Claims a Life

I think it probably happens a lot, but I doubt that all the guys in the entertainment world do it.


How old are you that you dont recognize a predators line?

You mean the person who said that Haim? I don't know anything about that person or whether or not that person believed what he said was true. According to the story, that person wasn't the one doing the molesting but was in the same house and was aware of it, but it kind of made it sound as if that person was a victim too, but someone who sadly accepted it as "normal."
That is why rape should carry the death penalty...

It did before liberals and the rise of communist sympathizers to power. "the U.S. Supreme Court in Coker v. Georgia, 433 U.S. 584, held that the death penalty for the rape of an adult was "grossly disproportionate" and an "excessive punishment," and hence was unconstitutional under the Eighth Amendment." Link
Mostly the same justices that gave us abortion. In other words execution for the child of the rapist but not the rapist.
In response Louisiana passed a death penalty law for raping a child under the age of 12...which was overturned and ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 2008 Kennedy vs Louisiana.
How long will we let these unelected black robes rule us?
I think it probably happens a lot, but I doubt that all the guys in the entertainment world do it.


How old are you that you dont recognize a predators line?

A predator's line? Don't know what you are talking about. I was just saying that I don't think ALL men in the entertainment industry are sexual predators.

No reasonable adult, of sound mind, would. I am sure there are two or three who arent. But these were kids.
Aren't you one of those that wanted the accused to prove he didn't do it?

Yeah, your that guy, right?

So there must of been witches, none proved they were not, Right?

I would say the fact he removed himself from the mortal coil tells me he was guilty... but never mind.

A "witch hunt" doesnt necessarily involve witches. Just a general term for a purge or "moral panic".
But "proof" is a different thing altogether. Did you "prove" Roy Moore was an abuser? Or did it take on "witch hunt" status with unproven allegations, me-tooism, political jealousies, public condemnations, lack of a presumption of innocence and demands that accusers not be doubted..because of their status as women.

I think that the perponderance of evidence is what did Moore in, not only ALL the accusers, but people like the managers of the Mall that banned him from getting in because he was being creepy to the girls.
Washington state rep Dan Johnson insisted he was innocent even in his suicide note.

How many more will die before people stop this witch hunt hysteria?

Women lie about sex all the time and there is nothing more self-righteous than a lying ideologue who thinks that their lies are for the common good.

Kentucky State Rep. Dan Johnson dies of 'probable suicide' in Mt. Washington

Others who insisted that they were innocent:
Dennis Hastert
Jerry Sandusky

Oh but wait- it wasn't women who accused them.

So the accusations must be true.

The only thing that is as bad as a lying idealogue that thinks that their lies are for the common good, is the lying Jimmie- an idealogue who thinks his lies are for the common good.

To Jimmie- women's accusations are always 'suspect'......
Blame Satan. Yes this holly roller who considered himself the Pope of his church certainty was innocent.

You cant help stepping all over your own message due to your hatred of a Christian.

What a shame, but by all means, Penny, keep on firing.

You are the best advertisement for Christian Dominionism out there.

This guy was a nutjob.

from: Kentucky lawmaker who killed himself claims he raised the dead

"The Kentucky preacher-turned-politician who killed himself after being accused of molesting a teenager claimed he once raised a woman "from the dead."

State Rep. Dan Johnson also declared that he watched the second hijacked plane slam into the World Trade Center from his hotel room and spent the next two weeks blessing bodies as they were removed from the ruins at the morgue he set up at Ground Zero.

Johnson also boasted about being a White House chaplain for presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and professed to have been a peacemaker in Los Angeles during the 1992 Rodney King riots."

"Johnson claimed and to have a "doctorate of divinity" from a Des Moines, Iowa bible school. The Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting found no evidence to support that.

What it did discover is that Johnson was arrested back in the 1980s for torching a Cadillac to collect on the insurance money. He pleaded not guilty and the criminal charges were dismissed in 1987 after completing a six-month pre-trial diversion program.

Later, the news organization reported, Johnson was suspected of torching his own church in June 2000. He blamed the Ku Klux Klan. But the church was bankrupt at the time and rebuilt with insurance money.

Many members of Johnson's flock were bikers and other unlikely church goers who reveled in this Muslim-bashing sermons and were attracted by other perks like being allowed to smoke during services and the booze-fueled parties he hosted on weekends, the news organization reported.

Three times the church was cited for unlicensed liquor sales. But Johnson claimed the alcohol was "communion" so he didn't need a liquor license. The judge disagreed and fined him $250."
Washington state rep Dan Johnson insisted he was innocent even in his suicide note.

How many more will die before people stop this witch hunt hysteria?

Women lie about sex all the time and there is nothing more self-righteous than a lying ideologue who thinks that their lies are for the common good.

Kentucky State Rep. Dan Johnson dies of 'probable suicide' in Mt. Washington

Others who insisted that they were innocent:
Dennis Hastert
Jerry Sandusky

Oh but wait- it wasn't women who accused them.

So the accusations must be true.

The only thing that is as bad as a lying idealogue that thinks that their lies are for the common good, is the lying Jimmie- an idealogue who thinks his lies are for the common good.

To Jimmie- women's accusations are always 'suspect'......
Dennis Hastert never claimed innocence. He paid blackmail for decades.
Washington state rep Dan Johnson insisted he was innocent even in his suicide note.

How many more will die before people stop this witch hunt hysteria?

Women lie about sex all the time and there is nothing more self-righteous than a lying ideologue who thinks that their lies are for the common good.

