Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE): Trump's executive orders on unemployment is unconstitutional

Here is some advice for Sasse and every member of Congress Republican and Democrat you don't like Trumps EO get off your useless, lazy overpaid fucking asses and do your dam job. You are the ones who are suppossed to come up with legislation to deal with these problems but you are more interested in trying to figure out how you can use it to your advantage this November. So until all of you are ready to do your job STFU about the EO.
Does Donald Trump have the legal authority to issue these executive orders? This conservative senator says no:

I have no big problem with the $400/Wk unemployment extension if he actually has the authority to spend it, when it has not been appropriates, which I doubt. The suspension of payroll taxes is probably within his powers, but I think it is a mistake, possibly with the intent to damage medicare and social security.
Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE): Trump's executive orders on unemployment is unconstitutional
So what Senator Sasse, you won't do anything to stop him. Only a handful of Democrats have made sincere efforts to do this. The rest typically collaborate with the congressional Republicans to screw average Americans.

For progressives who don't believe this, check the voting records of the long-serving Democrats. When necessary, there will always be enough congressional Democrats voting to help pass Republican legislation to benefit the ruling billionaire class. Legislation that screws the rest of us.

Does Donald Trump have the legal authority to issue these executive orders? This conservative senator says no:

I have no big problem with the $400/Wk unemployment extension if he actually has the authority to spend it, when it has not been appropriates, which I doubt. The suspension of payroll taxes is probably within his powers, but I think it is a mistake, possibly with the intent to damage medicare and social security.

It was the rare good move by the blob.
Does Donald Trump have the legal authority to issue these executive orders? This conservative senator says no:

I have no big problem with the $400/Wk unemployment extension if he actually has the authority to spend it, when it has not been appropriates, which I doubt. The suspension of payroll taxes is probably within his powers, but I think it is a mistake, possibly with the intent to damage medicare and social security.

Trump wants to buy some votes with our money--he doesn't care about medicare.

Money is Congress's job..they should invalidate any Trump EO..they can if they wish..and vote clear-cut policy.
I have no big problem with the $400/Wk unemployment extension if he actually has the authority to spend it, when it has not been appropriates, which I doubt. The suspension of payroll taxes is probably within his powers, but I think it is a mistake, possibly with the intent to damage medicare and social security.
Ending Medicare and Social Security is a good thing. We should have done it a long time ago.
If Democrats actually gave a shit about the Americans that lost their jobs due to COVID President Trump wouldn't have to sign executive orders to extend much needed help. Democrats playing politics with people’s lives is just f’ing pathetic.
Another effin RINO.
I disagree. I think congress isn't doing it's job, so the president is trying to do it for them. And... I don't believe he should do that. Because he does, the next one does as well.

I don't give a shit who started it when... That's one of the major checks in the checks and balances of this system. Congress pays for shit. Not the president. ALWAYS REMEMBER THERE WILL ONE DAY BE A DEMOCRAT BACK IN THAT SEAT.
I have no big problem with the $400/Wk unemployment extension if he actually has the authority to spend it, when it has not been appropriates, which I doubt. The suspension of payroll taxes is probably within his powers, but I think it is a mistake, possibly with the intent to damage medicare and social security.
Ending Medicare and Social Security is a good thing. We should have done it a long time ago.

Let Trump campaign on that...
Repubs don't care about the constitution anymore than they do deficits.
Trump cares about getting the right results. American will be better for all that Trump has done. Less dead weight since many who died of Coronavirus were leaching off the SS system. We will be better off financially. Most of the Coronavirus victims were darkies, another plus for America. Less of these liberal voters will make it more difficult for Democrats to get their socialist candidates elected.
Repubs don't care about the constitution anymore than they do deficits.
Trump cares about getting the right results. American will be better for all that Trump has done. Less dead weight since many who died of Coronavirus were leaching off the SS system. We will be better off financially. Most of the Coronavirus victims were darkies, another plus for America. Less of these liberal voters will make it more difficult for Democrats to get their socialist candidates elected.
You must smoke a lot of crack. Pro life right? The debt trump has created does not make us better. Trump is looking like the socialist. You seen all the bailouts?

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