Serious Question For Anti-Trump Folks. Where Did You Go To College?


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
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Don't make me name names. Step up and state the facts, or fear the wrath of the truth.
Don't make me name names. Step up and state the facts, or fear the wrath of the truth.
Why do you assume college makes a person intelligent? In the age of the internet, and many libraries, a person could be very well self taught, could they not?

Besides, I don't see you volunteering any information. . . . :badgrin:
I'm proudly anti Trump and did not attend college. I joined the military and served for 20 years instead.

Degrees from questionable colleges are highly over rated. Worthless degrees that have nothing to do with real life are even more over rated.

Based on your posts I don't think we will ever be political buddies, but your long service is appreciated.
You wouldn't know it --- night classes while I worked by day, since my family and circumstances couldn't afford luxuries like college, let alone sitting out the draft because I got bone spurs in I don't remember which foot while playing sqash :gay: and attending New York orgies while not getting captured.

I did spend years working at Penn, though probably after Rump was gone back to Noo Yawk to get his "small inheritance" enroute to having no job for the rest of his life.
Don't make me name names. Step up and state the facts, or fear the wrath of the truth.

University of Maryland, BS, double major in Math & Science
Virginia Tech, MS Computer Science
University of Michigan, MBA, General Management, emphasized Finance

I oppose Trump because he says he's anti-free market capitalism
Which college ? Undergrad or grad
You wouldn't know it --- night classes while I worked by day, since my family and circumstances couldn't afford luxuries like college, let alone sitting out the draft because I got bone spurs in I don't remember which foot while playing sqash :gay: and attending New York orgies while not getting captured.

I did spend years working at Penn, though probably after Rump was gone back to Noo Yawk to get his "small inheritance" enroute to having no job for the rest of his life.

That explains your poor working knowledge of the English language. Where were you an editor? The Sticks Star? The Boonies Bee? The Hick Harold? Most of your readers were illiterate?
Which college ? Undergrad or grad

Obviously both, I mean duh. How did you get into graduate school without being able to answer a simple question like that yourself?
Don't make me name names. Step up and state the facts, or fear the wrath of the truth.

Better than an uneducated redneck douche bag like you. Don't toss stones from a glass house fucko!
I'm proudly anti Trump and did not attend college. I joined the military and served for 20 years instead.
But you're gay.....which changes the dynamic. You are what people like Hillary pray on. They know if they fill your head full of propaganda using false stereotypes, you'll believe any lie they make up.
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