Senators discuss climate change challenges through the night

No, there will be no results. Not in changing the minds of the willfully ignorant. But the physics of the situation are such that there will be results in the physical world that we will have to deal with. Let us hope this fellow is truly alarmist, and has not understated the situation, as those alarmist scientists that predicted that the Arctic Ice would be gone in the summer by 2100. Now it looks like this may be the case by 2020, and, certainly, by 2030.

[ame=]Climate change is simple: David Roberts at TEDxTheEvergreenStateCollege - YouTube[/ame]
No, there will be no results. Not in changing the minds of the willfully ignorant. But the physics of the situation are such that there will be results in the physical world that we will have to deal with. Let us hope this fellow is truly alarmist, and has not understated the situation, as those alarmist scientists that predicted that the Arctic Ice would be gone in the summer by 2100. Now it looks like this may be the case by 2020, and, certainly, by 2030.

Climate change is simple: David Roberts at TEDxTheEvergreenStateCollege - YouTube

^ Proof that some people really are that stupid.
No, there will be no results. Not in changing the minds of the willfully ignorant. But the physics of the situation are such that there will be results in the physical world that we will have to deal with. Let us hope this fellow is truly alarmist, and has not understated the situation, as those alarmist scientists that predicted that the Arctic Ice would be gone in the summer by 2100. Now it looks like this may be the case by 2020, and, certainly, by 2030.

Climate change is simple: David Roberts at TEDxTheEvergreenStateCollege - YouTube

^ Proof that some people really are that stupid.

OK, dumb fuck. Provide some scientfic articles supporting your point of view. Articles from real scientific journals, not political blogs.
No, there will be no results. Not in changing the minds of the willfully ignorant. But the physics of the situation are such that there will be results in the physical world that we will have to deal with. Let us hope this fellow is truly alarmist, and has not understated the situation, as those alarmist scientists that predicted that the Arctic Ice would be gone in the summer by 2100. Now it looks like this may be the case by 2020, and, certainly, by 2030.

Climate change is simple: David Roberts at TEDxTheEvergreenStateCollege - YouTube

^ Proof that some people really are that stupid.

OK, dumb fuck. Provide some scientfic articles supporting your point of view. Articles from real scientific journals, not political blogs.


Plant Processes - How Plants Grow
Godbless the Democratic senators of this great nation. Twitter hashtag #Up4Climate. I just tweeted it

So far, the polluters, their lobbyists, and their drone deniers are winning. WAKE UP AMERICA!!! :mad:

Democrats Talk up Climate Change with Little Hope For Results - NBC News

You do realize that China and India's pollution makes ours look like Rocky Mt. air, don't you? What a waste of time, but subversives are known best for their bullshit, and deflecting from important topics..... Another round of golf, Mr. President???

NEWSFLASH carbon boi!!! Other countries look to us as trend setters because, as you rw'ers say- "we're exceptional". If they see us belching filth into the atmosphere pell mell, they'll do the same.
Godbless the Democratic senators of this great nation. Twitter hashtag #Up4Climate. I just tweeted it

So far, the polluters, their lobbyists, and their drone deniers are winning. WAKE UP AMERICA!!! :mad:

Democrats Talk up Climate Change with Little Hope For Results - NBC News

You do realize that China and India's pollution makes ours look like Rocky Mt. air, don't you? What a waste of time, but subversives are known best for their bullshit, and deflecting from important topics..... Another round of golf, Mr. President???

NEWSFLASH carbon boi!!! Other countries look to us as trend setters because, as you rw'ers say- "we're exceptional". If they see us belching filth into the atmosphere pell mell, they'll do the same.

you're right idiot; no other country has people that can think for themselves; or has a financial incentive to not place restrictions on their industry. nobody does anything unless mean ol America does it first

my god left-wingers are idiots
I thought it was against the law to pollute. Are democrats this dumb?

if you people (repub-voters) had your way there'd be no EPA then rivers would start catching fire again BUT that'd be OK w/ you people because someone, somewhere would be making a profit. :rolleyes:

Talk about denying scientific reality. "The science is settled!" "Goebbels Warming is real and here!"

Meanwhile, in scientific reality, many serious questions remain regarding "climate change" or "AGW". But a true believer, the ones who hold this religion as gospel, will continue to utilize availability cascades in order to promote a nonexistent consensus about how all scientists agree that what they can not prove, and what has many serious questions in regard, is real, here and it is up to politicians to take action.

Watching this cosmos and the guy is gushing about Carl Sagan discovering man made climate change. (funding for fear based science)
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The public is onto their lying scheme of anti fossil fuels, so they had to do it in the middle of the night and they are thinking of ways to repackage and re-sell it. How very deceitful.

Now if they actually wanted to combat CO2 by adding more oxygen then I would be onboard with it. :)
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The first course to solving the great CO2 crisis of our time :lmao:

Is for every true believer to make the ultimate sacrifice from climate change - kill yourselves and stop pumping CO2 into the atmosphere at alarming rates.
can you imagine this bunch of elected idiots who has no formal education on weather sitting up all night "discussing" CLIMATE CHANGE, aka- Globull warming

these Democrats and globull warming...They are going to milk it and you....... so hide your wallets
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You do realize that China and India's pollution makes ours look like Rocky Mt. air, don't you? What a waste of time, but subversives are known best for their bullshit, and deflecting from important topics..... Another round of golf, Mr. President???

NEWSFLASH carbon boi!!! Other countries look to us as trend setters because, as you rw'ers say- "we're exceptional". If they see us belching filth into the atmosphere pell mell, they'll do the same.

you're right idiot; no other country has people that can think for themselves; or has a financial incentive to not place restrictions on their industry. nobody does anything unless mean ol America does it first

my god left-wingers are idiots


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