Brave Conservative Exposes Mt. Rushmore As A Demonic Portal


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"South Dakota state Rep. Joe Donnell said during an interview that he believes Mount Rushmore is a demonic portal that is allowing communism to spread throughout the country. During the interview on Now Is the Time with Meri Crouley, Donnell called Mt. Rushmore a "shrine" that was created by Freemasons to worship the government he claims "they" built. He then told Crouley that there is a tunnel that directly connects Rushmore to Washington D.C. and that the shrine was a "portal for demonic things."

According to Donnell, Donald Trump's speaking at Mount Rushmore during his final days as President was evident that God was moving against these demonic forces. Donnel says that following Trump's visit, he was told by God that something would be that would allow "the Consitution to be upheld," though he never clarifies what he is referring to. This convinced him that the "demonic things" that America is facing is actually communism."

I want to remind you that this is a sitting member of the state house in South Dakota...this is not some random guy on the street corner, yelling at the moon....this is an elected I would normally take this opportunity to mock the absurdity of fake evangelicals and right-wing conspiracy theorists who are clearly mentally ill -- or at least thinks enough of their base is mentally ill...but instead what I am going to do is make this prediction....

In spite of this moron being batshit crazy and spouting demonstrably false bullshit -- I guarantee you that rightwingers on this site will not admit as such....but instead, find some half ass way to defend it or deflect to "but Democrats do it too" and not give a single example....or just blurt out say "Trans people are pedos!!!" like some fucked up case of tourettes.....Why? ...because they are too cowardly to just be honest and call it what it is...and then these same folks will clutch their pearls when right-wing unhinged candidates keep losing more and more elections.....and no, it won't be "rigged elections, it won't be "trans people made us lose" It won't be Soros or the Deep State.. it will be because the majority of Americans are rejecting your unhinged, Christo-fascist religious bullshit...
Where do they find this stuff? A South Dakota state representative? What would the left do without Soros (tax exempt) Media Matters that monitors (only) republican speech 24/7

Bidened my pants.jpg
My question is: What came first? The lunacy of Donald Trump, or the lunacy of those who believe him?

I mean, is Trump largely responsible for these nutbags in the Republican Party or was the lunacy latent, and just waiting for a trigger to unleash it in a torrent of batshit crazy.
My question is: What came first? The lunacy of Donald Trump, or the lunacy of those who believe him?

I mean, is Trump largely responsible for these nutbags in the Republican Party or was the lunacy latent, and just waiting for a trigger to unleash it in a torrent of batshit crazy.
The lunacy of those before him...Trump didn't start shit........he is no trendsetter, he is a follower...he followed the tone that was set by Newt Gingrich, who followed the tone set by Rush and AM Talk radio..who followed the tone of the John Birch society, and so on.....

Matter of fact, most of the bullshit conspiracies that right-wingers spout today were started by the John Birch society...except now there are no William F Buckleys to kick these people out.........

"South Dakota state Rep. Joe Donnell said during an interview that he believes Mount Rushmore is a demonic portal that is allowing communism to spread throughout the country. During the interview on Now Is the Time with Meri Crouley, Donnell called Mt. Rushmore a "shrine" that was created by Freemasons to worship the government he claims "they" built. He then told Crouley that there is a tunnel that directly connects Rushmore to Washington D.C. and that the shrine was a "portal for demonic things."

According to Donnell, Donald Trump's speaking at Mount Rushmore during his final days as President was evident that God was moving against these demonic forces. Donnel says that following Trump's visit, he was told by God that something would be that would allow "the Consitution to be upheld," though he never clarifies what he is referring to. This convinced him that the "demonic things" that America is facing is actually communism."

I want to remind you that this is a sitting member of the state house in South Dakota...this is not some random guy on the street corner, yelling at the moon....this is an elected I would normally take this opportunity to mock the absurdity of fake evangelicals and right-wing conspiracy theorists who are clearly mentally ill -- or at least thinks enough of their base is mentally ill...but instead what I am going to do is make this prediction....

In spite of this moron being batshit crazy and spouting demonstrably false bullshit -- I guarantee you that rightwingers on this site will not admit as such....but instead, find some half ass way to defend it or deflect to "but Democrats do it too" and not give a single example....or just blurt out say "Trans people are pedos!!!" like some fucked up case of tourettes.....Why? ...because they are too cowardly to just be honest and call it what it is...and then these same folks will clutch their pearls when right-wing unhinged candidates keep losing more and more elections.....and no, it won't be "rigged elections, it won't be "trans people made us lose" It won't be Soros or the Deep State.. it will be because the majority of Americans are rejecting your unhinged, Christo-fascist religious bullshit...

Hats off to Dr Crouley for keeping a straight face through that testimony.
Is she a real Dr who can give you pills or a made up Dr like "Dr" Jerry Falwell ?
My question is: What came first? The lunacy of Donald Trump, or the lunacy of those who believe him?

I mean, is Trump largely responsible for these nutbags in the Republican Party or was the lunacy latent, and just waiting for a trigger to unleash it in a torrent of batshit crazy.

Well thats weird.
Hollywood and all the lefties loved Trump before he ran as a Republican.
Donnell might be a republican but he is a full blooded Native American and Native Americans have had a negative opinion of Mt Rushmore for several generations. It might be a legitimate hatred but Donnell doesn't seem to be able to articulate it without a combination of religion and Indian mumbo jumbo. Lefties love it because they hate anything that celebrates America.

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