Kentucky State Rep. Dan Johnson dies of 'probable suicide' in Mt. Washington

Others who insisted that they were innocent:
Dennis Hastert
Jerry Sandusky

Oh but wait- it wasn't women who accused them.

So the accusations must be true.

The only thing that is as bad as a lying idealogue that thinks that their lies are for the common good, is the lying Jimmie- an idealogue who thinks his lies are for the common good.

To Jimmie- women's accusations are always 'suspect'......
Dennis Hastert never claimed innocence. He paid blackmail for decades.
Dennis Hastert 'adamantly denies' child sex assault allegation made in latest lawsuit
Dennis Hastert 'adamantly denies' child sex assault allegation made in latest lawsuit
This guy was a nutjob.
IS that your professional assessment, doctor, over the internet?


Note: Jimmie ignoring all the examples of the guys nutjobbery

"The Kentucky preacher-turned-politician who killed himself after being accused of molesting a teenager claimed he once raised a woman "from the dead."

State Rep. Dan Johnson also declared that he watched the second hijacked plane slam into the World Trade Center from his hotel room and spent the next two weeks blessing bodies as they were removed from the ruins at the morgue he set up at Ground Zero.

Johnson also boasted about being a White House chaplain for presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and professed to have been a peacemaker in Los Angeles during the 1992 Rodney King riots."

"Johnson claimed and to have a "doctorate of divinity" from a Des Moines, Iowa bible school. The Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting found no evidence to support that.

What it did discover is that Johnson was arrested back in the 1980s for torching a Cadillac to collect on the insurance money. He pleaded not guilty and the criminal charges were dismissed in 1987 after completing a six-month pre-trial diversion program.

Later, the news organization reported, Johnson was suspected of torching his own church in June 2000. He blamed the Ku Klux Klan. But the church was bankrupt at the time and rebuilt with insurance money.

Many members of Johnson's flock were bikers and other unlikely church goers who reveled in this Muslim-bashing sermons and were attracted by other perks like being allowed to smoke during services and the booze-fueled parties he hosted on weekends, the news organization reported.

Three times the church was cited for unlicensed liquor sales. But Johnson claimed the alcohol was "communion" so he didn't need a liquor license. The judge disagreed and fined him $250."
HIs wife said yesterday that she would run for his seat. How these people would even get elected is beyond my comprehension.
Washington state rep Dan Johnson insisted he was innocent even in his suicide note.

How many more will die before people stop this witch hunt hysteria?

Women lie about sex all the time and there is nothing more self-righteous than a lying ideologue who thinks that their lies are for the common good.

Kentucky State Rep. Dan Johnson dies of 'probable suicide' in Mt. Washington
He wasn't from Washington. He had mental problems, including PTSD. It isn't a 'witch hunt' or 'hysteria.' Women are now feeling safer and more emboldened to speak out. So much shame and suffering has been hidden. Time to make changes in our society.
Heart of Fire 'Gun Choir' with Pope Dan Johnson

A real holly roller. From caption under video.
According to Johnson, the choir may travel soon, but for now, they can be heard every Sunday at noon at the Heart of Fire Church.

Heart of Fire is known as a ‘biker church’. In fact, half of the church is an actual biker bar. This means is that if you’re a tattooed, sunburnt gun-toting, leather-wearing biker that might get kicked out of a regular church, you’re definitely welcome at Heart of Fire. There’s lots of music and fellowship and Johnson’s fiery and passionate sermons will light a fire in your heart.

Good Lord, at least learn how to spell words. It is "holy" roller. Not "holly" roller. I wouldn't have said anything but you keep repeating the same spelling error over and over!

Thank you, but he is was full of holly and not at all holy. Of course you are not going to comment on his fake church.

His "tax except" church? Are you even American? If so, in what state did you attend public school?
Tragic. Frankly I'm surprized there haven't been more suicides. Accusations hit the news. People are assumed guilty. This man was not charged yet the assumption of his guilt was already there. He became despondent. It is heartbreaking.
I think it is more likely similar to Hitler committing suicide: too much of a coward to face the music.
Heart of Fire 'Gun Choir' with Pope Dan Johnson

A real holly roller. From caption under video.
According to Johnson, the choir may travel soon, but for now, they can be heard every Sunday at noon at the Heart of Fire Church.

Heart of Fire is known as a ‘biker church’. In fact, half of the church is an actual biker bar. This means is that if you’re a tattooed, sunburnt gun-toting, leather-wearing biker that might get kicked out of a regular church, you’re definitely welcome at Heart of Fire. There’s lots of music and fellowship and Johnson’s fiery and passionate sermons will light a fire in your heart.

Good Lord, at least learn how to spell words. It is "holy" roller. Not "holly" roller. I wouldn't have said anything but you keep repeating the same spelling error over and over!

Thank you, but he is was full of holly and not at all holy. Of course you are not going to comment on his fake church.

His "tax except" church? Are you even American? If so, in what state did you attend public school?

Oh my are you an English teacher, tax exempt. I am doing two things at a time, sorry , I do hope you could figure it out.
Washington state rep Dan Johnson insisted he was innocent even in his suicide note.

How many more will die before people stop this witch hunt hysteria?

Women lie about sex all the time and there is nothing more self-righteous than a lying ideologue who thinks that their lies are for the common good.

Kentucky State Rep. Dan Johnson dies of 'probable suicide' in Mt. Washington

People that care more about their career and reputation than their family has something wrong with them in the first place. I have no sympathy.
I can't imagine anyone who has a child committing suicide. It isn't any more about your own life; it is all about your children needing you.

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