Senator Rand Paul: Dr. Fauci Must Answer Questions on Why He Continued to Fund Dangerous Human-Virus Studies after they were Banned in US (VIDEO)


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Fauci comes across as quite manipulative, self-centered, and dangerous. And he was all over the place over the Wuhan virus last year.

During their conversation, Senator Paul scolded Joe Biden for wearing a mask on his international global warming calls this week, saying, “I guess this means that Dr. Fauci now believes you can get COVID, you can catch it over your webcam.”

Senator Paul then said Dr. Fauci must answer questions on why he funded dangerous human-viral testing even after it was banned here in the US.

Senator Paul, “There’s a huge ethical question about the origins of the virus. The ethical question is should we be doing gain of function, should we be upgrading animal viruses in the lab to make them more susceptible to humans… We have to ask Dr. Fauci, why did he in overseeing these labs allowed gain of function? Why did he allow labs to get money to upgrade animal viruses so they can infect humans? We got worried about this around 2 or 3 years ago. We closed down about half of them but then Dr. Fauci and his committees opened them back up. We need to ask him why are we doing this in China but are we doing this in the US?”

Fauci comes across as quite manipulative, self-centered, and dangerous. And he was all over the place over the Wuhan virus last year.

During their conversation, Senator Paul scolded Joe Biden for wearing a mask on his international global warming calls this week, saying, “I guess this means that Dr. Fauci now believes you can get COVID, you can catch it over your webcam.”
Senator Paul then said Dr. Fauci must answer questions on why he funded dangerous human-viral testing even after it was banned here in the US.
Senator Paul, “There’s a huge ethical question about the origins of the virus. The ethical question is should we be doing gain of function, should we be upgrading animal viruses in the lab to make them more susceptible to humans… We have to ask Dr. Fauci, why did he in overseeing these labs allowed gain of function? Why did he allow labs to get money to upgrade animal viruses so they can infect humans? We got worried about this around 2 or 3 years ago. We closed down about half of them but then Dr. Fauci and his committees opened them back up. We need to ask him why are we doing this in China but are we doing this in the US?”

Fauci is a domestic bio terrorist who conspired with the CCP and is complicit in the deaths of over 500,000 Americans
Rand Paul is a Dummy. Nuf said.

I am not a conspiracy theorist here but I want to know the answers to this also. Maybe I'm wrong but this is pretty much what I've learned. We banned the research and so those who still wanted to do the research went to China to do so. We pretty much abandoned the research leaving it to who knows what.

I think Fauci should have to answer why this was done. I'm not even arguing the virus came from there. Something just doesn't seem right to me.
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Must be desperate pickings in Kentucky. If your best choice for a Senator is this colossal douchebag. I believe Fauci has handed Rand his ass publicly three times now. But good ole Randy keeps going back to the well for more punishment. It's almost like he enjoys it. I'm guessing that Rand is looking for some redemption. Hint..this ain't the way to get it.

Do you support U.S. companies moving to China to avoid U.S. environmental regulations?
Must be desperate pickings in Kentucky. If your best choice for a Senator is this colossal douchebag. I believe Fauci has handed Rand his ass publicly three times now. But good ole Randy keeps going back to the well for more punishment. It's almost like he enjoys it. I'm guessing that Rand is looking for some redemption. Hint..this ain't the way to get it.

Do you support U.S. companies moving to China to avoid U.S. environmental regulations?

I'm sorry. I'm not sinking into this shit well of conspiracy theory.
Must be desperate pickings in Kentucky. If your best choice for a Senator is this colossal douchebag. I believe Fauci has handed Rand his ass publicly three times now. But good ole Randy keeps going back to the well for more punishment. It's almost like he enjoys it. I'm guessing that Rand is looking for some redemption. Hint..this ain't the way to get it.

Do you support U.S. companies moving to China to avoid U.S. environmental regulations?

I'm sorry. I'm not sinking into this shit well of conspiracy theory.

Must be desperate pickings in Kentucky. If your best choice for a Senator is this colossal douchebag. I believe Fauci has handed Rand his ass publicly three times now. But good ole Randy keeps going back to the well for more punishment. It's almost like he enjoys it. I'm guessing that Rand is looking for some redemption. Hint..this ain't the way to get it.

Do you support U.S. companies moving to China to avoid U.S. environmental regulations?

I'm sorry. I'm not sinking into this shit well of conspiracy theory.

The National Institutes of Health has given millions of dollars to scientists studying coronaviruses. That funding didn't cause the COVID-19 pandemic.

I clearly stated that I am not saying it caused this. I'm saying it asks some questions we need answers. It's not a conspiracy to note that research that was banned here went to China to be done.
Paul has questioned Fauci on more than 1 occasion, yet I don't recall if Paul asked these questions of Fauci.
Fauci comes across as quite manipulative, self-centered, and dangerous.

That bum was on TV this morning being interviewed again and I can't even take the guy anymore, but in seeing him, it occurred to me that when Trump was in office, they had to go to Donald directly on everything, I don't know if it was the media's desire or Trump's insistence, but now that Obidden's in, you don't see Joe on TV being directly interviewed on, well, ANYTHING.

It's as if Joe just doesn't have the time.
Those who are holding COVID-19’s origin and biological history esoteric hostage want the prisoners to bicker amongst themselves about conspiracy. Those who don’t buy conspiracy still must face the fact that there’s at least two different, evolving populations of COVID-19. One in the non-natural host, Homo sapiens, and the other evolving in nature, where it came from. The lab theory doesn’t hold water, and can be fairly easily refuted. Remember, African Darks are still being made to do mushroom imitations about the reservoir of ebola, which is still unknown in spite of a vaccine that works against it. How does the scientist-roosterfish manage to leave nature out of it? In pursuing the origins question, Fauci’s sloth, at least in msm, was palpable And suspicious. There is indeed something funky going on. Lastly, we remind the reader that ebola vaccine is based on a virus that infects cattle (VSV), and that Cetacea (which includes cows) have already been implicated as reservoir of COVID-19 (ex., Yangtze Finless Porpoise).
But Rand loses it when asking why we should be doing gain-of-function, because the E484K mutation shows precisely why the lab theory fails, as well as being the most likely C-19 amino acid mutation candidate for vaccine adjustments in the future, because the Siena, Italy study showed that it allowed the virus to break through convalescent serum neutralization.

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